“We found a witch; may we burn her?”
Damn. I’m just not brave enough to go with the dark values… but these are just absolutely phenomenal. I’ve been looking and LOOKING at these off and on trying to see how I’d replicate it. I don’t think it would be hard other than I just lack the confidence to go for subtlety over more glaring colour values and intensities. I’m going to have to commit to trying to emulate this, as there’s a gritty realism to the models that’s also pleasing in how simple it looks… and that apparent simplicity is going to be deceiving I think once I start slathering paint on models. For sure I’ll take it too far
@Nicodemus high praise - thank you. I assure you it’s the dirtiest slapchop speed painting you’ve ever seen with a few highlights added on. And the secret to the gritty look is aggrax by the pint
These look great jac, we need morr!
A lot of these models had their debut game tonight. A victory for the empire over the goblin horde.
Wonderful, absolutely epic!
Really love the idea of foot knights but something the empire list currently lacks. However, used a box of blood bowl minis to make a small unit. Smashed them together with some stormcast and state troop bits.
So here is my take on foot knights and a foot knight hero
(Rules wise, will be teutogen guard - hence the hammers- and a wolf priest)
And the hero (foot knight hero but counts as wolf priest. Needed to run teutogen guard in old world)
Biggest job was making the stormcast guy not like 8ft tall. Took a lot more surgery than the end result suggests! He’s made out of a stormcast, some Demi gryph knight spares and some left over bits from the blood bowl box.
Hot. Damn.
Another win for the empire tonight!
Wood elves and empire armies, both far from home and dying of thirst in a seemingly endless desert discover the same oasis at the same time…
Scouts stumble into each other by the water’s edge and they decide very quickly afterwards that they simply cannot share. They run back to their lines and prepare for battle!
This was a scenario from the old generals compendium:
This was the scenario and rules. We added an extra house rule that the oasis was dangerous terrain. Not because it was deadly, but because the wound taken represented soldiers abandoning their duty and rushing off to drink thirstily/ be bemused and enticed by mirages etc
Was a great battle with lots of twists and turns. Some good manoeuvres on the empire side and some very unfortunate dice rolls on the elven cavalry combined to swing the battle towards the humans.
They claimed the oasis and saw the knife ears off.
Nice one!
Love the army. Those Imperial Ogres are killer!
Damn that looks good. Such a great style!
These are coming out at a blistering pace and all looking amazing. Still watching with envy. Carry on
Orcs approach the castle…
Defenders take to the battlements.
A steam tank lies in wait, should the gate be forced open.
Pelted by gunfire and artillery , a large group of orcs reach the castle walls.
They scale the walls and the defenders make their stand.
The reinforcements arrive…
However, the defenders are over ran and the orcs claim many sections of the wall.
An enormous rogue idol climbs upon the gate house and takes control of it, killing many of its defenders.
The relief force of knights mop up many of the orcs on the battlefield but nothing can be done for those within the castle.
The gatehouse, no longer controlled by the humans is now an obstacle in the remaining defenders way. They must escape. The steam tank batters down the door from inside.
The last survivors escape the castle, while greenskins celebrate on the castle walls.
The knights allow for the remaining men to get away. But many have laid down their lives and little has been achieved. The orcs seize the day.
This is Warhammer at its best! So awesome!
Love the shields!