"In which we imagine EvilFuzzyDoom happy" [BATG 2024]

I’ve gotten some hobby time in, and managed to complete a few things.

First up, six Brutes for my Turnip28 collection:

That leaves my assembled Turnip collection completely painted. I’m not certain at this point whether I’m going to make any more of them, although they are a bit of fun to work on. I still have a fairly large stash of Perry Historicals that I bought for the project, so I might rifle around in the pile for bits to make another Toff and some Chaff if the urge strikes me. For now, though, they’re done.

Additionally, I’ve repainted three Sentinels that I’ve had kicking around for at least twenty years:

They’ve been through the wars, and never got based, so I did a little surgery: I removed the random additional armour and gubbins that a certain teenager adorned them with; I clipped off the roll cages since they’d been damaged some time ago; and I gave all the pilots new heads to match the rest of my same-era guard collection.

Someone in my circle has been posting pictures of his batch painting, so I’ve been inspired to pull a pile of old guardsmen out of storage and see if I can apply the same discipline:

We’ll see how we go.

Nine models off the pile, and that brings me back into the negatives!

BATG Score: -6 :white_check_mark: