"In which we imagine EvilFuzzyDoom happy" [BATG 2024]

The Van Saar scouts are painted!

These guys will serve as Catachans in 40k (note the flamers) and as Reconnaissance squads in 30k Militia. I wanted them to feel grungy and stealthy, to suit those roles.

I used my paint palette for the rest of the Heresy Militia for these guys, only leaving out the sky blue I occasionally use on lenses and plasma coils:

  1. Prime Rustoleum Flat Grey
  2. All-over basecoat Garaghak’s Sewer/AP Dark Wood
  3. Drybrush Ionrach Skin
  4. Lighter drybrush Deepkin Flesh
  5. Paint skin Darkoath Flesh
  6. Paint hair Gore-Grunta Fur
  7. Paint weapon bodies, pipes and rebreathers with Black Templar/AP Grim Black
  8. Paint markings and eyes Khorne Red and highlight with Wazdakka Red
  9. Paint metals Leadbelcher/Vallejo Metal Colour Steel
  10. Wash the entire model AP Strong Tone diluted 50:50 with AP Quickshade Medium

They were so simple that I was able to do almost everything on the couch in front of the TV with my wife. I only had to stop when it got dark, and came back to do the metals, final wash and basing at my hobby desk.

If only everything was so easy!

10 off the pile.

BATG Score: -26 :white_check_mark: