"In which we imagine EvilFuzzyDoom happy" [BATG 2024]

Okay, well it looks like the 30k Death Guard are a new project. I got very excited about the colour scheme so I spent the weekend crafting a slow-grow list for them and made a few mail orders.

The first among them was a MkIII Command Squad, more for the bodies and bits than wanting to build it as per the box:

The second was ten more MkIII Marines, and a set of heavy weapons to upgrade them.

These two purchases together were all I needed for my first 500 points.

The customisation of Horus Heresy is what really has me hooked. I just want to fish through my mountain of bits and put together dudes.

Like the rapier battery and Centurion I built out of the other leftover MkVI parts I had (I found the shoulder pads!). They’re all ready to prime, just waiting for some decent weather. I absolutely intend to get 500 points done by the end of the year, but we’ll see how we go.

For the time being, fifteen onto the pile.

BATG Score: +108 :negative_squared_cross_mark: