Where’s that noise coming from? The overwhelmed sobbing?
Oh right, it’s me.
Seven more on the pile.
BATG Score: +49
Where’s that noise coming from? The overwhelmed sobbing?
Oh right, it’s me.
Seven more on the pile.
BATG Score: +49
I’m so behind on CDO. You’ve been busy (both painting and buying)!
Looking forward to seeing the wraithguard in your scheme
Oh dear, I thought I’d posted these already:
Two packs, eight tiles.
I have the Wraithguard on the painting table at the moment, but it’s been a crazy couple of weeks and I’ve not had much time to work on them. They’re finicky little beggars, too, so it might be a little while.
Still, eight on the pile.
BATG Score: +57
I don’t have a problem. You have a problem.
A few evenings ago, I was checking to see what Zone Mortalis terrain was available on Amazon and I must have mis-clicked without paying attention because this arrived today:
[Picture goes here]
Amazon checkout makes it very easy to make impulse purchases.
Anyway, I’m not 100% sure how much all of this counts for…
In terms of models, the set includes:
I’m not going to count the turn marker or booby traps as models, since they’re so small they’re more like debris and will probably end up on a scenic base.
That means this is 51 models for the time being. I mean to sell the gangs since I don’t actually want to play Necromunda, but they’ll count towards my total until I can offload them.
I’ll have to do a big scenery painting binge at some point, or I’m going to fail all my goals for this year! It’s not like the terrain is actually hard to do, but getting things built and primed has been a real hassle this year and I want to see if I can use some cheat codes with spray cans or airbrush to save some time on it all.
Yaaaayyyy over 100
BATG Score: +108
I don’t have a problem. You have a problem.
A few evenings ago, I was checking to see what Zone Mortalis terrain was available on Amazon and I must have mis-clicked without paying attention because this arrived today:
Amazon checkout makes it very easy to make impulse purchases.
Anyway, I’m not 100% sure how much all of this counts for… let’s count it!
In terms of models, the set includes:
I’m going to count the crates as a single model, because they’re getting glued to a single base and given a rough speedpaint treatment.
I’m not going to count the turn marker or booby traps as models, since they’re so small they’re more like debris and will probably end up on a scenic base.
That means this is 47 models for the time being. I mean to sell the gangs since I don’t actually want to play Necromunda, but they’ll count towards my total until I can offload them.
I’ll have to do a big scenery painting binge at some point, or I’m going to fail all my goals for this year! It’s not like the terrain is actually hard to do, but getting things built and primed has been a real hassle this year and I want to see if I can use some cheat codes with spray cans or airbrush to save some time on it all.
Yaaaayyyy over 100
BATG Score: +104
This arrived today:
A Zone Mortalis Hive Warzone! This box came out with the Zone Mortalis terrain as a bundle set, and contains (almost) 2 sets of columns and walls, 2 sets of promethium relay pipes, 1 set of platforms & stairs, and 1 set of barricades and objectives.
It was a genuine bargain, it’s still in shrink and it’s super sold-out. The pipes are out of produciton, the columns and walls are sold out everywhere, and the whole thing cost me much much less than the separate parts would have. Thank you, random eBay seller!
I have no regrets.
Counting it up though…
The contents are:
As before, I’m going to count the promethium relay pipes as 4 models each (because they’ll get chopped and changed), I’m going to count the crates as a single model, and I’m not going to count the booby traps or the turn marker.
The platform set wasn’t in my plans, since I’m looking to use this as a single-storey-only terrain set. Even so, I feel like the wide platforms, the stairs and the lift will count as 1 each, while the rest are just accessories.
So that comes to a grand total of…
51 on the pile.
F in chat, please everyone. I might actually need to reorganise my hobby cupboard to fit all this in.
BATG Score: +155
Also I painted something!
Here are my Yibraesil Wraithblades:
I miss my photo box
I had originally thought I would start an Aeldari army made almost entirely of Wraithguard, but honestly I found these guys really finicky and unforgiving.
Although I’m happy with the colour scheme, I don’t think I’ll be doing any more of them. I’m going to call this project done for now.
After my flurry of terrain purchases I’m going to need to step up quite a bit to clear my backlog by end of year… and hopefully I don’t get brain worms and buy more stuff in the meantime.
5 off the pile!
BATG Score: +150
Okay! The great climb back up the mountain continues! Enthusiasm expedites progress!
This weekend I grabbed ten Chaos Warhounds out of the cupboard and applied speedy painting techniques:
Just a few hours for all ten. They don’t look special, but they’re done. Ready for that tabletop that they will totally see if those friends I have who were very excited about playing The Old World ever actually play it.
Ten off the pile. I can see my house from up here!
BATG Score: +140