Invitation to the Ho-Ho-Hobby Hangout 2023! The whole community is invited.

Art by Paul Bonner, “commissioned” by @Loidrial for non-commercial use, edited badly by @Pyroven . (Click here for details).


Tuesday the 19th, starting at 8pm UK-time.

Other Timezones are as follows:

City Timezone Time
London GMT 8pm
Paris CET 9pm
New York EST 3pm
Authoritative Times

Remember, this is just the starting time, it will undoubtedly last at least a couple of hours so fear not if you can’t be there for the starting time!

What is a Ho-Ho-Hobby Hangout? How do I take part?

Join us for a cup of gløgg by the fireside (inferior other beverages and sitting locations permitted), meet other community members whose blogs you have only been able to commend via text until now, or simply seize the opportunity to praise Ho-Ho-Ho-hut with good friends!

We will all be hopping into a big voice call (perhaps multiple rooms if numbers necessitate) with the whole community to reminisce on and celebrate the year past, or anything at all really. The call will be held on The Official CDO Discord! Everyone is welcome.

See you there!

(Note that this event is not intended to be recorded for YouTube.)


Just for personal gain and blackmail.

(Just kidding ofc)

I might be game, however it wont be a late one as i have to work those days.


hauhuahua what a fantastic bad edit of the bonner drawings hauhuahuahua
i was hoping something like that would pop up at some point huahuauh didnt take long XD
count me in!!!


I’m in! :santa:


I’ll have a time conflict, but maybe I’ll be able to say hello at the start and goodbye three hours later. ^^


I’ll try to make it.

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As I’m sure it goes without saying, I’ll be there myself of course!

Friendly reminder that the event is happening tonight!

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I tried, but I had a full overlap after all. :/
Came online just the moment to see the last person leaving.