Jackswift Surfing the Grey Tide [BATG 2022]

And the fully painted Ork half of the Titan Legions boxed set (my set was missing one Mega Gargant and a couple of appendages on the one I have; so technically almost complete Ork half; I will aquire and paint another at some point), plus 3 extra battlewagons. The really cool part is that the Imperial Titan half of the set is already painted. So this makes for a fully painted box set years in the making (- the missing model). Thank you BATG!

Just 9 models to zero.


Sexy colors man! I love those. Id love to have that in my display case, regardless of if id use it!

Also, great going with the batg!


Bravo! Love them and well done


Got hammered by work the latter half of this month so minimal additional progress amounting to:

  • 1 Armorcast? bunker
  • 2 Epic Chaos models (Cannon of Khorne and Doomblaster)
  • 1 Kerberos model on 40mm base (Enigma miniatures? Will have to look it up again)

Pics to follow as soon as I have time to take them.

Also finished 16 CD Warriors, but they were base coated with some detail work started already. Took quite a bit more work to finish them than I anticipated, but not counting them in the total.

Have 8 more CDs and 12 more 50mm base monsters in progress, so will easily get down below that 0 threshold early April.


And those last four models painted in March:

The Kerberos hound is in the middle at the back of the unit below. Also finished the 16 models in the unit. They already had some paint so not counted towards the BATG count but total tracked below:

Current Status:

:heavy_plus_sign: New Miniatures Purchased: 34
:heavy_plus_sign: New Large-Scale Models Purchased: 0
:heavy_minus_sign: Miniatures Painted: 29
:heavy_minus_sign: Large Scale Models Painted: 0

Total BATG Progress: +5

:heavy_minus_sign: Finishing/Re-Paint/Re-Work (not totalled in BATG): 16
:heavy_minus_sign: Existing Models Sold: 0

Total Progress including Finishing/Rework: -11

I have made progress on 7 models in my Berserker unit and 6 Obsidian Golems this week. Hope to finish at least one of these units by the weekend.


Very little progress on anything this month. Real life has taken front and center stage pushing most of my hobbies to the back seat for a bit. Hoping to get at least a small number of models done before month end. Making progress on one large scale model I have been working on as well.


Not jealous at all of those Ork Titan Legions :expressionless:


@Smiddy, Thanks very much, Sir. More Epic incoming.

Some progress, finally at -1. Anticipate a major purchase shortly, but holding off for another couple of days; so unlikely I’ll stay negative very long. Painted 5 relatively simple Sedition Wars models which have been in my to do pile since the game came out. Not complex, but it’s stuff off my pile. -1 one BATG count for a bit. Have more of these on my desk, and several other models PIP. Perhaps may knock off a few more models tomorrow night before EOM. Pics to follow when I have time. Cheers,


Finally had a chance to take some shots of the Sed Wars models finished in April. These will likely end up as troops for some other Sci Fi game but are playable for Sed Wars. I know it looks a bit like I phoned it in for April, but the transparent camo models need something extra on the bases to give them visual interest. The bases took a fair amount of time compared to my normal quick dry brush bases, with 13-14 colors used in each and the under lighting effect. Happy with how they came out. Now to finish the unit and do some of the non-transparent camo troops… Hopefully more progress in May.


Been a month of acquisition with no completed painted models so far. All very targeted acquisitions but acquisition nonetheless.

Some Ork Gargants including the missing one from my Titan Legions box set. Once that is painted like the other (in the shot) the box set is fully painted and the price for these all together was less than half of what I would have paid to pick them up individually:

Next a lot of long OOP Ilyad Games 32mm models. These normally go for $20-$50 per model. Got the whole lot for the cost of a single model and only one single sword bit is missing. Beautiful sculpts. Really looking forward to getting paint on most of these guys. Even one in there that might make a K’daai:

+38 for me.

Time to sell some models to thin the herd, and lay some paint. Cheers!


Been many months since I lay paint, but getting back to it for some upcoming gaming. I will have an update this month with at least 10+ models completed. Some WIP Epic, almost done:.


Well, some progress after many months, and quite a lot on my table.

Finished 18 Epic Ork stands and one Gargant
Finished 1 Stonehaven Giant Oni
Finished 1 1/60 Battletech Raven Mech (finished a few months ago, but didn’t add to tally)

In progress, another 18 Ork stands in progress, KoW gargoyles, and a couple of CD units, test paint on some Spartans for KoW Historical, proxy Konflict47 Weird War Germans (mix of Raging Heroes Iron Empire and converted Dust Axis models, ball tanks, etc), several terrain pieces for epic, + a few other odds and ends. Hope to keep the progress going into December and get back well below zero.

— corrected totals… Apparently adding and subtracting is more difficult than it looks —

:heavy_plus_sign: New Miniatures Purchased: 0
:heavy_plus_sign: New Large-Scale Models Purchased: 0
:heavy_minus_sign: Miniatures Painted: 20
:heavy_minus_sign: Large Scale Models Painted: 1

Total BATG Progress: +16


And the painted models. Stonehaven Oni Giant:

18 Epic Ork stands including multiple unit types, and 1 Gargant. Most of the stands have between 12 and 15 colors used, but still moderately quick to paint due to the small size and general lack of detail:

Cheers, JR


Love that giant! And brilliant colours all round. Say what you want about Orks but they have a great colour palette :wink:

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Been having a banner month. 16 models or terrain pieces done including one entire unit, and 14 more two thirds done; aiming to finish those up in the next 3 days. Will post up some pics in the next couple of days. Half of these are a new army that I’ve had in hand for quite some time but never laid paint on. I have far too many of those.

And the above is with 10 days off of painting, to build the GH entry. Took this one a bit to congeal, but it’s coming along nicely now. 3/4 done with mostly fiddly bits remaining. Hope to have the build done by the end of next week.

Going forward my plan is to finish a minimum of couple of units worth of models every month. Unit size will likely vary, but this will have a greater impact on my pile over time, and help me build playable armies with a speed I have never achieved before. My Epic Orks being 2/3 done now where start of the year none had paint is the prime example of what I am going for.


Well, only 16 models finished in Dec. I let myself get distracted by the GH build, always enjoy building more than painting. GH build is done except for 4 small bits. Will be done and possibly primed tonight. The other 16 models in the works are not far off, just not finished. Will finish in Jan once the GH model is done. Also picked up a lot of 22 Superior Models Terran empire ships that cam up unexpectedly (been on my list for a few years), and 6 Confrontation Celt archers.

Models painted include:

  • Two Epic Ork Battlewagon
  • One Resin Generator terrain piece
  • 3 Greek Spartan Warriors for a KoW Historical army. One Warlord Games, 2 from Tale of War. The army will be made up of an eclectic misc of models that have been waiting in the wings for some time
  • unit of 10 Gargoyles for KoW CD army. A mix of Reaper (bones and metal), Chronopia, and Chainmail models with some minor custome posing, and a few odd bits thrown in. Pics to follow as soon as I have a chance.

:heavy_plus_sign: New Miniatures Purchased: 28
:heavy_plus_sign: New Large-Scale Models Purchased: 0
:heavy_minus_sign: Miniatures Painted: 16
:heavy_minus_sign: Large Scale Models Painted: 1

Total BATG Progress: +28

Overall happy with my progress this year. Given that I really participated in any decent manner 5 months or so out of the year, I’ve no complaints about getting 72 models done. Most years, I’ve perhaps painted half of that. BATG was both a great incentive to paint when I might have otherwise done very little, and a good glass through which to look at potential purchase through and gauge whether they really made sense. I intend to paint 1-3 squads of soldiers most months in the coming year. We shall see how it goes.


Aaaand pics of the December completed models:

And a pic of the models painted in 2022:

The flame golem and front model with the saw blade on that base were painted prior, but they are all glued down as part of the same unit for KoW. Also the 1/60 Battletech Raven is not in the shot. Will start the 2023 blog soon. Cheers!