Pretty new to the forum but have been looking over the site for a while to get ideas for my build.
I used to go into the games workshop when I was younger and ended up stopping playing and painting but before I did I started collecting the forge world legion of azgorh models.
Luckily enough I had only ever base coated 10 infernal guard with fire glaives and the rest were still on sprites in bags.
So with the understanding that it’s the old world now I have written a 2000pt list and going to attempt to stick to it. For those who haven’t seen the thread where I posted please see below.
Sorcerer prophet 475pts
Level 4
Bale Taurus
Dark forged weapon
Mantle of stone
Talisman of protection
Armour of meteoric iron
Black Orc war boss 354pts
Great weapon
Enchanted shield
Trollhide trousers
Effigy of Mork
Daemonsmith Sorcerer 115pts
Ruby ring of ruin
10 Infernal Guard 160pts
15 Black Orcs 274pts
Full command
12 shields
7 great weapons
Da angry ladz flag
12 hobgoblin cutthroats 36pts
Short bows
12 hobgoblin cutthroats 36pts
Short bows
Iron daemon 310pts
Deathshrieker rocket launcher 120pts
Deathshrieker rocket launcher 120pts
I have painted two of the fireglaives but in different schemes pictures aren’t the best but c&c much appreciated!
Your list is pretty good I would say, though I have had little success with fireglavies personally. It lines up with most of the meta I’ve seen so far. Can vouch for hobgoblin short bows
Like the colour schemes! The gold looks fantastic, it would be my preference over the bronze. Though perhaps the head could be more highlighted? I would perhaps make it a silver metal like some of the accents you have on the shoulder and elbow. The bronze is nice and well painted too, I just think black isnt a good fit for a complimentary colour.
Thank you for the compliments on the gold, to be brutally honest I’m unsure on both schemes!
The gold stands out more but to me doesn’t scream chaos dwarf it shouts more dwarf then anything…
I agree with the views on the black helmet with the bronze, I was thinking it’d be more suited to chaos, wastelands sorta thing… that was my thinking behind that colour scheme.
The fireglaives in the list is more so because I have them I guess would love to go for blunderbuss but with the way the list is I can’t fit them in. Also can’t seem to find any conversions for the LoA models that I like
Happy to see you starting a blog! Gold is definitely very striking if you keep a very subdued secondary colour! Otherwise bronze is a perennial favorite
Hoping you have a fun time but why claim to have created the list when it’s over on YouTube and in the UK scene don’t want to shame it’s a successful list no harm in using it just don’t know why you’d not admit to using it
Being brutally honest here it’s not something I realised was on the internet. I’ve literally gone off the items which I have brand new in bags still from when I was collecting years a go, and adding orcs to the list because of reading on this forum. The only thing which I don’t have is an iron daemon. The rest I have un assembled.
So going through my old boxes whilst sorting everything out I have managed to find more leigon of azgorh bits!
So I now have in total
20 infernal guard
Drazhoath the ashen
3 sorcerers
6 bull centaurs
2 death shreiker rockets
I have opened the bags up and it appears that the death shreikers have been poorly cast and seem to have warped/ bent in places. Has anyone else had this issue before and could you advise on what to do here?
I will upload pictures later to show what I mean, maybe this is correct I do not know
When the pieces are heated up they become soft and malleable, so you got to be careful during that step. But you can then bend them too shape and they will (more or less) hold that shape when they cool off again. I did that with my LoA models and it worked quite well.
So today I have attempted to heat up the death shreikers and it has seemed to work! So thank you for that advice.
Although I do have other questions with regards to building cinderbreath how has everyone pinned and magnetised it as I feel that it will need it for transportation!
I have also popped into my local Warhammer shop and they had the chaos dwarf blood bowl team so I had to pick that up!
No, wings are glued. That magnet under the saddle is small, 3x2 maybe? something like that. And I don’t think I’ve pinned the wings either, I’ve just used two-part-epoxy.
So I’ve managed to get a couple more painted hoping to get the rest of the unit painted today!
So that’s 5 that are finished of the ironglaives but I’m struggling to get 25mm bases at a suitable price!
I’ve also found that as I’ve been painting the brushes have started to split which has been a great annoyance I have been using the warhammer ones but just don’t feel they are up to scratch for what I feel they should be doing, so with that I have treated myself to a couple of Artis opus brushes! I wanted to buy a set but couldn’t justify the money as I wouldn’t be using all of them so I purchased a 00 and a 1 of the S series. I can honestly say the difference in brushes is straight away different the amount of paint they hold and the point holding as you are painting.
I will also be attempting to build the blood bowl box of I get time today also. From what I can see on the sprites they would be great for someone willing to do conversions to turn them into the old world miniatures!
Hey guy. Just want to say: yes, this is a good competitive list for a non-comp (barring maybe a second iron daemon), but the frenzy banner on the orcs man… Voluntarily giving infantry frenzy is just crazy to me. A good or even average player can and will stunlock them with impossible charge attempts for the whole game. The few attacks you get (and promptly lose when you lose a combat) are not worth the massive drawback of having to declare charges whenever. Raggedy banner, war banner, or nothing, imo
Also: if this is an Azgorh army… They didn’t have access to wyverns, did they? Or any other greenskins besides hobos, for that matter
Once I start playing with the army, I’ll be able to see if the frenzy is worth it… it may not be, until I know how to play with the army we shall see I guess…
The list is from the old world legacies list which allows you to use black orcs and warboss’
Right so before I steam ahead building the bale tarus I have some concerns
I have slowly started to assembly the model but the gaps are horrific has anyone else had this issue?