Lord Aldades faces the Medusa: BATG 2024

I saw this lovely initiative when I re-joined the community in 2023, and decided it is a good motivational system to battle my greys (blues, greens, whatever colour they cast or print in these days) in the coming year.

With a backlog that stands today, the 1st of january, already at 422 models, and more bound to join the ranks, I aim to paint off a lot of those. Most of the models are either Chaos Dwarf suited or Warhammer Underworlds, though quite some loose stuff for solo gaming is lingering around in boxes as well.

So for the coming year, I too will join the challenge in a goal to reduce the victims Medusa makes and save more then are turned to gray stone!

Start: 422 models

Bought: 1
Painted: 1
Result: 0

Bought: 14
Painted: 3
Result: + 11

Bought: 13
Painted: 13
Result: 0

Bought: 1
Painted: 8
Result: - 7

Bought: 17
Painted: 17
Result: 0

Bought: 1
Painted: 1
Result: 0

Bought: 1
Painted: 7
Result: - 6

Bought: 9
Painted: 8
Result: + 1

Bought: 98
Painted: 18
Result: + 80

Bought: 17
Painted: 45
Result: - 28

Bought: -
Painted: 33
Sold: 47
Result: - 80

Bought: 50
Painted: 35
Result: + 15

The final numbers
Bought: 222
Painted: 189
Sold: 47
Result: - 14

May the brush strike true, the slaves be gathered for the ranks, and the forces grow immensely!


And the head of of the proverbial snake-lady, as the first figure for 2024 has been finished.

A Warcry Fomoroid Crusher, though he will be either be the enemy in the Underworlds solo rules, or be part of the Regiment of Renown to fight alongside my Dawi’Zharr in AoS.


I like the painting style, almost has a fantasy borderlands look!


To be honest, I love painting that style ever since I discovered it about 20 years ago in a Kevin Dallimore article in Wargames Illustrated, I believe it was a how to on the then brand new Foundry Darkest Africa range.

Not the fastest of styles, but I adapted it as I s**k in drybrushing or heaven forbid wetblending and all those other youngling terms these days :wink:

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And the balance counter for january ticks back to 0, as I just couldn’t pass this lovely little guy up for a decent price.


Best model of the range, well done

Okay, so februari might not have started good for my numbers this month, as this fell in the mailbox.

Planned to use for an TOW Wood Elf force, they where at 50% discount at Fantasywelt.de, so I couldn’t pass them up. The infantry boxes came to 11 euro each, the elementals at 15… and that is 14 models to the tally added.

I promise to compensate for them this month in painted figures, I really do!


I hate it when unsolicited wood elves invade the mailbox. How rude of them. Not even the postal service is safe from their reign of tyranny.


Yeah. Pffft… more like “RUDEWars” … Never trust an elf!


Nothing fancy yet to show, just a little puppy for a RoSD planned campaign.


So we finished some bigger boys at last, mostly with the intention of using them in solo ga;ing and roleplay sessions.

A classic metal Wood Elf Treeman, whom I did base on 50mm just in case I might field a Wood Elf force in TOW (rather unlikely in the near future).

And this beast, from the old metal Clan Wars range, who will serve as an Alchemical Monstrosity for the Frostgrave solo scenario of the same name, should I actually find time to put a solo game in. Toddles and tables with miniatures, not the best of combinations…

Now onwards to the next batch to try and redeem the purchase numbers of february for this month’s scorecard…


This going the wrong way for the scores, but I couldn’t pass these lovely fella’s up.

I promise to finsih a unit this month and get working on those positive to negative numbers, I really do :smiley:


Yesasss, finished a warband for Modheim, that’s 8 back down of the counter!

Slowly and steadily we will be working back to those negative scores… if GW keeps a lid on to many Underworlds releases or events have bargain bins with things I need hehehe.


An unexpected loot haul at today’s Bring and Buy event in the local wargame club, Tin Soldiers of Antwerp.

All this still sealed Underworlds (Beastgrave core box only had the outer wrapper removed) for a measly 50 euro, that was something I couldn’t pass up.

Luckily cough for the challenge, the Champions of Dreadfane is the box I was after, the Rippa’s and the Core Box will be traded away, so my counter only rises once more, by 7 this time…



And we actually finished a warband for Underworlds, just big enough, to end this month on a 0 score.

I really should get into action and more importantly, stop buying, as the first three months of the challenge don’t look to sucesfull now do they…


I don’t know if it technically counts as a purchase, but for the fun of it I’ll add it to the tally.

Today I went to play a Warhammer Underworlds tournament in Halle (near Brussels) and took the win home after 4 rounds of battling, I’ll post the tourney report later this week for those intrested.

But as I price one could take his pick from three different character models, and I opted for the Tidecaster as I still have an Idoneth army since 2nd ed, which probably gets painted halfway 4th or so.


And as promised above, for those intrested is THIS the event report I wrote for yesterday’s Underworlds tournament

And the second warband for Underworlds this year has been finished, hoozaah.

With these Idoneth coming out of the recent Deathgorge box, and playing totally different from the Soulraid I took to Halle, this will take some learning curve again.

But it also subtracts 4 models from the painting tally, and that is after all what we are aiming. Now to start working on some “jugular veins lovers”…


And a second warband for Underworlds left the painting table for this month, with the neck-romancers of the Crimson Court being finished. It’s not much, but it’s another 4 models to be substracted from my numbers…


And up goes the counter again, as I picked up this (french edition) of Stormbringer 16 for the 6 scenery pieces from Beastgrave. Seeing that those boxes tend to go on eBay for around 40 euro, not a bad catch at all.