I guess I can say it is time to throw the towel in the idea that I might complete the challenge this year succesfully…
On the good news part, I finished another one of the Beastgrave terrain pieces, only one more to go in the set.
But I also picked up my Chaos Dwarf Blood Bowl team today, raising the bar again by 14, more then I managed to complete so far this month.
So I guess the smart thing to do now is go on an insane shopping spree to comfort myself for failing, and try again next year to see if we can paint more then we buy next year (as if, I’m terrible at these challenges )
The club hosted a Bring and Buy event today, in which my small impression can be read here.
Now, I did some purchases, though not everything is for me (like the Bolt Action or the Blood Bowl, they are for gaming buddies not present at the event) but included on the little post for an idea of the bargains to be scored.
For me in this challenge right now, it are three figures, namely these ones:
Though that box of Rohirrim will be coming my way as well, but that is for the december numbers hehehe
Yeah, the succesfully completing the challenge this year boat sinks faster then the Titanic hitting 7 icebergs at once…
One project I’m working out for next year, is a fresh solo gaming campaign called “Slavers of Shadow Deep”. This will be a campaign from the acclaimed Rangers of Shadow Deep game, but starring a budding sorcerer prophet who wants to use the encroaching darkness as a tool for his own agenda.
The warband will be following “soon” (which at my paint rate is in about 3-4 months), but I did manage to print and paint some suitable “trees” (I often game in Middle Earth as well, so littered ruins and pillars are a thing).
But first, five other units for projects need attention… so much to do, so limited time.
Finally a unit for my “regular” army, as 10 Blunderbusses join the ranks of the Clan Vongalazthag.
Models are Fabelzel prints, they paint up so nicely.
Next in line, more Underworlds before moving to Blood Bowl… and the Artisan contest somewhere in between
And thus it comes to pass on this Hollow’s Eve, the month will be closed with a suitable finished unit: Drepur’s Wraithkeepers from Warhammer Underworlds.
Though I painted these up for some solo game efforts in the future, because you might never know when one needs some horse-shaped ghosts on the table…
Yesterday, all my Underworlds painting resulted in joining a tournament once again
Now, what also happened there, with the advent of the new edition coming in, is that I sold some unpainted warbands from the last lot I bought. Bands I already had painted up and as they where in there I had something of “well, maybe in some other colours for solo-gaming or such”. But as others still where looking to complete their collections, I sold them to people at the event.
As such from those 98 models I acquired in september, 47 have been sold off again in the end. I lowered them on my top post as a result, though I guess in the oversight excell, I just substract them from the bought models tab I guess
And the Blood Bowl team, now that I gotten round to make a team picture
Next project: to begin work on the models for the Escalation League I’ve signed up for… and some loose ends left and right in between
Finished two characters for various forces last evening, the first being my Secret Zanta from the past year, sculpted by Wolfbaneart and gifted to me by @Loidrial
The second one is an old classic Jade wizard, who will become the initial general of my 500 “starting points” in the club’s The Old World Escalation League 2025 (you could start painting this november for it, in order to have at least some models done by the start of the battle round 1 in january). For those wondering, an Escalation league is generally a Tale of Four Gamers, albeit with some lower number in our case. The goal is to have around 2k finished by october 2025, in jumps of between 150 and 240 points depending how you paint and fight.
A final little thing finished are these 15mm K’daai for Hordes of The Things (HOTT, basically fantasy DBA), using the small Oni from the Shadowlands faction Clan Wars range.
It has been a good weekend for getting some paint splattered, now to work on those Escalation league’ers for a bit and some small side projects, while tackling my Artisan Contest entry.
looking great! my sorcerer is really vibrant! love the talisman one as well!!
On the day edition 2 is released, I finally finished the last terrain piece for edition 1…
… which doesn’t fit anymore in the new, smaller hexes. Oh well, it’ll be good scatter terrain in solo games then instead.
The first of the four initial basic regiments for the Escalation League have been painted up, in the form of a 10 man handgunner unit.
Later as the campaign progresses and the other regiments “grow” these will become a detachment instead, but for now they will have to carry the day on the field of battle.
More troops answer the call of Marienburg, as the core of my Halberdiers unit has been finished.
Now that leaves the Greatswords and the Crossbows to go for the first round of the Escalation League, before starting some more fresh units afterwards.
More troops for the initial 500 points done, with the “core” of the Greatsword unit readied. From the Landsknecht range, these 12 zweihander wielders will have to fill the big shoes of being the hammer in the initial game or two, poor sod’s.
But hopefully, I’ll get round to their command and later on additional numbers in the campaign if all goes more or less normal…
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