Lost Kingdom Miniatures Patreon

I feel your pain, friend, and as inspiring as seeing all that glorious hobby put out there by so many talented people on social media is, it can also make you feel inadequate, especially when the models are so gorgeous.

But then again I think it is as you said, you’re shutting down your views too much. Nobody started on Golden Daemon level, obviously, and a lot can be accomplished with a simple yet effective paint scheme even when the painter is “only” a little above average. Don’t let that stand in your way of having a nice model :slight_smile: And always remember: It is only paint. Nothing is terminal. If you’re really unhappy with your result, you can always strip it and try again (or, in case of printed models, just print another one). Chances are, your next attempt will look better.


@Loidrial @Jasko
Lads, I am a sh#% painter, absolute terrible but you know what I do when I feel exactly like what you both described? I jump on fleabay and look up “Pro Painted Models” … Makes me feel good everytime and I then feel like Michael Anjelo! :smiley:

By the way I think you are both great and would put you both in the Very Good Painters catagory :hatoff:


Hahahajaha this is so true @Deebo :joy::see_no_evil:

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The way I view it is- what am I painting it for? If it’s a golden hat - then yeah I’m gonna spend days on a single model and try my best to achieve that high standard.

Is it for a “beer and pretzels” sort of game (maybe beer and pizza is better? Or beer and a curry? I’m English…I’ve only ever eaten one pretzel in my life I a thought it was disgusting…haha) then as long as it’s got paint on it I’m happy. Look through my pics dude the quality varies a lot haha. It all depends on what I want out of it.


Idk honestly, everything larger than a lamassu to me is too much, those plain souless new style of minis just throw me off.
I love the concept i love the work behind this, they just dont speak to me but its another thing.
Wider surface needs more details and more work involved.
Imagine those bulls painted brown and thats it, i mean, idk it feels just wrong.
I think its even because to me they dont feel like miniatures but more like toys/action figure or actual pc models from a video game.
(This might even be why i just bought some 2nd ed CD :cd1980: ahhahaha)
Yet from the artistic point of view i love all this kind of new stuff. I only Wish i could even be able to sculpt a hoof like that xD

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I totally get that @Loidrial , your more of a 2nd to 4th ed model style yeah?
There is a very distinct style difference between those old mini’s and the style that we often see these days… it is kinda like how movies got great new special FX these days but they are just not the same as the old classic films that did not have all the technology of today and something is lost.
I think the same can be said of painting styles these days as compared to the old days, @Filmdeg is a great example of how the old style was with bright cartoony colours compared to today where paint jobs seem to go for the ultra-realistic. I am a bit of a “tart” myself and do like all the new and old but I must say… nothing gives me the shivers more than that old style like @Filmdeg seems to have perfected.

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I can definitely see both sides. Old miniatures have such great character (so much that lore tidbits tend to write themselves) and there’s something uniquely satisfying about painting them up… but some of the newer style sculpts have certainly sparked ideas for me. Call it the “if I had X bit I could make Y crazy silly idea that could turn out cool if I add this garbage from a literal dead blender and don’t muck it up along the way” effect


Nope im for the hats! :cd1990:
I just bought the 3 2nd ed warmachine because they are actual complete units, and only 2 miniature each so really handy
For the rest, yeah kinda feel that way, and for me it isnt so much of a nostalgia factor because im 31, i wasnt even around when some of those mini cake out lol
But yeah, in my eyes something is missing, but im so so so happy that now we can get such Amazing technology that we can print those things in our livingroom while we sleep. 10/10


My thoughts exactly! There is a tonne of work that goes into the models - I can’t remember who but I follow on instagram someone who is a miniature designer/sculpter currently working for Games Workshop, and I remember when the new Sisters of Battle dropped he made a post talking about them, saying they spent just over a year working on the designs. I get thats a bit of a different ballgame, I’m just not wanting to discredit people’s hard work because its not to my taste :cd1991gif:

I used to have the Bull Taurus lord from Scibor and had intended on using that as my general, but as lovely a model as it is, I also decided it just wasn’t for me. I wouldn’t go as far as to say that model felt a bit souless but I dunno, it felt almost like a toy as you say.

This instagram post by Requiem_82 is worth a read, where he talks about the differences between sculpting back then by hand and compared to today using digital, which brings up some fascinating insight.

I can’t remember where I saw it now, I guess either reddit or one of the various FB groups, but someone had posted a picture of these Chaos Marauder Horsemen from 6th edition with the tag line pretty much saying “I can’t believe this was considered top level painting at one time”

It had loads of comments saying how poor and basic the paintjob on those models is, but I still remember being a teenager and seeing those models and just thinking how awesome they looked, and I still do. In my head I’m like “man I wish I could paint that level”. I guess its just all about the technique of the day and age. Drybrushing was considered the top level skill for a while! Nowadays its all Non-Metallic Metal, Original Light Sourcing, Wet Blending across the entire colour spectrum… Man I just paint in bold block colours! :cd1990:


Many moons ago when I ran the Warhammer club in Orange I took along my Chaos Dwarfs for a battle after I had done some painting on the old 4th ed plastic warriors in the style of old, much like your painting style just not as well executed, someone was questioning my choice of colours. I told them it was done in the old style and showed some pictures to display what I was trying to achieve and they pretty much said the exact same thing with the addition of “they look stupid” to which I replied “well obviously some people, like myself, still consider it a viable style, would be pretty boring if everyone here had the exact same paint job now wouldn’t it” I have always loved variety and can not understand some peoples reasoning behind the mentality of “This is the only way to do something” or “Why would you do that? it is wrong”

Well… now I have to print a whole lot more models for this army…


Happy though, because there gunners look much better in my army, and I get command groups for all dwarfs. Huzzah!

ALSO… another insane war machine a can’t wait to paint!

I’m printing their anzu cannon as we speak!


So jealous, I still have not ordered my resin or IPA and I am off on Sunday for an entire week on a business trip 12 hours drive from home :sad:

So little to do, so much time… wait … stop, reverse that! :cd1991gif:

That sounds very frustrating :slight_smile:

I hope you find some time soon!

Luckily once you have the 3d files you can print them whenever you see fit :slight_smile:

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Excited for this. I was on that campaign for the FDM terrain but when a resin printer somehow inexplicably lands on my doorstep someday I’ll print some of the stretch goal war machines


Yeah similar here, just that I have no printer at all at my disposal now. But eventually I will, and then it’s going to be wild.


Might take a while… this is what 18 hours of printing gets you @ 75% size :slight_smile:

File 3 is printing now, 8 files in total, most multipart…


Well that’s your hobby for the year sorted then :cd1991gif:


Jesus wept.

I could never paint one of these.

I would buy the prints and have one commissioned though. And it’s nice to see normal infantry.

What’s also cool is that they will last forever. So long as the files and the printers to create them are out there, these are evergreen.


@Reaver getting there…

Part 5/8 printing now…


So exciting!
