MrMelons' Malefic Minis

Some pictures from a recent game against my bretonnian nemesis. This was my list:

Chaos Dwarfs [1201 pts]
Warhammer: The Old World, Chaos Dwarfs

++ Characters [415 pts] ++

Sorcerer-Prophet [415 pts]

  • Hand weapon
  • Heavy armour
  • General
  • Lammasu [Mace tail + Sorcerous Exhalation]
  • Black Hammer of Hashut
  • Mantle of Stone
  • Enchanted Shield
  • Elementalism

++ Core Units [476 pts] ++

21 Infernal Guard [416 pts]

  • Hailshot blunderbuss
  • Heavy armour
  • Shield
  • Drilled (0-1 per 1000 points)
  • Deathmask (champion) [Hellshard]
  • Standard bearer
  • Musician

10 Hobgoblin Cutthroats [30 pts]

  • Hand weapons
  • Shortbows

10 Hobgoblin Cutthroats [30 pts]

  • Hand weapons
  • Shortbows

++ Special Units [310 pts] ++

Iron Daemon [310 pts]

  • Steam Cannonade
  • Hand weapons
  • Hellbound

Hilariously my hobgoblins were the best performing unit. I thank @Jasko for the advice with the bows. They destroyed a unit of bretonnian knights in two turns and didn’t even get charged by them. For 30 points that’s amazing. I think small units of 10 is best.

Unfortunately Pegasus knights and properly equipped lords still are basically invincible unless I can really catch them out somehow. My blunderbusses had some fun shooting things but nothing important unfortunately. We ended on round 5 but the death of my Lord on lammasu eeks out the win for him. (Though after 3 turns of us both missing all our attacks) if I had a bale Taurus I’d consider using that instead. But after the actual charge with lances his fancy weapon didn’t count for anything and the increased toughness stopped a lot of his subsequent attacks.

I’ll post the footnotes for the full battle as recorded by opponent below this, though be aware it’s clunky. Hope I’m not taking up too much space in one go with this post.

If you’re interested his bretonnians are based on the Baratheons from GOT.

Round 2
Failed storm of ash
Wind blast killed 1 knight of the realm
24 arrows bounced off shields, no wounds
Round 3
Wind blast against robert, pushes him back, no wounds
Hobgoblin archers kill 1 knight of the realm
10 shots from the Iron Demon into Peasant men at arms, 5 shots go through, the lady blocks 4 of them, 1 peasant gets exploded
Knights charge hobgobbos, hobgoblins stand and shoot, 2 dead knights
Longbows shoot, 1 dead infernal guard
Knights charge, no hits, both die to goblins
Round 4
Chaos dwarf lord charges Duke, Duke counter charges and issues challenge, duel begins
Blunderbusses shoot into knights, 4 dead, panic test
Demon shoots into peasants, 2 dead peasants
Duel, 4 wounds into the chaos dwarf from the lance, 1 wound to duke from lord, 1 wound to chaos with stomp
Knights of the realm charge hobs, pegsi chsrge hobs , peasants are scared, longbows kill 1 dwarf, 4 hobs to pegsi lances, 5 hobs to pegsi hooves, hobs break, pegsi fail test and run him down, 2 dead hobs to KoR lances, 3 hobs to horses, kor restrain, duel continues no wounds.
Round 5
Hobs fail leadership, 8 shots from demon at pegsi, 1 wound on pegsi knight, infernals shoot KoR, KoR 2 die, fated dispel on fire sword, duel does nothing, pegsi charge iron demon, peasants charge iron demon, fail to charge dwarves, bobby kills chaos dwarf, 2 wounds on iron demon from pegsi lances, 1 wound from pegsi hoof, 1 pegsi dies from stomp.

Bretonnia - 575
Chaos Dwarves - 423


It is high time I posted again! For the glory of Hashut!

I haven’t posted in a while as my motivation waned when I realised that quite a few of the FW minis I have are probably recasts, no judgement on those who use them here, I just didn’t want any myself, and I paid a pretty penny for them too believing they were genuine. Not this Bale Taurus though! In the original bag no less.

He isn’t finished yet, but I’m liking where its going, I’ve decided to base my colour scheme off of the rebel chaos dwarfs in TWW3

I took these screencaps in game for reference, I love green as a colour, and it compliments red very well. He isn’t done yet (I’m going to make the weapons seem like they are magma - you’ve doubtless seen this kind of effect before, and then do some OSL on the cracks and eyes hopefully) I have likewise adopted the same scheme for my infernal guard:

Been trying to wet blend the lighter into darker green. Yet to add a rune on the shield, I may take the rebel dwarf rune as it looks nice and is very unique.

In other news I got a few kits for Christmas, Black Orcs (go meta), a warboss to go with them (the new one), some goblin wolf riders to convert, and finally a hellcannon!

Again WIPs. It hardly made sense to me that the Chorf list had black orcs in full plate, considering how violent rebellious and dangerous they are, so I wanted to give the impression they have been marched to the battlefield in chain gangs, and then released on the eve of battle; this means adding lots of chains, little ball and chain too. If you have any more ideas on how to make them look slave-like I’m open to suggestions.

As for the hellcannon, I found this really cool colour scheme I want to emulate:

No idea who made this, if anyone knows…

Other than that, please observe my shocking lack of progress with my Hobgoblins and single Hobgoblin cutthroat!

(I would have more done but realising that bows are the meta after sculpting 20+ hobgoblins with axes really takes the Blood of Hashut out of you

Appreicate CC and suggestions as always


Some amazing green stuff work I must say! Colour in green is great also!
What do you think you have in recasts?

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Upon closer inspection my iron daemon, bull centaurs, and Taur’uk, as well as possibly my daemonsmiths all have a slightly off white colour compared to the other FW models which have a slightly blue-grey tint. They all also have some faults like skull eye sockets being far too wide or missing details. It was more obvious once I got the Bale Taurus in its original packaging as I was able to compare the materials of both. I also have a deathshreiker but I realised that was most probably a fake when I opened it, it has such a poor cast quality. I’m fairly confident that everything else I have is genuine however. Not much I can do about it now, I’ll just paint them up and play with them I think.

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Might be worth posting some pics up, so we can all look at and then could confirm for you if you are unsure?
To be honest I have a couple and the resin in parts is see through and slightly warped you may be able to see on my thread?

As you can see there are some small defects, with skulls it is especially noticeable. I did not prime these they came like it from eBay. I’d like to believe they are genuine but none of the models I’ve ever bought from forge world have ever had defects as bad as this. Maybe it was worse in 2011 who knows.

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Love the hobbos. The sneaky gits are great this edition. You could add a few bows on the back of tge axe guys. The axe guys arent a bad choice. Bpws just multi-task

Looking good!

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I got a box of normal goblins and some night goblins, using the night goblin arms on the normal ones to give them a more clothed look, so in total I have 80, I planned to build 40 as melee and 40 and ranged anyway I just wish I’d done the bows first lol.

The death shrieker looks similar to one of the ones which I have so it could well be, if you are trying to fix the warps, I’d suggest boiling water from the kettle let it cool down a bit and the dip them in water and slowly start bending into shape.
I have a few regular chaos dwarfs still in forge world bags and they are slightly different colours so it can also vary from batch to batch of resin I guess.
Honestly though try to not let it dishearten you, I’ve come to the conclusion that recasts are still as expensive to purchase second hand as the forge world ones are!

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I imagine that you are one of the people I have been competeing with on eBay bids lol. I think in future I’ll just trying getting things in OG packaging even if it comes at a premium.

Maybe :grimacing: Although dependant on what it is… if it’s war machines or spares it could be me :joy:

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Quick show of my Hobgoblin Khan, very much inspired by Gorduz’ design in TWW3