My dark brethren

A new Chaos dwarf army in the making.

Got my first set of minis (Lost Kingdom Miniatures) assembled:

I was unhappy with the musician so I took some parts from the dwarf Ironbreakers kit instead:

I am trying to increase my painting speed so here is my attempt at zenithal priming:

After having tested a few different colours I settled for this:

I need some good skin and beard recipes so I can finish these. And I haven’t yet decided on a base theme either. Any thoughts or comments are most welcome!


Very nice! :slight_smile: will love to see theese buggers down in the club on gaming days

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Class(y)c :sunglasses:
and great execution. Looking for more!

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Five guys at tabletop-ready, except the bases. I am happy with the colours, and I think it will scale out well to the rest of my new army. I will now experiment a bit with some ideas for the bases.


Ten dwarfs with bases. They are starting to look like a unit! I tried around ten different base schemes until I had something that was good enough. By a lucky accident I discovered a cool gradient effect between the red and the orange although it’s not very visible on this picture.

Perfect is the enemy of good, so I move onwards…


I’m so tired of repeatedly painting the same model. At least the command group adds variety, although also more detail to paint. Five more to go, but I’ll probably do something else in between. (You will see!)


Great job!

I also hate painting rank-and-file models, that’s why I’m painting my blunderbuss unit for over half a year now. :melting_face: :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Thank you!

Manic laughter intensifies

Got some more grey stuff yesterday:

It’s so refreshing to do some assembling for a change.

And then I’ll try to finish painting this:

I still haven’t decided which models to use for blorcs, hobgobbos, and sneaky gits but it seems I now have some time to think about it.


Tonight I finished my first war machine. I probably want to liven up the base a bit more though. Perhaps some skulls or something. Any ideas?

(And yes I am aware that the crew is missing. I got a spare one from the iron daemon kit so let’s see who else will join.)


The latest output from my assembly line. I really like this model! I still struggle a bit with contrast paints and shades over flat areas…


I finally bought some green paint so that I could finish my khan:

Furthermore, I have assembled these bad boys:


Nice Khan! So neat. I painted mine up in a similar style but yours is better. I still need to go back and try again on those infernal little lightning bolts on his hat tassels.

Your base works really good with the pose too because he looks like he is rearin’ up like “Whoa there, tiger!” as his wolf almost charged 'em straight into the hot drink.

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Thank you for your nice words!

Right, we certainly don’t want him to “take a little tumble off the cliff” (to quote The Two Towers).

Progress has been slow lately, but here are my first three blorcs:

Next up are the hellcannon crew who are around halfway done:


Your OSL looks great, how do you manage it?


Thank you!

First or all, I had to Google that, which should give you an indication of my level of expertise :joy: But now that I know this term I will definitely read up on it!

If you mean the red light it’s nothing more than a few strokes of red paint; drybrushed on the rock side on the Khan mini, and a bit more wet when applied on the ground of the blorc bases, for example.

(I once tried to apply this effect onto the mini itself (i. e. not just the base) but the result was horrible.)


Now these little guys are done. I’ll think of some grand base scheme for the machine before I finish the bases.


Finally found the time to finish this gorgeous Fabelzel sorcerer!


Marking this as done, too!


Hellcannon is done. I love the model but I’m not sure it will ever see battle in the old world…