Neophyte saying hello!

Figured I’d come in and say hi, a year ago I got into the hobby with 40K (tyranids) and that quickly spiraled into other tabletop interests. I just got a resin printer two months ago and Hashut guided me towards a bunch of Chaos Dwarf & Hobgoblin STLs. Then, as they say, 3D printer go brrrrrrrrrr. After binging all of the lore I could find and admiring my recent pile of prints like Golem does the One Ring, I am 100% Team Hashut & Dawi Zharr. Excited to print more, learn more lore, start painting, and (eventually) actually get to play using my Big Hats. I’m glad this forum exists, from what I’ve seen so far it’s a great resource. Based out of Central Florida, just in case.

I checked the rules and it seems like it’s okay to mention social media (if not, sorry in advance and please let me know!). For hobbying I mainly use instagram so if anyone here paints and posts Chaos Dwarfs on instagram feel free to drop your username in here, or just follow me and I’ll follow back (my username is the same as this one). My feed needs more Hashut influence.

Glad to have found this niche corner of the internet, Hail Hashut!


Welcome welcome! Hope to see some of your collection and painted models soon!

Nidshut worshippers are rare around here. Feel free to share Tyranid stuff in off topic showcases if you like. Nids were one of my earlier collections.

A while back some of us started an Instagram handle collection thread here. It’s about time for some thread necromancy and maybe other new folks will join in sharing their social media links.


Hey there from a fellow fledgeling BigHat fan from Austria :smile:

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The Hivemind and Hashut, Nidshut! We are Nidshut! I’ll get some pics of some of the stuff I’ve painted and/or kitbashed and post them later, and I’ll go throw in my handle on the thread to try to get some thread-necromancy going. Thanks for the welcome and the thread-links!

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Hails from Florida, fellow fledgling! We will earn our Big Hats and earn the favour of Hashut! :wink:

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