Old School CDO Emojis available

I uploaded the old CDO Emojis which can be found at the bottom of the list, under “custom”. Thanks to @Loidrial for helping out here. :21:


gonna edit this post so people can quickly check wtf is going on in here
I split icons in 3 groups
:smiley: CDO are the original emoticon from the old forum (i promise i will do some in this style too)
:lammasu1: :icon1: DEFAULT are the various icons, lammassu, bulls and all those standard 50x50 pics
:top1: FACES is where i went crazy
:tower2: those are all the stupid custom pics
:tower4: that many are enjoying lol
:head1: Updates will come and go because i work in odd ways when i feel like xD so i will still update here everytime i’ll add something else

:batg5: BATG is the incredible amount of unfinished stuff we all have! now there are icons for those as well!!

ALSO, very important, if you have some feedbacks, just remember to always tell me, so we can create even more stupid things together!



Ohhhh snap, we’ve just reached the next level :21:

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Yes!! Cool how do you use them tho? I cant find them in the emoji list?

Scroll all the way to the bottom of the list, they’re the last thing on it. :11:

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:13: :13: :13:
:22: :22: :22:

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Yes! Thanks for going through the work for this. Feels great to have these back! :21:


Hopefully we’ll get the size sorted as well soon… :test2:


:16: best news I’ve read in ages!!

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I have been busy being stupid this weekend, the problem is that this site automatically resize to 20x20
I sent a css edit for ignore this step. Now lets see when its gonna be uploaded!! Cant wait for it xD


Oh yeah! Might be of interest here too (but i dont think so because they are obviously way too big)
I made those just for the sake of doing something dumb tonight too!
ChaosPixel_0000_Layer-3-copy-2 ChaosPixel_0001_Layer-3-copy

ChaosPixel2 ChaosPixel



Those look amazing!! :21:


Love them! :heart_eyes:

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Awesome! image

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Oh well i guess i’m after your opinion guys!
ChaosPixel80 ChaosPixel90 ChaosPixel000 ChaosPixel10 ChaosPixel2020

@Admiral reached out to me, and i love to create digital art, so it was a matter of minutes xD
He asked me if I could make one Dwarf for each decade, 40 years of chaos dwarves it is then! (WTF 40?!?!)
I’m not sold out on the hell cannon one, but they always been the most boring of them all.
i’m not great fan of FW dwarves, but the heroes are pretty cool so i made a deamonsmith
oddly enough, the one i like the most is the old school chaos dwarf renegade xD
EDIT get even the 2020 one!



Really impressive! :smiley:
…Ill add these to the emojis as well.


Since you guys are enjoying those so much, here are few more options
ChaosPixel2020 the AoS chain bearded one
ChaosPixel1990Taurus1 ChaosPixel1990Taurus2 ChaosPixel1990Taurus3
Some well known Taurus, with the original hairlocks thing, another with Hashut icon and the last plain
ChaosPixel1990Lammasu2 ChaosPixel1990Lammasu And last but not least, a lovely Lammasu, 1st box art colors, 2nd with another scheme often seen around



So good! Thanks mate!
Might I be so audacious and request even one more? A lovely rune of Hashut? :24: