On the Subject of Names. How did you get yours

AB-e-ZCEDARH. In a really gravelly voice.

or something like that.


Mhmmm, could you maybe upload an audio-recording? :thinking:


That sounds like you’re having a stroke haha


I was and still am really bad at coming up with names for my pen & paper characters. About 30 years ago (yes, I’m old!) a buddy (more by chance) started a role-playing group. I racked my brain for a cool name on the 40-minute bus ride to my buddy’s house, but couldn’t come up with anything suitable. I had a “KICKER” (a German sports magazine) with me and so I created a role-playing game name from two footballer names, namely Zanko Zvetanov dà Balakov. The role-playing game then crystallized as my (also retrospectively) still favourite role-playing game and Zanko became my favourite character by far. With the arise of the Internet, I needed a name again, so what could be more obvious than choosing the name of my favorite role-playing character? I stuck with it, even though I might choose a different name today.

@Admiral: I can very well understand your pain and frustration regarding your experiences with your “friends”. I have also lost so-called “friends” time and again for a variety of reasons, but I am able to live with this (even if I was “naturally” always the guilty party) because of my personality and put such experiences behind me.
However, what really got me down was that my son’s three best “friends”, who had been a close-knit community at school for almost 6 or 7 years, excluded him from one day to the next and declared him a pariah. Seeing my own son suffer so psychologically was really stressful and I still have psychological scars to this day.

And Matte, of course we will never exclude you from CDO, you are a part of us and that’s how it should stay. :beer:

Even if I find your rejection of alcohol a little strange … we’ll have to “work” on your preferences again! :smiley:


the straight edge X comes from all age punk gigs where underage people got a x put on their hand at the door with a sharpy so they couldn’t buy drinks at the bar.


Mine was based on this guy:

He was a legendary card from Magic: the Gathering back before it got so complicated that you need a degree in theoretical physics to play. I tried to use that as my very first screen name on American Online back in 1995, in the days of dialup internet.

Anyway, some other kid must have taken the name first because AOL suggested I replaced “shade” with 997. I’ve kept it since because why not.


LOL, yeah that really is the closest possible alternative :slight_smile:


I first started posting on-line as Nicodemus on one of my first forums that I could be bothered interacting with. It was (surprise, surprise) a HeroQuest forum - Agin’s Inn. The Wayback Machine has a lot of aginsinn.com and voy.com/10037/ archived, and some of my posts are still there. Oldest ones I could find were from 2002 I think, although I was definitely posting by 2000-2001. Incidentally, for those who are also HQ fans and have been over to forum.yeoldeinn.com it’s named “Ye Olde Inn” after Agin’s Inn.

I plucked my name straight out of the Secret of Nimh:

…as opposed to the biblical Nicodemus

…or the far cooler than any of us: Citadel Nicodemus model…



Hardcore! This place is a repository of entertainment gold. The Secret of Nimh was storytelling on a level which the kiddies don’t receive anymore.


needed a name for my tyranid hive fleet, but wanted something that not many people have used before. the lore for my hive fleet is that they wandered into the ghoul stars and, as a result, are a bunch of mutated and atavistic freaks.

“xibalba” is a name for the underworld in mayan mythology and i figured my tyranids make for some good mesoamerican underworld monsters with the ghoul stars being their “xibalba”

the 28 is for 28mm



I tried to write Ozymandias - as in the poem as my username for the old site.

However x and z being next to each other on the keyboard, I misclicked.

I could have fixed it after I’d entered it, I’m sure. However when I looked at it I realised the accidental pun.

Ox being like a big bull/cow thing and Ozymandias being a king full of hubris. All felt very chaos dwarf and kinda read like a chaos dwarf name to me. So it stayed.

Being called “Oxy” started when @chitzkoi was like there’s no way we can say that whole name on the podcast! Haha

Also @Abecedar - you’ll always be Abe Cedar to me x


Favorite movie. When Sebastian’s dad mixed that raw egg into his orange juice and chugged it I knew that forever more my internet handle would be ‘Falkor.’ Well not really because the internet wasn’t a thing yet. Probably the first time I used it was a character for either a D&D campaign or Diablo I on Playstation.


I just knocked mine, Aldades Vongalazthag, together back in the day of MSN ‘role play’ groups, and got involved with the spiritual predecessors of CDO that way.

The name stuck for 20+ odd years now (if not 25 already… it has been a long time, I was there 3000 years ago) and still used for naming my general of my forces on the army lists. The “Lord” part came from earning it back then in some community painting challenge, bit like the badges of CDO.


Warriors of the Way by Harry Harrison. Got into a Columbia House style book club, where I can get 10 books for a dollar but then I had to buy like five books and one of the free books that I chose was this book. And it was awesome and the main characters name was Shef, and I read it so many times my original copy fell apart. Became a quick easy screen name that was mostly open across every game or forum I’ve come across. Before that my video game handle was tree_hugging_hippie cause i got called that cause I had a Led Zeppelin Tie-dye shirt. I thought it was funny playing team fortress classic or counter strike and having it say you were killed by tree_hugging_hippie. Got real tired of typing all that out.


I had to look this up. I’ve read Harry’s Sci Fi books but not this. Will probably have a go at reading them. Oh and by the way. “Ha Ha – - You is a bastard! Join the club!”

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