On the Subject of Names. How did you get yours

I need to set the story straight. My name is NOT “Abe Cedar”
I found this image today…

When I first started I considered myself a novice. On sleepless nights whilst my son was in Intensive care for 3 weeks, I googled words and found “Abecedarian”. Being Aussie I shortened it to Abecedar.


What was your inspiration for a Name?


Back in the day my pals and I would play the Counter-Strikes, using all sorts of dumb-ass names.

At one point I fell into the habit of camping, so I changed my name to Camper, then Autocamper, and the Vacationist, cause like: what do you do when you’re camping? You’re vacationing! Anyway, that name has stuck for like 25 years :see_no_evil:



When i was a kid (the 2000s for reference, yes I am a baby boy) I played a fair share of World Of Warcraft. I never had the attention span to get far in the game, I just made dozens of characters and played them until I got bored, which was not for very long.

Eventually I ran out of name ideas and just took a name I found cool from Star Wars (Drexl Roosh). I aptly proceeded to spell it wrong and have since been stuck to it. I can not say why that one stuck.


my first name is Thomas, Thom Thumb is a reference to the folk tale about the tiny boy because warhammer is small people.


Well… my name is Michael, for for some super annoying reason my parents called me micky when i was small. It infuriated me to great extent, so obviously my best friend at the time started calling me micky too…

Ive had a straight edge phase that started at 16, and for some reason all the cool straight edge kids (and young MSN chicks) added x’s to their names…

When i turned 18 he decorated my parents front lawn and he tried writing xMickyx on the street in front of my house in spray paint to further annoy me… however the dyslexic idiot misspelled it and it turned into xmicix. At that point i sort of embraced it and xmicix has been my username for nearly 15 years. Eventually it got too exhausting and ackward to hear people pronounce it as ‘ksmitchiks’ or something stupid.

A few years before joining cdo i needed a new username, and i wanted to adult… but Michael was strangly already taken… so i figured I’d keep the last X as a reference to some of the better childhood memories.

Only a year later someone asked me if it was related to malcolmX, but it wasn’t.

So… MichaelX was born



So… if its not pronounced as abe cedar, how do you pronounce it?


ABC duh!


When I first got on the internet back in the 90s, I figured I needed a unique username. Since I am a big fan of corvids, I tried out “cornix” since it is the Latin for crow. Turns out that I wasn’t the first to use that, so I had to think again. I added a t to the end (so it ended like “betwixt”), and it was unique enough at the time, so I stuck with that. It’s not unique anymore though.


For just about every ttrpg I’ve played with my same group of old gaming buddies, I’ve managed to lose a limb. Its to the point where we expect it at some point in the campaign. It was frustrating at first, but eventually it became a meme lol


My first name is Justus, and back in school one day a teacher apparently couldn’t read it (I have bad handwriting) and asked „Jasko? Who is Jasko?“ and now it’s 23 years later or so and here we are.

I’d like to know as well, actually.

LOOOOOL, that’s the best story yet :joy: I would have thought it’s because you like dwarfs or so. Excellent.


I’ve always loved pirates and ships and navies of all kinds. And so Admiral, or rather Master_Admiral became my first online nickname when my friends managed to get me into their Starcraft: Brood War clan, called Master. This was roughly in 2002 at about age 12, not too long before my little brother in 2003 discovered the GW Lotr starting set and then immediately got us into Warhammer.

As my friends a year later were nasty enough to kick me out for no reason*, this transitioned into Lotr_Gimli while my brother chose the name Lotr_Aragorn (his first account name was Ass_King), as we discovered the joys of Lotr maps on Starcraft: Brood War. I then switched to an account called Voronwe [MQ], with MQ standing for Moriquendi (dark elf), with the higher circle of clan having the tag [CQ] for Calaquendi (light elf). This was because Starcraft: Brood War’s Use Map Settings custom games experienced a flourishing golden age of Lotr maps of all kinds thanks to the Lotr movie trilogy, and the CQ/MQ clan was one dedicated to Lotr maps, with all members bearing Silmarillion elf names.

Voronwe[MQ] thus became my first account name when I discovered Warseer forums in 2005, which I frequented for several years. Taking a break from Warseer (but not Warhammer; I’ve never taken a hobby break), I would later return to hobby forums when random curiosity led me to Google Chaos Dwarfs, who had always intrigued me, which made me stumble upon the leaked pictures of upcoming Forgeworld Legion of Azgorh miniatures and concept sketches. And also Chaos Dwarfs Online, which I joined.

Now, while I’ve always liked the Voronwe[MQ] name, it was at the end of the day one imposed on me when joining the Lotr clan on Starcraft. While Admiral had been my own chosen name, the one which naturally occurred to me at once.

And so I picked Admiral as my account name on Chaos Dwarfs Online in 2011, as the first thing that seemed natural to me.

This soon led me back to Warseer and by extension other Warhammer forums. The problem here was that Admiral was too generic a name, and thus it was usually already taken by someone else. Ergo I had to come up with something more specific, which was why I chose Karak Norn Clansman as my online nickname on all platforms other than Chaos Dwarfs Online. Karak Norn has always been my Dwarf hold, due to the winning combination of blue and red colours. While Clansman has a good archaic Dwarven ring to it.


*Something like it, but much more hurtful had previously happened at age 11-12, when two friends kicked me out after we three had spent a long time drawing all manner of city maps together. Wacco city, we called the growing city mapscape. It was malevolent of them, and I have never learnt why they did such a petty evil thing. Especially on top of all the endless petty malice I had to suffer every day in school; mapmaking with friends was a fun relief while it lasted. I was the most energetic map drawer of us all. It still hurts to think about. It would be a bit like me being kicked out of Chaos Dwarfs Online all of a sudden for no reason after years of creative work and communal fun.

I have always thrived in creative communities and creative group projects. I have always excelled at them, and I am basically doing the same things today as I did as a kid at age 8, just more advanced. That ostracism from mapmaking friends at age 11-12 came as a sudden lightning bolt from a clear sky, and it was a betrayal, and its sting lingers. It stands out because of how unexpected it was. I’ve always been infectiously optimistic and jolly by nature. I’ve always striven to be kind and helpful to others all life long, and in return I had to endure a slice of hell on earth every day for years on end throughout school. A living, soul-grinding nightmare that I was mandated by law to attend, a torment which nothing could solve until I at last finished the last year and crawled out, essentially shell-shocked and with my once-praised social competence in tatters. I’ve never truly recovered, though I always try to make the best of it and try to get back to the so-often acclaimed social competence of my peak years.

And I have a very good long-term facts memory, whilst my brain has never had to suffer the detrimental effects of alcohol or anything like it. So everything is remembered in vivid details, without the nostalgia of rosy glasses. The very good memory is Dwarven, whereas my lifelong shunning of alcohol is not!

Ah well. Now you know what’s in a name! :smile:


Mine is pretty transparent

Playing evony and blood bowl 2,i loved a fight. Zodd always wants a fight. Berserk is amazing. He looks just how i imagine a chaos dwarf god from the realm of chaos might look


That, at least, will never happen, brother. :heart:


I now pronounce abec-cedar. Sound right?

Although accident prone might be more apt haha :hob2:


Not much to say with mine. I like monster hunter a lot, played it since world first came out in 2017 and this has just been my name on most places since that time! The name also just allows for easy callouts, so most folks online end up calling me hunter. Which as a psedonym suits me fine!


I used to play paper RPGs a lot growing up. It started with D&D (not “Dungeons and Dragons” though, the Swedish version “Drakar och Demoner”) and then there was (and still is, I think) a Swedish RPG called EON that had a very detailed setting. Me and my older brother (always the GM) and some friends used to play it on the school bus and at home. There was the main Rule book that presented the setting and gave short descriptions on races, classes and the countries of the world. Then they released separate books for most available races and books that expanded on many of the countries.

Now it hurts to say it in this here group of people… but I always liked playing elves in RPG settings, the more foresty the better (sorry guys!). I’ve also always had a flare for languages, and paging through the EON book on elves there was a short section on their languages and some lists of sample words. So when I created my first email adress I didn’t want something silly like firstname.lastname@mail.com so I looked through the elven sample words and found one I liked:
denelian - meaning “sword hilt”

But apparently it was taken, so I did what the site suggested and added a number - 5 - for uniqueness. And there you go: denelian5 and it’s been with me for some 20 plus years now.


I’m in volume 7 now for the first time, slowly collecting them through eBay stalking. So much inspiration in every tome. Makes me want to make Berserk Brazen Bastards.

My name, is even more straightforward. I like pirates, even back to my lotr sbg days running Umbar and making crappy styrofoam boats to go with popsicle stick Osgiliath. After the tomb kings died (as it turns out not permanently) I switched to Vampire Coasting. Upon starting a Chaos Dwarf collection while in the throes of TWW obsession I also wanted to do something nautical to keep my factions plausibly lore adjacent. In the CDO archives I read up on the Reavers of Uzkulak as a fun theme for my army. Signed up on the old forum as Reaver of Uzkulak and shortened to Reaver when we switched here to discourse. Now I’m hundreds of posts deep in a blog that barely haz boat subjecting you all to random pirate, steampunk, nautical daemon, chaos dwarf nonsense.

For a more interesting fact nobody asked for… My hobby instagram handle asinineminiatures is a play on this important piece of warhammer history. Boundless entertainment clicking on chaos lords to cycle their dialog options while they’re diddling their swords around on the campaign map.


Lord Of chaos, I am the one true Lord Of Chaos. All bow before me, submit to my will.
No really, I just always played the Evil part. Or Chaotic Evil back in 1975 D&D. My first Character was, Fighting man, Dwarf, Chaotic.
When I got out of the Air Force I was promoted to Chaos Staff Sargent.
Friends from my gaming group referred to me as Lord Of Chaos as I routinely ground there armies into the dirt with my Chaos undivided forces. I have had the same Chaos Lord that has never died in combat.
The storm of Chaos ended before I could challenge Archaon for the Throne. Where he ran off to hide from me.
But I have came back full circle to Fighting-man, Dwarf, Chaotic.


Pretty boring actually, LKM even named a siege weapon after me. These days, I try to not re-use user names on thematically different platforms anymore.