Poll: Old World Faction Choices & Play Style (or not!)

Just sitting here waiting for GW to release more news on Cathay and Kislev…

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This :arrow_up: is from their Feb. 6th WarCom post about this Kislev novel they re-released. Guess it was self-evident already, but just in case.


Thanks, that is what I was expecting. I was expecting it to take ~1-3 of support before they’d release a supplement or the next chapter with new armies…so no shocker there.


I think once we get a more robust idea about the pace of their release schedule and whether they intertwine campaign boxes etc we will have a better picture about Kislev (and Cathay). We also don’t know how they view the whole TOW project. Is everything “on notice” until they see how it sells? Probably. I guess they’re committed to releasing the nine core factions, think that will happen no matter what. But is TOW set up like a perpetual game with basically just this one edition? Will we get TOW 2nd edition in 3-5 years? Do they even know at this point? many open questions.
They said it’s going towards the Siege of Praag. They also said those 30 years leading up to it would not necessarily be covered in a linear fashion. Once we get to Praag, Kislev has to be there, that’s a given. But I suspect it will be a few years until it comes to that.


I do too much AOS to get into competitive TOW, and I could only field Skaven and Chaos Dwarves anyways (though I expect some events to be like ,“whatever, legacy armies welcome!”. But I need to rebase some stuff on squares/rectangles, but also magnetize those bases to go on rounds and ovals for when I want to use Legends in AOS too. I think they’ll fit somehow. And for TOW, can’t we really just put the tiny guys on circles and in rectangular trays? I mean if they’re all wheeling and rank/filing, why would the square bases matter all?

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Absolutely nobody (sane) will care if your minis are on rounds in a movement tray of the right dimensions. The only tangible reason some people are talking about rebasing is where the rounds they have are oversize for the square equivalents given how they want to proxy (say, a really big based AOS character they want to make into a unit champ) - other people talking about it just fancy having another go at their bases.

Way back we polled folks about their basing intentions, and most people said even back then that they’d be using converters and that was before we got much meaningful about the game.

It wasn’t long before we got @Pyroven 's superlative, encyclopedic thread on where to get said spacers/movement trays.

As he and GW suggest, I’ve got whole armies of hundreds of minis on 20mm squares, and I cba to change them. If your guys are on circles, it makes no difference to anyone sane.

Lastly, I’m not sure what your local gaming environment is - but we haven’t seen anyone banning the legacy PDFs, which makes sense, as they’re clearly competitive at this early stage. They were written well to be contender lists. Over time they might fall behind with campaign book units, but for core original grand army play, I don’t think you should worry about the AOS experience too much. TOW is intended to have stable, rarely-updated rules.


Sadly wouldn’t expect anything less than a year mate. I think the slow release of the supported factions are first up :frowning:


I’d expect every event outside of one building in Nottingham to be like this haha


Organisers I know have said if legacy got worse they’d “comp” it to balance :slight_smile:

And yes this will not be a codex churn game which is an absolute win. I’d rather slow stable releases than codexes FAQs and three yearly editions always ready to mix up the meta and invalidate your collections


Even with the community on hand to fix it, the time it would take for GW-written campaign supplements to introduce enough units and heroes to properly fuck the game is like - years and years. To take the HH example, I don’t think anyone is worried those two new sentinels are going to fuck up the meta.


I think next time I’m at my FLGS I’ll get the TOW rulebook then. It’s a chonker of a book. Good to hear the bases aren’t that big of a deal in the right trays. I got my 6 Theridons, and 6 Skullcrushers…they will be Bull-Centaurs someday soon!

For the 40 Infernal Guard, I’m debating on converting some Dispossessed or just resin casting certain old things which may or may not have giant hats. Equally messy work either way.
Nice that we can fill out some points with allies, maybe a Chimera or two, or War Mammoth?!?