Rodge's Chaos Dwarfs

Starting a thread to show off my lil buggers! First up, the Blood Bowl crew!


Superb painting! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
But as I BB coach I have to say the should be numbered 1-16 primarily and both front and back, that is the norm. :slight_smile:



Time for the greenies!

I really like the addition of the green to the red/yellow/blue. I kinda would like to go back and work it into the dwarfs a smidge but am not sure where!


No need to stick to 1-16. First, that doesn’t work if you have a ‘squad’ of more than 16 models (to cover all possible positions). Second, even if you do only use the numbers up to 16, you may still have gaps on your roster, given you’re only likely to use 11-12 most of the time. So, you may as well use whatever numbers you like.

No to derail the topic.
@Ben_S none of that’s relevant… The norm is 1-16, in the rare events you need more than 16 models they should should use 17+. Its not rocket sience but as said the norm for tournaments/events. Same as numbers front and back for a quick overview.
If you only play at home with a friend use whatever you feel like to distinguish the players… :wink:

@Rodge Superb work with the hobgoblins! Got plans for the new positions/SPs as well? :slight_smile:

Awesome classic style :heart_eyes:

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I’ll probably add the new specialists at some point but not overly jazzed with new team design. Since our league finished a couple months ago, I was planning to develop them into a full dwarf team. Will stick to that for now. So a few more blockers and then all the positionals. Will let ya know how that goes!


I was originally going to try and make a second blood bowl centaur from one of the axe/shield centaurs. I chopped off his hands and added big chaos warrior gauntlets but he could not compare to the majesty and bulk of the original H’thark. So screw it, I just got a second one! I thought the identical pose would bother me but I guess I have a little nostalgia from the monopose days cause in the end I sorta like it! I’m actually thinking about getting a third one to convert to wielding weapons, since he is pretty much the most badass fig from the original big hat run and deserves a spot in the actual army!

(And don’t worry about the original conversion, I was able to fish his original hands out of the bitz box and re-attach 'em!)


Here’s the whole team! The Zharduk Death Rockets ended the league 8-2 for a second place finish. Got Block on both Bull Centaurs plus Tackle on one of them. One blocker got Guard, one hobgob rolled Kick and one nasty hobgob rolled Tackle and lucked out with surviving, scoring, casualties and MVP to pick Block later as well.

I don’t rate the Mino so the team is done for now. As mentioned above, more likely I’ll try and fill out a dwarf roster before running the team again with the new rules and positionals.


You got a really good looking team there as it is!
Which models are you going to run as Deathroller/Slayers/Blitzers/Runners? I converted a Chaos Dwarf team to double as a Dwarf team here. Oh, and you should of course add yours to the Gallery as well for future reference! :hatoff:

Lovely collection. :heart:

What is your ginger beards and red centaur skin recipe?

Thanks! I’ll probably resort to 3d prints of some sort to cover the dwarf positionals. Putting the Hthark torso on a set of regular legs would be pretty badass and work for the blitzers methinks but I didn’t think ahead enough to magnetize his halves and don’t feel like busting up the existing figs or shelling out the cash for any more. For the rest, nothing jumps out at me on what to convert from the original Big Hat line and I’m not a fan of converting the other direction - regular Dwarfs to Big Hats (the beards and armor aren’t “right” so just a lot of work to get them up to my personal requirements) Lots of good 3d print options out there for BB in particular and could always take a crack at making some of my own from scratch. :slight_smile:

The red color is one of the red AP speedpaints over a weak (or strong?) zenithal of Titan Buff high flow acrylic. It’s mostly strong white, just a bit of black in the cracks. Then I did some nadiral shading (airbrush from below) of a dark purple color over everything. That was it for the centaur skin! For the beard, I kept going with the orange and a little yellow highlights me thinks (pro acryl colors there).


Thanks. And what exactly is the name of the AP red contrast? There are a few, and I really, really like yours.

Sure, it’s the blood red.

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Gobbos! Old plastics with a new Fabelzel shield. Based on 20mm rounds as I use them for SAGA Age of Magic. There’s 27 here and I’ll run them as Levy in 3 units of 9 or 2 units of 12 depending on the rest of the force. Their main job is to tire out the enemy while they get chopped down and they usually knock it out of the park! :slight_smile:


Really nicely painted gobbos!

So vibrant! And so frustrating. Melee levies are too good! :laughing:

Thanks chaps!

Pretty much any levy are tasty if your board can help you activate 'em!

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Fully intended to get some banners on his sticks there but haven’t mustered the willpower as of yet! Leaving them bannerless is definitely the nostalgia route, though, as I never saw any bother until GW started sculpting the banners. Was just dudes holding sticks until then!


Oh man, how did I miss this great thread?!? What a fantastic paint job you did!
Never crossed my mind to use the rocket crew for BB! Very well done all around!