Smiddy Smites the Grey Tide [BATG 2022]

That’s May wrapped up for me, a solid effort in numbers an a mixed bag of models. Finished off another 10 hobgrots, and rebased the 10 I had already done as well. Decided to make the KruleBoyz water bases, so I could try out some UV resin. Pretty pleased with the outcome.

Then a few more AoS models hanging about, although the relaque was just a fun piece for my Bretonian themed Flesh Eaters.

I traded out some models as well. Offloaded three of the primaris marines, as I have no plans for doing anything with them. Brought in a Swampcalla Shaman, Pot Grot and Beast-Skewer Killbow in there place, to help get me to 1K Kruleboys. So claiming a net 0 on the trade.

:arrow_up: Additions: 0
:arrow_down: Painted: 13
:arrow_right: Net score: -13