So here is my pile of shame, or “potential” as the sensitive pointy eared players call hit.
My motivation to paint is mainly tied to playing the game with the models. I also get distracted and jump into other systems… frequently. So there is a real mix of stuff in here that I will organise by game system.
I’m going to do updates every month with what I have got done, this fits with my regular workflow where I tend collect up a bunch of models and then varnish them all in a batch.
I’m also likely sell some models to reduce my overall deficit, if I know I’m not going to paint something and swap it out for something I will.
BATG Score: -64
Models added: 64
Models painted: 117
Models sold: 11
My current project, 3/4 of the way through the Targaryen starter set. Looking forward to playing a game with my own models after have a demo game.
High risk of adding more model into this pile, because you know, dragons…! Also probably have get Unsullied to make a dragon list work.
Bloodriders | 4 |
Elder Scrolls Call To Arms
Got into this during lockdown 2020, really enjoyed the solo play and co-op has some legs too. Troll Trader had a 50% sale on the models, so picked up the Chapter Two card pack and the Dwemer & Frost Spiders for new NPC challenges and some alternate builds for the Draugr in Chapter One.
Dwemer | 8 |
Frostbite Spider | 3 |
Cursed City
Was lucky enough to win this a charity raffle at my local FLGS. I originally talked myself out of buying this because of the number of models, so slightly overwhelmed by the 60 it comes with. Want to get onto this quite quickly now as GW have announced they will release the planned add-ons should be a good one in 2022. Could be a serve as starter for Soulblight Graveyards AoS and Warcry too.
All Models | 60 |
Age of Sigmar & Warcry
I play both systems and like, this is largely a list of left over models. The Kruleboyz are the exception, where I want to run a Hobgrot warband in Warcry.
The Flesh Eater Courts are remains from the AoS army I’m currently running, not a lot of motivation to paint these. They really need a new book, AoS 3 updates were not kind.
The Slaves to Darkness models similarly left overs from Warcry for I haven’t got around too.
Shar’Tor is the last of may Legion of Azgorh army. I have never got around to painting him, I find large models a bit intimidating, being bad in game means I haven’t pulled the trigger. Little drummer boy might be destined for a conversion some day…
Vampire Lord | 1 |
Corpsemare Stampede | 1 |
Horus Heresy
Despite having never played HH I one of my largest armies is Raven Guard, it was a 40K army, but with the advent of Primaris marines I pivoted into a 30K army. These are again left overs, not a lot motivation to paint them, although the rumours of a new version in 2022 may change that. That said Raven Guard are super easy to paint and get done.
Contemptor Dreadnaught | 1 |
Tech Marine | 1 |
Recon Bikes | 6 |
Vigilator | 1 |
Warhammer 40K
This is mainly just a random mess of mainly Space Marines that I mainly can’t be passed off into HH. I think most of these I’ll probably chuck on ebay and reduce the pile. There are a few favourites I’ll hang onto, but no plans to really play any 40k or Kill Team so unlikely to get around to them.
Captain Shrike | 1 |
Edryc Setorax | 1 |
Captain Terminator Armour | 1 |
Librarian | 1 |
Captain Jump Pack | 1 |
Librarian Jump Pack | 1 |
Kalae Korvydae | 1 |
Inquisitor | 1 |
Eisenhorn | 1 |
Gorzag | 1 |
Nikkit | 1 |
Haven’t played this in years now. Using the old school Citadel Hobgoblins and have a few of the Frostgrave NPC monsters. Same story more left overs never got around to painting. Again would be quick to crank out, as they’re very basic models.
Warhammer Fantasy
Last and as far as this community is concerned not least. The biggest and shamiest pile is my Chaos Dwarf army. I have had nearly all of this the 90s, I use to play unpainted, so its at least been on the table. Unfortunately its just an intimidating mass to the tackle and not something that likely to see play this year. Bit of rough count, as in reality some of the painted models might get stripped if I were to tackle it.
Bull Centaur | 7 |
Warrior | 20 |
Blunderbuss | 9 |
Sneaky Gitz | 20 |
Lord Great Taurus | 1 |
Sorcerer Lamassu | 1 |
Oglah Khans Wolf Boys | 13 |
Death Rocket | 2 |
Earthshaker | 1 |
Bolt Thrower | 2 |
Chaos Dwarf Lord | 1 |
Chaos Dwarf Hero | 2 |
Black Orcs | 7 |
Hobgoblin Hero | 3 |
Hobgoblin Wolf Rider Hero | 2 |