I’m going to post Chaos Dwarfs that I come across in IG here. Feel free to do so as well!
I’m going to post Chaos Dwarfs that I come across in IG here. Feel free to do so as well!
Such a great idea for a thread! Ive been following Roberto Cuevas Guerrero for a while, so inspiring!
Found a neat set tonight!
Cant recommend Chris art enough!
Not my cup of tea, but they’re well painted and converted; definitely a labour of love.
Roberto’s stuff is great! I also recommend Tom Young! Really nice scheme, well executed and he was kind enough to gift me a Hobgoblin Warrior to complete my unit.
This is the bee’s knees!
Our very own @Bassman has been reposting alot of his old blog on Instagram, Im sure lots of old gems will show up there again…
Oh that last one is inspired - such a subtle repose totally changing the feel of the mini.
That warcry model really had be holding out hope for aos chaos “duardin” ( sorry I had to use that word guys) even if they were a unit in the slaves to darkness faction we’d get so much conversion fodder out of them. Alas nothing has appeared yet.
Next big hope could be warhammer old world
This was a pretty cool conversion, AoS Skaven Clanrats and Grot heads.
Bloody hell - some of this is so good
Makes you wanna give up! Hahaha
The yellow warrior - amazing use of colour
The guy being carried by grits - inspired!
The clan rat conversion - so creative!!!
LoA models painted in a way that gives them that classic 5th-ed. CD feel - didn‘t think it could be done. Looking great.