The Remarshalling of Uzkulak

Jupp, beging an amateur sculptor is trial and error to see how stuff cast up when you get them back. You armor look ace though! Might go back and add some extra details to my own as well… :slight_smile:


Been in a bit of a hobby funk for most of this year, but have finally started working on things again. I’ve strung the bows on the hobgoblins:

And today I’ve started scratch building a 15mm Lammasu:

Could probably also work as a baby one in 28mm, lol:


String on 15mm archers, that’s… insane. :sweat_smile:

Is that a Gryph Hound?

Stringing the bows isn’t all that difficult actually; getting it wrapped around the first end is the hardest, but after that it goes fairly well. Only time will tell if the strings make it through the painting stage without snapping though, lol.

And yep, the body is from a gryphhound; came with my latest delivery of my Mortal Realms subscription and as I’m not planning on building the Sigmarine army yet (focusing on the Nighthaunt first) the gryphhounds would’ve been set aside with the rest, but looking at the body I thought it’d be perfect for a 15mm lammasu. Would also be a good base for a number of other monsters too (off the top of my head, manticores, chimeras and Sphinx could all use the body as a base too).

I need to think of a way of doing the wings now; don’t think I have any wings of a suitable size in my bits box, so will either have to order from a bitz/conversion parts site or scratch build myself. One idea I have is to make an armature for the wings and only sculpt part of them, then use cotton wool for a smoke effect to look like the sorcerous miasma lammasu give off.

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Awesome conversion idea
Also bowstrings - dedication man

Thanks mate.

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Excellent stringing, and promising conversion start!

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Thanks Admiral.

Found a potential armature for the wings:

Also made an…ahem…addition to him:

WiP on some of the CDs:


:see_no_evil: oh dear…haha

Can’t knock your dedication to the craft mate. Stringing bows is one thing this is a whole next level of dedication haha :joy:


Just be glad I’m doing this in 15mm and not in, say 54mm scale, lol. :rofl:


Good sculpting work, including the correct anatomy! :smiley:

@Eisenhans, you’re not alone in your dedication to portraying physiology to its full extent.


Not much done today, worked on the Lird’s hat a bit, the hat of one of the champions and the gun on another champion:


Is that a triple barrel shotgun? :open_mouth:

Nice sculpting on such small small minis :+1:t2:

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Is a “Lird” a “Little Lord”?

And great minds think alike with the triple barrelled gun


@GhraskDragh - yep; obviously an experimental new design being tested out by the blunderbuss champion :wink: And thanks. :slight_smile:

@Abecedar - a Lird is a fatfingersonakeyboardandautocorrectdoesntcatchit Lord


Too late. Lird is now the standard term for a 15mm Chaos Dwarf Lord, and that’s that. :stuck_out_tongue:


Been mulling over how to do some ogre slaves and I was considering eBaying some of the old 2nd Ed 40K plastic Goffs and doing a weapon swap for their guns (but until I get my hands on one I won’t be able to tell if the size will work, so may not bother). Idea I’ve had is use the Goffs for the regular ogres and something else for more elite ogres. One option is to use Goffs and sculpt extra armour onto them, while another is try and get hold of other minis that will fit in the style. In light of that ive just ordered a pack of BTD Dark Orcs to test size: FA0213 - Dark Orc Warriors III (2) – EOE Orbis UK

If they fit I’ll consider ordering one of the regiment packs to do a full unit.

Slowly plodding along with sculpting; added a little bit to one Champ’s hat and to the trigun of the other, added horns to the lamassu and started altering the shields on the warriors from round ones to more Assyrian-style ‘tombstone’ shaped ones:


Love following this! That Lamassu-conversion really triggers me to finish my own for Admiralty Miniatures.

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Thanks, and looking forward to seeing your tjubassu. :wink: