The Secret History of the Blood Tusk Clan

See what you made me do! There I was minding my own business writing about Renegades. Now all I can think about are Flipping Flippers!

The Secret History of the Blood Tusk Clan
Part 1.

Long back. Further than the ice remembers. The Fathers came. There were both the Snow Fathers and the Fire Fathers. Together the Great Flipper tossed them them on the Sea. The breath of the Whiskered One rattled their ships and shook their beards. For they knew Him not.

Long time He drove them. Long time toward the Thin Land. There they came. There His great white Tusks bound them. For they knew Him not.

The fathers huddled in their homes of iron. They knew not the ways of ice. They knew not of His bounty. There they hungered. For they knew Him not.

Slowly their fires died. Slowly their hunger grew. They began to blubber hunt each other. For they knew Him not.

The Black Bhart gathered the Snow Fathers. Out onto the Thin Land he led them. Far from the iron homes. Far from the blubber pits of the Fire Fathers. Many died. For they knew Him not.

At the edge of the Thin Land, they stopped. At the edge of the Thin Land, they called. Called for their Deep Land God. For they knew Him not.

No Deep Land God Heard. But He heard. He sent his bounty to them. They blubber hunted his bounty. They sheltered within his bounty. Though they knew Him not. Along the edge of the Thin Land, they followed His bounty. Along the edge of the Thin Land, He led them. Along the edge of the Thin Land, He sheltered them. Though they knew Him not.

His bounty led at last, to the Deep Land. Here the Snow Fathers burrow dug. The Snow Fathers rejoiced at His bounty. Though they knew Him not. The Snow Fathers rode the sea. And took His bounty from it. In feather, scale and blubber. Long time, they stayed. Though they knew Him not.

The Snow Fathers passed and went onto the Thin Land. Then their sons passed and their sons sons. And still they knew him not. They forgot how to work the Deep Lands Veins. They forgot their Deep Land God. They forgot their scribble mark language save the marks of power. Yet still they knew him not.

But He knew them.

He stretched His flipper out over them. He withheld His Tusks from them. He sheltered them with His bulk. And He chose one to know Him.


Oh boy! I’ve set myself a nice reminder for later today! :relaxed:


This seems perfectly inline with @Reaver 's description of them. I like the folklore tale style. Very cool man.


The Secret History of the Blood Tusk Clan

Part 2

He breathed upon The People. He breathed upon the children of the Snow Fathers. His breath reached far into their burrow homes. And One was born who knew Him. One was born with the power. Not scratch mark power. After many birthings. One was born with The True power. And he knew Him.

He heard His voice in the wild wind. He Saw His power in the rage sea. He felt His tusks in the bite cold. And he knew Him.

Tonrak Dron, Thumder Spirit. They called him when he showed his power. Tonrak Ghoraq, cunning Spirit. They called him when he showed them how to tame His Tusk Beasts. Tonrak Zaki, Crazed Spirit they laughed when he spoke of Him. For they denied Him.

They drove him out. They drove him away. They drove him into the Thin land. For they denied Him. Yet Tonrak did not pass. He did not falter. He did not despair. For he knew Him. Long time he wandered. Long time he sought. Long time he called into the bite cold. For he knew Him.

And so He guided Tonrak. He sent bounty to blubber hunt. He sent word in the wild wind. He sent signs in the bite cold. For Tonrak knew Him.

So he came where it started. To the iron homes of the Snow Fathers and the Fire Fathers. He came where only the ice remembered. He found the halls of the Fathers. He found their dead idols. He found their dead iron beasts. He found their dead scratch mark sheets. But he found not the Fire Fathers, save one
Made of the Deep Land bones. For they never knew Him.

There he stayed. There he learned their scratch mark language. There he learned the secrets of power. There he learned the powers of the Fire Fathers. There he learned the powers of the Snow Fathers. And he grew strong. For he knew Him.

Long time he stayed. Long time he learned. Yet always he heard His voice in the wild wind. Always he saw His power in the rage sea. Always he felt His tusks in the bite cold. And he knew Him.

Then Tonrak returned to the People. Returned across the Thin Land. Returned through the bite cold. To tell them of Him.

Fright scared were the People when they saw him. For he had become mighty in the power. Some hard listened. Then they knew Him. Some laughed. For they knew Him not. Then ice hard oathed Tonrak that he would show them His power. Ice hard oathed he that He would bring great bounty. Ice hard oathed he that in three lights He would bring great reward. Ice hard oathed he that all would know Him.

The first warm light Tonrak prayed to Him and the People waited. The second warm light Tonrak prayed and the rage seas crashed. The second warm light Tonrak prayed and the wild wind howled. The second warm light Tonrak prayed and the People cowered in their burrow homes and blamed Tonrak. For they knew Him not.

The third warm light He showed his power. The third warm light brought a great white berg home. It brought a great white berg home from the sea onto the Deep Land. Many tall two legs there were. Many tall two legs with tusk ears. Many tired weak tusk ears. Surprised to see the People they were. Surprised to see the Tusk beasts they were.

And the blubber hunt was easy.

For now they all knew Walhut!


This goddam makes my blubber shudder with delight!

I salute in your general direction with my flipper. At attention until there’s another passage to sink my tusks into.

Edit: this community never ceases to amaze!


Wonderful as always. My cheeks are still aching from “they blubber hunted each other.” :smiley:

Walhut! Walhut!

If you have any use for this polar dwarf doodle as an ancestor without the walrus blessing, then as always feel free to make use of it (and anything else I’ve drawn) any way you want. (The advantage with art donations to T9A is that it’s on the art donator’s terms, so to speak; you can use your art for whatever else you feel like, including parallell use in multiple settings.)


The Secret History of the Blood Tusk Clan

Part 3

The blubber hunt was easy . And the people fed. The blubber hunt was easy . And the blubber pits were filled. The blubber hunt was easy . Yet Tonrak kept some from the flay cutting. For he heard Him.

Tonrak kept some from the flay cutting. He used the tusk beasts to pull drag the berg home high up onto the Deep Land. Tonrak took all from the berg home into his burrow place. For he heard Him.

All that Long Dark he kept the Tusk ears. All that Long Dark though many called for their blubber. All that Long Dark though some of the people muttered against him. For he understood Him.

Tonrak knew the power of the Snow Fathers. He knew their scratch mark language. He knew the secrets of their dead iron beasts.
Tonrak knew the power of the Fire Fathers. He knew their scratch mark language. He knew the secrets of their dead iron beasts. Hungered he to know the power of the Tusk ears. Hungered he to know their scratch mark language. Hungered he to know the secrets of their berg home. For he understood Him.

In the Long Light Tonrak called his most ice hard followers. Tonrak called them and word bound them. He word bound them to trudge go into the bite cold. To trudge go far from the rage sea. To trudge go to fetch the magic Deep Land Bone , the colour of the summer rage sea. For he trusted Him.

In the Long Light Tonrak called his most ice hard followers. Tonrak called them and word bound them. He word bound them to trudge go into the bite cold. To trudge go far from the rage sea. To trudge go to fetch the scratch mark sheets of the Snow Fathers. To fetch the scratch mark sheets of the Fire Fathers. For he trusted Him.

That Long Light Tonrak took the berg home. Broken smashed it was. Broken smashed so the rage sea could enter. Tonrak mended the berg home with skins made ice hard with marks of power. Tonrak mended the berg home with bone and tusk made Deep Land Bone hard with marks of power. For he trusted Him.

Using Skin, Bone and Tusk, Tonrak made great Flippers for the berg home. Using Skin, Bone and Tusk, Tonrak made a great tail for the berg home. Using Skin, Bone and Tusk, Tonrak made a likeness of Him from the berg home. For he loved Him.

Yet some doubted him. For they loved Him not.

That Long Dark Tonrak sat with the scratch mark sheets of the Tusk ears. Tonrak sat with the scratch mark sheets of the Snow Fathers. Tonrak sat with the scratch mark sheets of the Fire Fathers. And he listened. For he loved Him.

All that Long Dark he sat in his burrow place. The people asked for the Tusk ears blubber. But Tonrak listened not to them. He listened to Him. For He loved Him.

When the bite cold lessened. When the rage sea calmed. When the warm light came. Tonrak called the People. The berg home was drag pulled back to the rage sea. All covered with scratch marks of power. The berg home was drag pulled back to the rage sea. For he trusted Him.

Some of the people laughed at the berg home. Laughed at the the skin bone flippers. Laughed at the great skin bone tail. Laughed at the scratch marks. For they trusted Him not.

Then Tonrak brought forth the great iron bowl pot of the Fire Fathers. Brought forth the Tusk ears. Brought forth the great Tusk he wore as a sign of His favour. For he loved Him.

Tonrak took the Tusk ears blood life. With the Tusk he took their blood life. Though they called in their jabber tongue. Tonrak took their blood life into the great bowl pot. For he loved Him.

Then Tonrak took the blood life of those who had laughed. With the Tusk he took the blood life of those who had laughed. For they loved him not.

Tonrak added the magic Deep Land Bone. Added the crush smashed Deep Land Bome and called on Him. In the tongue of the Snow Fathers he called on Him. In the tongue of the Fire Fathers he called on him. In the jabber tongue of the Tusk ears he called on him. For he loved Him.

Tonrak took the Tusk and deep dipped it in the blood life. He deep dipped it in the blood life and magic Deep Land Bone. Many scratch marks of power he made. Many scratch marks of power with the Blood Tusk he made. All over the berg home. All over the skin bone flippers. All over the great tail. For he heard him. Then His spirit entered the berg home. The skin bone flippers turned. The great skin bone tail moved. And the people were fright scared. But Tonrak was not. For he trusted Him.

Tonrak held the Blood Tusk high. Tonrak held the Blood Tusk high and called the people. Now they were His people. Now they could ride the great rage sea. Now they could ride the great rage sea and blubber hunt far from their burrow homes. For they were His people. And all would fear them. And all would feed them.

For He loved them.

So I tell you. That you may know your past. So I tell you and scratch mark it so. So I truth tell you. So it was truth told me by my fathers’ father. For he was there. And he knew Him.

Khartoq Tonrakson
Knower of Walhut


This is great, we should bring in Kevin Smith to make a movie :thinking::grin:


@chitzkoi please read this to me for bedtime storytime

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