[TOW] Chaos Dwarf PDF for The Old World!

Here it is lads! : https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/0oSV3sLrnwVHoRjX.pdf

Spoiler : No Destroyer :frowning:


Otherwise, Iā€™m quite happy to see the diversity we got (hobgrots bolt thrower making a return!)

Black orcs and Hellcannons being in there also fills my heart with joy!


I took the liberty and moved to appropriate sub-category and ammend the title to make it clear what the PDF is for (even if probably everyone was expecting it anyway)


Itā€™s Legion of Azgorh with a bit more. Black Orcs, bolt throwers, and separate Sneaky Gits were unexpected, but welcome. Itā€™s hard to find anything to complain about, although I guess points will show.

The loss of the Destroyer, the unit we never really had, isnā€™t that big of a deal. You could use it as a Skullcracker if you already made a model, even if the base size is a bit different.


I really love the options we got now! Even shennanigans with ambush!


Itā€™s really interesting to me that they doubled down on Azgorh. I can understand why they did it, giving the official range some rules to make them playable, but the lack of non ā€œinfernalā€ infantry is really a bummer.


OK, some fun stuff in there for sure!

But where are my Death Rockets and Earthshakers!?? Damn it! Itā€™s time to whip-up some updates. I mean, the Hobgoblin Bolt Throwers made it in. Earthshakers are such a great way to level the playing field against fast-moving enemiesā€¦ and I need to be able to field my 20 Death Rockets!!


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Death Rocket is the Deathshrieker Rocket Launcher, Earthshaker is the Dreadquake.


Ya, but theyā€™re still differentā€¦ particularly the Earthshaker. Old rules was half movement. Dreadquake doesnā€™t quite do the job.


Canā€™t wait to make a ā€œLammasuā€™s Beardā€ battle standardā€¦ going to be EPIC!!!




The Sorcerer prophet on Bale Taurus with the +1 T item and the Breath weapon item seems interesting :smiley:


No battle std?

Oh its in a weird placeā€¦pg2

You can give him magic irems and a magic std too


The death rocket fits nicely on 50x75, so Iā€™ll be running it as a deathshrieker.

Same with the old dwarf flame cannon I run as magma cannon.

Sadly there are only big bulls. So I will have to make my big hat bulls work on 50x75


These point costs seem wild, the little army Iā€™m building is more than 2500 points.


Lord on Taurus 285
Lvl 4 sorcerer on lammasu 320

15 warriors (full command, shields, drilled, blackshard armor)228
12 blunderbusses 192
12 blunderbusses 192

rocket launcher 120
5 bull centaurs (full command, great weapons) 318

mortar(ogre slave) 185


160pts left for magic items, but not a lot of models

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I think we have to spend at least 100pts on hobbos to give us some bodies on the table
2x10 hobbo archers
10 ambushing sneaky gits is 120 points

Though a horde of 40 hobbos would be v nice


I had a bad experience with goblins. I tried to get into fantasy as a teenager, I kept the night goblin half of two starter sets, as I thought they were cute. On my first game a neckbeard flew a terror causing dragon to my army and the whole army ran off the board.


Great list! Iā€™m hyped! No destroyerā€¦ okay. I can live with it.

Question 1) Unless Iā€™m reading this wrong, thereā€™s no mount options for Infernal Guard Commanders? Seems like an oversight. Only sorcerers have mounts. No Lord on Taurus option, if this is correct.

Question 2) We can ally with Warriors of Chaos. Does that mean we have access to Chaos Giant, even though itā€™s actually listed in the Beasts of Chaos list?


The lack of a non-elite Dwarf unit means we really have to use Hobgoblins to fill out the army more because the Infernal Guard and Ironsworn are so expensive. Itā€™s going to be a different playstyle form 6th/7th, which might be the point - Chaos Dwarf armies arenā€™t going to be dwarfs with cheap infantry and cavalry and magic.

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Arenā€™t the Infernal Ironsworn considered our elite choice?

WS5, S6 (dbl handed), A2! Yeah, theyā€™re pricey, tho. 22 pts/model if fully kitted with dbl handed and shields. Ouch!