Book is finally here. I will begin the packaging this sunday and sent during next week.
Some Swedish people maybe wants to pick em up during Old World GT instead? If so, contact me. @denelian5 @almaxaquattl @Valkuk
Book is finally here. I will begin the packaging this sunday and sent during next week.
Some Swedish people maybe wants to pick em up during Old World GT instead? If so, contact me. @denelian5 @almaxaquattl @Valkuk
That would have been great, but I’m on parental leave with or 11 month baby so I cannot be going on the round trip necessary for the tournament. Please send it to me.
I just found about this project from a Facebook group. Would have jumped on it if I knew before.
The pdf will be unleashed for spontaneous community printing very soon.
Thank you for your hard work!! I for one really appreciate you doing this for us
Data package from February 18th. - - Link to the combined PDF. Have at it!
Thanks! Downloaded to see what will be coming in the mail box. ^^ Contents page looks like this for me though:
Some more pictures of the printed book
What’s in the book?
How to get a book for yourself
Use this link to download all files.
As you can see from the pictures, the cover unfortunately is shifted. Or not printed large enough. The books themselves look very nice, though.
We used the German version of doxdirect, which was not a flawless experience. At first, nothing happened for many days. Only after repeated emails and phonecall attempts did they tell me they had issues with their printer. In the end, they printed the books in the UK and shipped them to me.
We are currently in contact with them to try and remedy this unfortunate result. They claim they printed exactly as I uploaded the file, I think it’s an issue with the printing software, since you can see that the cover should be perfectly aligned on the spine but it is not.
It is noteworthy that official GW books are also not perfectly aligned, as you can see in these measurements of the official Rulebook
I don’t know what will come out of this in the end, hopefully some financial compensation, but I just don’t know right now.
For anyone who is thinking about printing the book for themselves, double-check everything you do and take copious screenshots!
Regardless, it’s a very beautiful book and you’ll be the envy of everyone at any event you’ll show up with it. Even with the misaligned cover.
Awesome! Is there any chance any kind soul is able to change the cover to say “Army Lists for the Legacy Factions” to match the other three books? Looks like “the” is missing on this cover. Beautiful book and can’t wait to print one!
Please try the other link. This one works:
I did. Same thing. Maybe it just doesn’t work in mobile. I’ll try at a desktop later at home.
Yes, please check. I just re-downloaded the file from there and it works fine on a desktop and iPad for me.
Thank you for releasing this to the group. We appreciate all of the hard work that went into this. If anyone involved wants a coffee or something I’d be happy to donate
Thank you, much appreciated! I think I speak for everyone when I say we’re just happy to see the book in as many hands as possible GW thought they could relegate us the second rank again, but nobody puts baby in a corner. Print the book, show it to everyone you meet!
Update: works fine on desktop but ToC is invisible still on mobile.
Will there be a second printing run for this?
Not from the people that did the first one, but that’s why we released all the necessary files. Quite a few people are still interested in the book, all you need to do is band together