[TOW] Lost Legions book is finally here

Received news I need to package better. So remaining 12 books will have to wait until I got even more bubble wrap.


What paper type and cover type did you go with? I assume the 130gsm and gloss? Thanks :slight_smile:


It was 120gsm paper and yes, gloss finish. 120gsm is def lighter than the GW books, but still feels weighty enough for a premium book.


Hi all,

I tried putting an order through doc direct. They came back saying an issue exists with the file and sent back this screenshot.

Anyone experienced the same issue?


Mhmmm, canā€™t say I have, file went through with doxdirect for me.

You could try and take that page out of the PDF and see if it works. If it does, you would only need to redo this first page and try again. I mean thatā€™s just a graphic, there shouldnā€™t be any problems with the font.

On second thought, that error probably pertains to the rest of the document and the first page is just shown as a default. Hmmm.

Can you try another browser? Might have an impact.

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Sorry late to the convo but we did agree the typeset will be comic sans right?

Also thank you for doing the hard work on this. Looking forward to my sweet army book


So, the TOW-Merge-Rev-G pdf is the exact same one I uploaded to doxdirect, only thing I did was reupload to MEGA. Otherwise itā€™s unchanged. I can try to ā€œorderā€ from doxdirect again and see whether it goes through.

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To do a second print run, one of the people requesting it would need to do what Laketide has done, and commit to:

  • Estimate the costs
  • Collect the funds based on your estimate
  • Manage the printing
  • Make the payment
  • Take delivery of all the finished books
  • Buy packing for, personally pack and arrange postage for all the books
  • Calculate the difference between estimated and actual costs, collecting or refunding the difference to each participant
  • Carry all the risks associated with all of the above

All for anons on the internet, a big proportion of whom are posting here for the first time.

Good luck, have fun!


Alright fam, Iā€™ve downloaded the TOW-Merge Rev-G.pdf file fresh from the MEGA link and did some tests.

Mozilla Firefox (v115.8.0esr)

  • file can be opened, TOC is not visible.
  • loading into doxdirect works, TOC visible, no errors

Google Chrome (v116.0.5845.187)

  • file can be opened, TOC is visible
  • loading into doxdirect works, TOC visible, no errors

Apple Preview (v10.0)

  • file can be opened, TOC is visible

PDF Expert (v2.5.15)

  • file can be opened, TOC is visible

So, apart from opening the file in Firefox to read it, I have no issues with the file, loading it into the doxdirect software to get it printed worked well with two different browsers.


First of all, thank you for making this! Iā€™m looking to do an order for my local area and have a few quesions. Iā€™m using the doxdirect like you did. The current file you have ā€˜Cover-Rev-Cā€™ does that have the slighly off alignment you printed for the spin or has it been adjusted.

I also got a notice that one page was oriented as Landscape in the Pdf.

Looking at your pictures above it looks like the Legacy book is slightly bigger than the other three GW books. Is that true? I measured the GW book and its 8x11 than the usual 8.5x11 A4 size.

Do you happen to have the order settings, this is what I am thinking.

Thanks again!


Jokes aside. I will never do anything remotely similar to this again. But I am glad I did it


P. S. Everything is now sent


is the 2nd PNG file you have for the alignment directions the way you submitted it?
Just wanting to know if I need to adjust from that.

This is how we aligned it:

Looking at the finished book, I would advise ā€œzooming inā€ more to make all elements of the cover larger. I donā€™t think the software accounts for the book thickness.

But I want to reiterate that this is conjecture!

Im getting this.

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Idk, doxdirect didnā€™t give me this :man_shrugging:

The .pdf doesnt. Its the PNG cover file which i uploaded that its saying needs to be reoriented.

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THANK YOU!!! Iā€™ve been jacking with this all day.


Whelp. doxdirect was UK only.
I went with Mixam which came out to about $50 a book with another $8 for shipping and taxes (order size dependent). So any USA based people who come here searching for this try Mixam.
Note you will need to only use .pdf files for them. I had to rotate page 10 and 16 first. If you upload the cover and pdf file shoot the Mixam people an email to fit and flatten the font errors.


Well done! Donā€™t really understand why you had to rotate some pages, but excited to see what comes out of the printer for you! Enjoy the book.