[TOW] Lost Legions book is finally here

Aw yeah my dudes. Arrived just in time, I’ve got a buddy looking to play some TOW soon!!



@anon65047651 @Hotstuff,

LaketideMiniatures asked me to contact you. I’ve got some guys here in the Netherlands that are interested in a printed Lost Legions book, but they ask if it’s possible to include the newest versions of the pdfs that were released by GW yesterday. Is it possible to easily replace the old versions with these? I’m happy to try and dabble a bit with a pdf editor, but I’m sure I can’t do it as well (or as fast) as you.

Thanks in advance!

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I mean all you really need to do is edit the handful of pages with actual changes, right? Chaos Dwarf PDF seems to just have one (!) sentence added on one page for example. You don’t need to redo all the flipping etc we did in the original PDF.

Tell you what: make a list of all changes in all the PDFs. I’ll make the edits.


You’re in luck: someone already did exactly that!

I made the edits** to the PDF and uploaded Lost Legions v1.1***

** I had to take some creative license with the Skaven Warpstone Armour but the releveant changes are represented.

*** I did not include the new Errata or any of the other Errata files, as this would be a bit more work than I’m willing to do at this point.


You were able to just upload the png and the pdf as is, and they were willing to make the needed adjustments for you? I am not able to get the spine to work or deal with the non-embedded fonts in the TOC on their site.

Does anyone print these in bulk and send them for a…donation? I keep trying to get this printed for ridiculous quotes and not even sure if I am doing it right, thank you in advance! would love one of these books!

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hey there, unfortunatly we’ve only done these for ourselves, in a limited pre-paid bulk order. Your best bet is to try and find a few other locals, or local-ish folks and do the same. like 5 copies is already much cheaper iirc.

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There were even folks who had this printed at a local printshops. I mean, if you don’t want a hardcover, there’s chances you can get it done locally.