Siege CD 2000 [2000 pts]
Warhammer: The Old World, Chaos Dwarfs
++ Characters [932 pts] ++
Infernal Seneschal [182 pts]
Hand weapon
Heavy armour
Battle Standard Bearer [The Lammasu’s Beard]
The Graven Sceptre
Special Rules: Blackshard Armour, Ensorcelled Weapons, Rallying Cry, Resolute, Stubborn
Sorcerer-Prophet [495 pts]
Darkforged weapon
Heavy armour
Level 4 Wizard
Bale Taurus
The Mask Of The Furnace
Healing Potion
Special Rules: Blackshard Armour. Ensorcelled Weapons, Infernal Engineer, Lore of Hashut, Resolute, Sorcerer’s Curse, Stubborn
Daemonsmith Sorcerer [255 pts]
Hand weapon
Heavy armour
Level 2 Wizard
Lammasu Sorcerous Exhalation
Ruby Ring of Ruin
Special Rules: Blackshard Armour. Ensorcelled Weapons, Infernal Engineer, Lore of Hashut, Resolute, Sorcerer’s Curse, Stubborn
++ Core Units [500 pts] ++
19 Infernal Guard [334 pts]
Great weapons
Heavy armour
Drilled (0-1 per 1000 points)
Deathmask (champion) [Hellshard]
Standard bearer [Rampaging Banner]
Special Rules: Close Order, Detachment, Regimental Unit, Resolute, Shieldwall, Stubborn
10 Infernal Guard [166 pts]
Heavy armour
Deathmask (champion) [Potion of Speed]
Special Rules: Close Order, Detachment, Regimental Unit, Resolute, Shieldwall, Stubborn
++ Rare Units [73 pts] ++
5 Hobgoblin Wolf Raiders [73 pts]
Hand weapon
Light armour and shield
Boss (champion
Special Rules: Backstab, Evasive, Fast Cavalry, Fire & Flee, Levies, Open Order, Skirmishers, Swiftstride
++ Allies [495 pts] ++
Gorebeast Chariot [135 pts]
Hand weapons
Mark of Chaos Undivided
Special Rules: Armour Bane (1, Gorebeast only), Close Order, Ensorcelled Weapons, First Charge, Impact Hits (D6+2), Killing Blow (Gorebeast only)
Gorebeast Chariot [135 pts]
Hand weapons
Mark of Chaos Undivided
Special Rules: Armour Bane (1, Gorebeast only), Close Order, Ensorcelled Weapons, First Charge, Impact Hits (D6+2), Killing Blow (Gorebeast only)
Chimera [225 pts]
Claws and Fangs (Hand weapon)
Scaly Skin (Heavy Armour)
Flaming Breath
Regeneration (5+)
Poisoned Attacks
Special Rules: Armour Bane (2, claws and fangs only), Close Order, Fly (10), Large Target, Stomp Attacks (1), Swiftstride, Terror
For what it’s worth my gaming group has already ignored all of this and are bringing allies that work thematically when we feel like it. Eg - daemons running around with chaos warriors.
Siege CD 2000 [1995 pts]
Warhammer: The Old World, Chaos Dwarfs
++ Characters [932 pts] ++
Infernal Seneschal [182 pts]
Hand weapon
Heavy armour
Battle Standard Bearer [The Lammasu’s Beard]
The Graven Sceptre
Special Rules: Blackshard Armour, Ensorcelled Weapons, Rallying Cry, Resolute, Stubborn
Sorcerer-Prophet [495 pts]
Darkforged weapon
Heavy armour
Level 4 Wizard
Bale Taurus
The Mask Of The Furnace
Healing Potion
Special Rules: Blackshard Armour. Ensorcelled Weapons, Infernal Engineer, Lore of Hashut, Resolute, Sorcerer’s Curse, Stubborn
Daemonsmith Sorcerer [255 pts]
Hand weapon
Heavy armour
Level 2 Wizard
Lammasu Sorcerous Exhalation
Ruby Ring of Ruin
Special Rules: Blackshard Armour. Ensorcelled Weapons, Infernal Engineer, Lore of Hashut, Resolute, Sorcerer’s Curse, Stubborn
++ Core Units [500 pts] ++
19 Infernal Guard [334 pts]
Great weapons
Heavy armour
Drilled (0-1 per 1000 points)
Deathmask (champion) [Hellshard]
Standard bearer [Rampaging Banner]
Special Rules: Close Order, Detachment, Regimental Unit, Resolute, Shieldwall, Stubborn
10 Infernal Guard [166 pts]
Heavy armour
Deathmask (champion) [Potion of Speed]
Special Rules: Close Order, Detachment, Regimental Unit, Resolute, Shieldwall, Stubborn
++ Rare Units [73 pts] ++
5 Hobgoblin Wolf Raiders [73 pts]
Hand weapon
Light armour and shield
Boss (champion
Special Rules: Backstab, Evasive, Fast Cavalry, Fire & Flee, Levies, Open Order, Skirmishers, Swiftstride
++ Allies [490 pts] ++
Gorebeast Chariot [135 pts]
Hand weapons
Mark of Chaos Undivided
Special Rules: Armour Bane (1, Gorebeast only), Close Order, Ensorcelled Weapons, First Charge, Impact Hits (D6+2), Killing Blow (Gorebeast only)
Chimera [225 pts]
Claws and Fangs (Hand weapon)
Scaly Skin (Heavy Armour)
Flaming Breath
Regeneration (5+)
Poisoned Attacks
Special Rules: Armour Bane (2, claws and fangs only), Close Order, Fly (10), Large Target, Stomp Attacks (1), Swiftstride, Terror
Exalted Sorcerer [130 pts]
Hand weapon
Light armour
Mark of Chaos Undivided
On foot
Flying Carpet
Battle Magic
Special Rules: Chaos Armour (5+), Ensorcelled Weapons, Gaze of the Gods, Lore of Chaos
As Jac says, the rules imply that you have to meet the core/special/rare requirements. It’s quite a small section.
Imagine the 500 points has to obey all the rules for a 500 point match if it fought alone.
Gorebeast chariots are Rare and Chimeras are Special. You’d have to substitute one of those for a core unit. The g-beast chazza can’t actually be taken in this context because it’s 135pts which is 10pts over the 25% limit for Rare (500/4 gives a limit of 25). This would allow you to neatly swap it for 125pts of Core.
The point of the Allies system is to prevent you from taking soup of this kind, just skimming the best units off the top of another faction in order to “fix” weaknesses in your own. Factions are supposed to have weaknesses.
In casual settings, as Jac rightly says, do whatever is fun for you and your opponent.
I am fairly certain that your prophet cannot legally take a magical shield, since he’s not able to take a mundane one.
Your seneschal cannot be both BSB and general. In any case your prophet has to be the general because of his ld 10.
I think your prophet will be better served with a mantle of stone (or two?) to synergize with that tough -swinging taurus, rather than the healing potion.
Besides that, I think it’s a fun concept to (try to ) have fast CD’s, but following that thought: where are the bulltaurs and hobo Khans on wolves? Get a Tau’ruk up in there
Also: damn, it’s difficult to get a chaos giant in our armies then I’d been wanting to do that down the line, but I guess you’d need a… 3200pts game minimum for that. Yikes.
The only restriction for magic armor (besides the general stuff of one per slot except common ones etc) is that the model needs some sort of mundane armor. Since the prophets have heavy armor in base then it’s alright.
This could be the case yes, but then following this logic raises further questions.
Wouldn’t this then mean that armies with magical plate armor for example, who don’t have access to mundane equivalents (ogre kingdoms and beastmen come to mind) can’t use those at all? Or that our own Armour of bazherak the cruel only goes on a black orc.
The rulebook does specify that there are different types of armor and their differences as seen below:
Yeah that’s true, it would be silly to have a chaos dwarf armor we couldn’t use - I believe VC and Dork Elves have the same point of contention.
The given rule for magic armor doesn’t differentiate between types of armor, though. If you can take/have an armor, then you can take a magical one. The rule then confusingly goes on to call a magical heavy armor the “mundane equivalent” of a heavy armor, which further muddies things.
RAI and arguably RAW: if you can wear armor, you can wear a magical one, and vice versa, regardless of the type of mundane armor you have access to.
Anyway, the shield part is less ambiguous. None for our prophets, I’m afraid.
Well, the quoted section from the magic items only differentiates armour, shield and barding, while things like the bedazzling helmet don’t even fall in those categories. And there isn’t even magic barding, not even in the Bretonnian list, which arguably is the one army which would have it if it existed.
I therefore feel quite sure about the interpretation that access to any type of body armour allows you to take any kind of magic body armour, access to a shield unlocks magic shields and access to a barded mount would unlock hypothetical magic barding.
Fair enough. That really bums me out since I feel the lammasu needs a good save to be viable against armies with a lot of poison shooting.
Oh well, back to the drawing board again heh
I feel you! The root of the problem is that for some reason they have denied us the use of full plate armour. Then again, even with FPA the maximum would have been armour save 3+ and that’s still most we can have now (with Armour of Silvered Steel) For a wizard, that is still an exceptionally good armour save.
Yep, silvered steel might not be such a bad option for sorcerer prophets now that I think about it. Relatively cheap compared to the other options and the lammasu wouldn’t really be viable in combat against dangerous foes anyway so best to just kit it against shooting and occasional flank charges.
Good point! I had that one more in mind for a BSB in a unit, since a Sorcerer on monster will probably face a lot of shooting and AP-2 is rarer for shooting than for melee, on the other hand there are cannons
I’m going up against a waystalker with bow of Loren and the AP arrows in about a week, so I’m rocking stone mantle and meteoric iron on my prophet and also stone mantle on my Seneschal