Upcoming Chaos Dwarf 3D-printable terrain Kickstarter by Lost Kingdom Miniatures

Are they kidding me? :drooling_face:
Man, this is going to be off the hook.


On the one hand it’s a tad disappointing that it’s leonine rather than bovine but on the other hand it’s nice that it’s not leaning to hard on the GW designs and they’re expanding to do their own thing with this stuff. :slight_smile:


Besides, given the placement of that maw, we may actually be looking at an asscannon inside a hellcannon!


We have based this model in some Mesopotamian reliefs, wich talk about the Anzu creature, but don’t worry about the bovine style, we have another version yet to show :wink:


There is always converting it :slight_smile: Actually, I have zero explizit with 3D printing, but if one had, I guess it is possible to download/buy an STL file and modify it before printing, right?

You’re killing me here :sob:


Wow, that is awesome.

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Any Aussie dudes with a printer wanna go in for this Kickstarter

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We here on CDO should just all pitch in for a couple of printers, call them “Zharr Naggrund Forges” or something, have them run 24/7 until we all drown in models and be done with it.


Wow, that cannon is incredible. That’s something far more likely for me to get to print.

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My thoughts exactly.

Wow, this is getting craaaazy good, without a doubt some of the best CD minis you can get

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I don’t want to impinge on @LKMinis rights here but (if permissible) I for one would be willing to donate some prints to contest prizes or something like that (assuming I can get some prints of worthy quality).

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Biggest issue I can see with that is postage costs; remember we have members all over the globe and sending a big print locally will be expensive enough for you let alone internationally.

Obviously shooting the blunderbuss from the hip here but I feel like there will be plenty of content in this kickstarter (especially considering the modularity) that could be of similar size/weight to some past contest prizes. (excepting stuff like Tjublings of course which pack lots of quality in a small package)

I’ve shipped internationally as an ebay seller before and not been hit too hard by shipping. Luckily 3D printing keeps the weight pretty low as well considering 15-20% infill is common. So maybe not mailing a giant ziggurat… but every post by @LKMinis brings more options to the table here. Additionally, the only real expense would be the shipping since filament cost is nigh negligible for FDM at least. Just some thoughts for the future, we’ll have to see what this kickstarter brings.

If you show us before and ask for permission, of course :wink:


Best option always would be to find some company close to your city or at least your country. We will give some options in the kickstarter for Canada, USA and Europe :wink:


In this case we will allow conversion (wich is not common) but only for personal use

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Will there be a way to get casts of these and your classic models? Or is it all files?

We are not going to produce for now, so all files :slight_smile:

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