WarCry - Red Harvest

Oh, excited for WarCry news… Something spidery from beneath the Varanspire, the video shows some kind of magma pumps which obviuosly got me thinking of Chaos Dwarfs. :grinning:


From what I have seen it is confirmed that Hobgrots trade slaves for wepons with “Hashut worshiping duardin”. So not only we are getting Chorfs, but we have Hashut allso!


Well this is interesting @tjub, combined with the fact hashut is actually named in the aos book and all the other not yet verified but very trustworthy tidbits…

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I think we will see warcry and/or underworlds warband(s) first, and than later down the edition a proper Oathbraker army. Like with Gits and their underworlds warbands

Yes, I agree. Also, let’s hope this is all leading up to a full blown chaos dwarf army in the Old World!

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I really hope the AOS oathbrakers will be the same models as Old World Chaos Dwarfs. I play AOS, but having an army that would need only some base adapters (round to square) to be playable in the OW would make me try the new-old stuff haha

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It would make sense they dip their toe in with a WarCry Warband, if (when) it sells well they may steam ahead into a full release :thinking:

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Last year I was saying steampunk robot spiders and THERE ARE NO BRAKES ON THAT STEAMPUNK TRAIN

I hope not though. I hope we are kept waiting that bit longer.