I watched this in the hopes of seeing some evil stunties, and I’m uncertain. The very end of the trailer has some hints at what looks like an underground forge with some “prisoners with jobs” (maybe gobbos?) working with some clearly CD-like chaos symbols from their LoA war machines with someone laughing at the end. The laughing bloke has scale mail closely resembling LoA infantry…so thoughts?
Chaos Dwarfs have been teased for a very long time now. Plus, the blog post specifically says that “a fiery Chaos” is coming. It is official, CDs are going to be next campaign pack dropping fro Total War Warhammer 3, somewhere in April or May (although I believe April). Look forward for a trailer next month.
I just saw that this little pop-up is all the acknowledgement the trailer and Chaos Dwarfs got on the Warhammer Community page. That’s significantly less than Cathay got. I don’t like that.
Another teeny tiny mention on the Warhammer Community page.
I really have to say: It worries me a little that there isn’t a real blog post about it. Hard to view that as a particularly good sign overall.