Warploque Miniatures Chaotic Dwarves

I don’t have Facebook (or Twitter, or Snapchat, or TikTok, or any of that stuff). Are there any unfortunate souls around to whom I may pass the buck?


It’s very close… anyone on the patreon please vote dark dwarfs!!! We could get even more!

Also @Admiral I had no idea Warploque was WarplockMonkey from the old forum. Chaos dwarf alumni! No wonder boar centaurs showed their face!


Do you know if there is a dealer where you can order the models? Because I don’t want to get a 3D printer just to get these models!


I hear you @Zanko . I don’t know if he offers merchant tiers to sellers :man_shrugging:t2:

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I hope he does, it would be a real shame not to get the models. They would make a really nice crew for my planned land ship.

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I’m not in the know since I’ve not dabbled with it, but shouldn’t it be possible to buy the STL files, and then provide them for a printing company to print and ship the miniatures to you? From my green outsider’s perspective that seemed the obvious role printing companies would fill for those lacking printers. @MichaelX , any thoughts and recommendations?

This is indeed how it works, or, maybe there are already licensed sellers thst print and sell physical models.

Also pretty sure someone will print a few for you for next to nothing @Zanko, if you supply the stls.

Pm me if you want me to print some, we can probabky work something out.


Someone on the discord mentioned someone is selling them on etsy. £15 for 10. Only the first part though. No centaurs…at least not yet. So for a unit of 23 it’s £38. Bit on the dear side possibly.

His ogres are v Nice too. It all is…Love the slightly comical nature of his stuff.


You can contact him directly on IG, using the CDO ig page we chatted few times and he’s pretty quick answering as well, also the FB group, but a bit less active there

I’m pretty sure he’s old CDO @Loidrial :lammasu2:
warplockmonkey from
Back in the day


That is correct. :blush:


When does that vote close?

Not sure @GhraskDragh

Still don’t know when vote closes but…

We are widening our lead :cd1980:


Bad news. We won the poll

But the creator has gone in a different direction regardless

Hate to be “that guy” but I’ll be unsubbing and jumping back on if more chaos dwarfs are on the menu


Be that guy. Seriously, that’s a real bad move. Don’t you actually put money forward to join someone’s Patreon? If that’s the case, then you have warrant not only to be that guy but also to publicize this. Money is involved.

Nah ain’t that bad @Ihsan997 ive paid two months for two months of dwarfs. Now this has been announced I’ve got until next month to decide to pay or not to receive it :slight_smile:

Cool, lets hope we will see them sooner or later!
I backed his BB teams and he hade big plans for a complete range but ultimately only made three teams… Guess one have to follow their creative flow, but atleast he know what the fans want… :slight_smile:

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Exactly @tjub

I’ll unsubscribe and keep an eye on it to see if they crop up again. If they do, I’m back in :slight_smile:

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Dark dwarfs continue to get votes! I’ve commented and asked what this means for us. Maybe the guy is going to do the halfling and daemon Set and it will be alongside some Last chaos dwarfs? I hope so. I’ve enjoyed this series so much!

I asked a couple of days Ago - hopefully an answer will come soon :slight_smile: