[Archive] [07-21-2009] no Pirates! involved..just Dawi Zharr (WIP Taurus...wash me!)


The second unit is finished…puh. The last 6 guys took a long time due to having my girlfriend around all the time :wink:

Let´s have a look:

I´ll start with one mage and one bull-hero soon…


With this little beardy guy i finished the first 1000 points of painted chaos dwarfes. I´m not very happy with how he turned out, but i didn´t get the right inspiration for him… :~ :

A legal list of the 1000 points could look like this:

- Mage, level 2, scroll, stone (general)

- 2 units of 20 CD-Warriors, full command

- 2 units of 21 Hobgoblins, each with Shields and Musicans

- 1 unit of 10 Hobgoblin Arrer Boys

- 3 Bolt-Throwers

- 7 Bull-Centaurs, heavy armor, shield, Musican, Standard-Bearer


1033 points :hat off


he still looks cool

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Kera foehunter:

Well you did good !! Melcher I like the blue skin


Long time no update…i´m sorry for that, but due to a lot of work in the job and at home, i wasn´t able to make much progress…

But i´ve finally finished the wolves for my hobgoblin rider unit together with the first rider, so you can see how the unit will look like.

I´ve made a mustache with green stuff, which you can hardly see due to the small pic.

enjoy :hat off


Joined a small tourney last weekend with my stunties and placed 28th from 50…ok for me, caus i jused a very trashy army :slight_smile:

And this is the army itself (i´m half way done). The blunderbusses and wolfriders are still wip…

:hat off melcher

Kera foehunter:

love the army !! thanks for giving up a picture of the total group


nice army,dude

the statues as unit fillers is really a great idea


I´m not lazy, but missed to update this thread…so here is a new picture frome the army as it looks like (i´ve finished the blunderbusses):

And this is going to be my despot for small and large games (with black amulett of gnar)…:

The next two projects are: Bull-Centaur BSB and the earthshaker…and then i´ll have finished my first 2000 points of chaos dwarfs :hat off

Kera foehunter:

great army picture!! you still need more pirates !!


Is it possible to see a better/closer pic of you wolf riders?


Is it possible to see a better/closer pic of you wolf riders?

Sure...i´ll take some pics at the weekend..but the hobbos themself are only wip, cause i had to paint them for a tourney (to get the painting points ;) ).

I´m not sure, where the pirates are...and if there will be pirates. Maybe as slaves? ;)


pic removed ´cause the finished cannon can be seen below :slight_smile:


I finally finished my earttshaker cannon and right now the last hero (bull :hashut ) is getting some paint to finish the first 2000 points of painted chaos dwarfs :cheers


nice looking army thats coming together quite well. there may be hope for me just yet. Good job on those bull centaur conversions, and i understand how those big models can be difficult to rank up. Looking forward to seeing that last Hero… for the moment…


there may be hope for me just yet.

A your president said: "You can make it!" (something like this...) ;)

I finished the bull-hero:

...and started to build my rocket-launcher:

For the chaos stunties its good to have my girls (girlfriend and daughter visit their mother/grandma) away ;P


really like the rocket launcher, is that made from empire rocket bitz?


@melcher: You should have waited to post these pics and sent the Centaur in for GH#9 instead, unless you had some other planned…

The looks good, both launcher and hero.



Indeed, it is a whole empire rocket-launcher box. It was a present from a friend, when i still played an empire army, but after selling the painted empire-stuff i found a new home for the launcher: my stunties :hat off

I cutted off the lower rocket and shortend the launchers frame. The “box” around the rockets is made from plastic-card.

@melcher: You should have waited to post these pics and sent the Centaur in for GH#9 instead, unless you had some other planned…

:o There is a GH#9?? Man, i really have to use my little time better to read properly…hm, but wait…you are participating too, aren´t you? :stuck_out_tongue: Then we already have our winner for the GH9!

I´m really a big fan of your work, tjub :cheers

btw: I want to see your lammasu painted man!


I just made a few pics from finished units, which didn´t get their own pic in this thread:

wolf riders (their are still a little bit WIP…):

a small unit of blunderbusses (these guys don´t convince me in terms of game-playing performance…):

and the second unit of hobbo bowmen (THEY convinced me every time :idea ):


Jepp, here’s the link… https://discourse.chaos-dwarfs.com/t/10763 :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks, I know me too. I started with the basic colors on it, but then I got bored and havent done anything since. Should be able to do it this summer thou…