[Archive] Arashi's Dawi Zharr conversions

turquois dwarf:

i like the green colour skeem


Outstanding job Arashi!

I really like the green as the main color defined and different.


If I had known that all it would take was posting some of your pics in in Issue #2 of the webzine then I should have done it for issue #1:wink:


Thanks for all the comments!

@Servius & turquoise dwarf: Have never really liked to use red paints for bigger zones of my minis. This, and the fact that I wanted them to be more different from the usual colors, was the reason I used green instead. Guess it was a good choice :stuck_out_tongue:

@Willmark: You know, it´s just like an unwritten rule that you have to post pic of new minis when you see pics of your old ones in a webzine! :smiley: :wink:


I know that these shouldn´t be here… BUT I COULDN´T RESIST! :stuck_out_tongue:

Kera foehunter:

WELL since there only 5

we don’t want a mob of greenskinn to take over

nice paint job too arashi

Warlord Ghazak Gazhkull:


great looking chaos dwarves. The orcs look also good, don’t you have problems with the banner that falls over?




Thanks Kera and WGG!

As for the banner, I have glued a small coin under it, which resolves that problem :wink:

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Looks great!

Halflings do sound interesting though, I smell a new army comming on…
Did you smell the whole thing…or only half? :smiley:


Well mate - you hero is very great :slight_smile:

I really like you concept, and cannot waite to see more.

Cheers :cheers


What? I haven’t updated this in a looong time now… But now I have a few new pics. Not only of the Dwarf lord of chaos, that maybe some of you have seen on AoW (you never commented them, your *****:sick), but also of my finished unit of normal warriors!

So, I will not be taking more of your time reading this. Here comes the pics:

Questions and criticism are appreciated

Ghrask Dragh:

Great job on the AoW, I like the green on the shoulder pad alot.

Thats a really nice bit of sculpting on the warrior face, very imressive :hat off


Cool guys!

Especially like your two heroes, great work! :hat off

The only point of criticism for me is your green colour scheme, it´s not mine.

But this aspect shouldn´t impair your accomplishment.

And it would be boring if all armies have the same appearence! :cheers



That’s looking very nice man, plus it’s always a treat to see the AoW CD painted up.


These look fantastic - great conversions and a great paint job (plus i liked the orcs to boot )

Kera foehunter:

that is a great up date love the troops but i really like the lord and aow is kick ass


that aow is great painted…great come back


Wow, thank you for all the coments! You all made me so happy that I will give you a little sneakpeek of my wizard, which is almost finished.

@Zanko: Exactly what I think, therefore the not-so-common green colour. Makes them even more unique, and even though not many like it, I love it!


This guy looks prett badass.

The face is sculpted nicely, and the mustache is a very nice tough.

Is he a Fire or Death wizard?


Could be either IMO. Well sculpted, as are all your models.

Slave awarded.