[Archive] BR's Army Blog


The detail work on the shield is really nice.


Great work on every thing Border Reiver i really like the use of the blood bowl figures and the deatil work that you have put in to their shields, great to see so many big hats as well :hat off

Border Reiver:

And over the last month I’ve been working on:

My two Earthshakers

(this was my first one and was complete)

And this one followed, but was missing the carrying tray.

On both Earthshakers I decided to paint a series of Runes to break up the monotony of a large brass pot with very little ornamentation. For those who don’t have the Dwarf army book the runes closest to the muzzle are Runes of Targetting, and back the runes are from the centre on out: Rune of Hashut, Daemon Rune, Rune of Fire and a Rune of Death.

Plus, Sargon’s Regt (18 Blunderbussiers with full command)

and if course, the Dawi himself, Sargon

Right now I’m working on my 10 Arrer Boyz.

Kera foehunter:

Great work on the earthshaker that great brush work runes

Da Crusha:

really nice models, I especially like the blue and black Chaos dwarfs and the earth shaker, cool rune idea!


Great work on the 2 earth shakers, the runes on the body look great :slight_smile:

Border Reiver:

Well, it had to happen sooner or later, the camera has decided to act up. My wife and I are hoping that all it is that the memory card is full with video, and that is interfereing with the still pics.

This means of course that my latest update is simply to state that I’ve completed Lurgal’s Mob, my ten arrer boyz with a musician. So now I’ve got to hope that I can get pics up as soon as I can.

The next project is to begin repainting Akkad the Grim’s Raiders (20 Warriors with Great weapons and full command). These were among the first CDs I ever painted and other than doing a wash and highlighting the faces about 10 years ago, I’ve done nothing to them since their original paint job. And concurrently I will be painting my AoW Dwarf Lord of Chaos. Thanks to the miracle that is a razor saw, and GS, he will have a big hat.

Border Reiver:

Well, it has certainly been a while since I posted here. Between camera problems, being away from home for several weeks and not having time to do much painting I just could add to this. Fret no longer, I have my newest pictures.

First, the wonderful Avatar of War figure, given a proper hat so that he can join the rest of my army without looking out of place.

Next is the first 10 of Akkad the Grim’s Raiders - the first CDs I ever painted. They’ve now got an updated paintjob, as opposed to the flat colours they had before and I’ve tarted up the shields a little.

And what would a look at the regiment be without a pic of the fearless leader?

And finally, some of the slaves, the arrer boys known as Lurgal’s Ladz

Sorry for the delay.

Presently on the painting block, Hashut’s Children - 6 Bull Centaurs with full command.


Awesome work! :hat off

Great paint job and cool colour scheme - I really like it!

But … the great AoW mini … with the Hat  … it’s not mine! :wink:

Nonetheless cool conversion! :cheers



nice old school look;)

I personally like the big Hat AoW guy;)


Wow your paint scheme is really awsome and CD like! and I love the way u do it to! Im most fan of ur orcs their skin and clothes are wicked :smiley:

Border Reiver:

What can I say? The rest of the army has big hats, so the Avatar must as well.


Cool AoW conversion, I like the hat! :wink:


Can see you fixed the problem with that ‘out of place’ helmet effectively :wink: Awesome conversion :hat off

Border Reiver:

Like many decent conversions, it was simple - therefore I didn’t screw it up.

Kera foehunter:

wow he looks great !!i think he make a great pirate!!

wow all your leves are gone on your shubery

Border Reiver:

Privateer maybe.

As long as he does better than Barrett he’ll be OK.

Border Reiver:

And now, the Children of Hashut - 6 Bull Centaurs with Great Weapons and Full command

Next, the last 9 warriors of Akkad the Grim’s Raiders

Kera foehunter:

Wow !!that great !! here !! have all my slaves this is so cool !!

i wish you lived closer !! so i could battle your cool army

The Brain:

Dude, what you did with the avatar of war guyis awsome he really fits in niceley. Cool conversion. :hat off