[Archive] Clam's Garage (WIP Chaos Dwarf Grenadier)


Update 08-15-2008

So sorry �?" I keep trying … , but my day just don�?Tt seem to have hours enough

I�?Tm well over the wedding (Thanks guys and girls), the holiday in Spain, euro2008 and a lot of other things´- and I feel that now is the time to begin working on my army - again.

I felt a need to kick start this, so I have started working on a Earthshaker �?" you can follow this project in my WIP-thread: 'Building me an Earthshaker I am�?T in the conversions forums �?" so I won�?Tt talk about it here.

I have put my CD warriors on standby �?" as I�?Tm thinking very hard about casting these in resin �?" but finding the materials at a fair price (It will cost me a Marauder Mage �?" for shipping 2-3kg of silicon and resin to where I am), but I might have found what I am looking for.

However, this summer I�?Tve started another �?~core�?T project of mine. I showed you the prototypes but here they are in all there greys and greens:

The Hobgoblins, 19 out of 24 - with hand weapon and shield

They still need a lot of work �?" especially their pixy hats (Bulk work :sick)

As said before, I�?Tm very pleased with the result �?" and I�?Tm especially fond of the way that the command group turned out. So I�?Tll give you some close ups �?" hope you like them as I do.

Big Boss


Standard Bearer

Actually, I�?Tm so happy with the concept, that I have bought another Plague Monks box set and an additional 10 Plague Monk Bodies.

These are going to be armed with this:

So here is where the army stands right now (I really hope that seeing all these naked bases will motivate me to continue on).

And now to something completly different:

Don�?Tt want to brag or anything �?" and I know these acutally don�?Tt belong in here (this �?~blog�?T) at all �?" but �?~This_is_my_boomstick�?T made me a very, very happy man (as showed in my �?owant thread�?�) :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I finally got the last Marauder MM90 Chaos Dwarf (the MM90/2a) �?" this is a huge milestone in my Collecting Quest. So I have to share with somebody - and there is no better place - so here they are :smiley:

Think they will be �?~Painting Marathon exclusives�?T :hat off

- Clam