[Archive] Golden Hat #5 - Painting Competition!

Hashut’s Blessing:

Mine is done and I actually have two entries, just deciding which to send in now.


I think I’m totally going to regret this but… I’m going back the drawing board. My model is not coming out the way I want it to so I’m going to plan B. Plan B will be way cool but I’ve wasted a fair amount of time with only 11 days to go!


good luck, I hope it you manage to get it done in time

Hashut’s Blessing:

I fortunately have the pictures for the model I want to post. I left my camera at university ya see :wink:

Ishkur Cinderhat:

Hehe Willmark so we both will have the same amount of time for our model, then. Still haven’t started any serious work here. Time to make good use of the weekend!


Ahh! I have finished the greens for this - but as the rest of my army - he (yes, it’s a he) still needs a lot of paint. Just spend about £20 on some of those Formula P3-paints. Think I’ll try them out on this one :slight_smile: - So there is still hope - for me - to enter my first GH!

Kera foehunter:

Ha ha i’m done !!!all i have too do is send the pictures .


Yarrrr! Mines almost done!

Well…to be honest the actual model itself has been done for weeks…i only have the base to paint…but i REALLY can’t be arsed to get my paints out…

Plus i have been distracted by a shiney new project…sculpting a PROPER kroxigor…not those scrawney little things GW make…

And yes GRNDL…both of them are made ENTIRELY of GS/BS!!!


:hat off Warplock!

I’m about 30 mins or so from finishing the converting/sculpting on my entry and its come out more or less as I’d hoped it would. I’m not sure what it says as a Standard Bearer but… hhehehe

About 20% of the putty used was in Warplock’s fabled mystical legendary Modelling Compound, whose recipe was long lost to most modellers, hidden in the secret repertoire of Warplockmonkey in ancient, kelp strewn Wetwang…

I’m looking forward to the Krox, Warp! You’ve done nothing but awesome work!! Although now you have some good competition in the Lizardman conversion/sculpting race from Kyte!!


You see? I TOLD you it was good stuff!

And as for the krox…iv just about got all the musculature done, iv done the weapon, iv sulpted the scales on the hips and legs, a few more hours and he should be complete!

HOWEVER…no matter how hard i try i cannot do a convincing head…i must have had 4 attempts and all turn out to look like a cartoon snake…any ideas or tips?


My bro is working on an entry! I need to catch up to him, perhaps I will dedicate tomorrow to converting something special. :)

Well I guess the word is already out that I will be entering (hello everyone btw)!

Is everyone afraid? You should be, I just finished today!

What Xander failed to mention, is that I am his older, better-looking, taught-him-all-he-knows brother!

Mmmwahahaha joking... on the last bit anyhow.

Great competition, I always love deadlines and the competitive spirit. There is plenty of talent and experience to compete with here, and I wish all entrants the best of luck!



this is just fantastic!

dont usually bother looking at doing the golden hat because im always away all the time working but i have been off for easter and guess what . . . i have a half made standard bearer sat next to my painting table and i have just been thinking i should actually get some CD’s done for once.

unfortunately the banner is already done in 3d, because i would have liked to hand paint a mural for the competition. if its any inspiration to you here is a blood angel banner i hand did a few years ago (thankfully my painting skills are better now though)

well he is wearing red :stuck_out_tongue:

good luck to everyone!


Looks like I’m back on track. I should probably finish my entry by Thursday.

Hashut’s Blessing:

Dang it. I seem to have competition :smiley: At least my pics are posted!



Do I see a bit of family sabotage? Watch that Xander, particularly if he’s doing a Sneaky Git standard bearer :slight_smile:


What Xander failed to mention, is that I am his older, better-looking, taught-him-all-he-knows brother!

Well You got part of that right... let me fix it for you:

What Xander failed to mention, is that I am his know it-all brother!



finished my entry now i just have to choose which photos make it actually look good lol


hey, havn’t posted in this thread but as soon as i saw the topic of this golden hat i knew i had to giv it a go, my entry is finished and i had a bit of a revelation which i thought i’d share with you all.

when i first started on the entry it was because i wanted to enter and i wanted to win (who doesn’t? lol) but as i got further into the project and invested more time in it i realised that i wasn’t realy bothered weather i won of not, as i had created a model and with my sculpting abilities (they’re not great) i had managed to take the idea through to being a completed model which looked like i had first imagined it should.

i thought this was quite special and is what the golden hat competition is about, rather than just creating a model which will beat everyone else.

peace out bro’s


You have the right idea Abyss. Only one of us is going to win and with the likes of Grim and Ishkur entering its a tall order indeed.

I’ve always said that painting is about how good YOU can do and not anyone else. Try your best and improve on your capabilties. That is what i’ve always done and its worked for me :wink:


the reason I entered the comp was to practise my skills (my entery it is my first CD :P)