[Archive] My cheap-skate Chaos Dwarfs on a budget. (Working on new stuff)


What do you think of these Orks instead of the awful GW ones!?!?

Link:  Great Orks

… and the best is that they are made of metal and quite cheap!

… or what about these ones???

Link:  Ork Warriors



Oh man I really like the lower ones! and their freakingly cheap… but I can only buy GW models as I want to keep my army tournament legal (damn it).

Border Reiver:

Sweet, the old metal orcs did have a certain charm didn’t they?


definitely, love those guys.

This topic got me a idea for a cheap Great Taurus…
But using a Pegasus is not an option because feathered wings would look awful on a bull.

But a Dark pegasus has just the right wings!

Bas_2312 (the guy from Big Hat Ogers) was kind enough to donate his spare great taurus head. so I have everything to make a �,� 44 model from some spare bits and a pegasus worth �,� 15 on ebay! and thats great cos my army is on a butget (:

More pics tomorrow.

Da Crusha:

hey, nice conversions. I use those wings on my lammasu conversion.


will it not be to skinny for a great taurus?

or will you add some muscules with green stuff?


I just checked your conversions, pretty radical stuff there (:

Removing the darkelf sorceress legs was a hell of a job… (why put the legs on the pegasus base? when i bought the model I wanted to put a dark elf hero on it) when I cut of the tail and filed in the hooves to make the body more bull-ish.

I then glued the model together and smoothed out the large gaps with green stuff. and stuck a bit from a sprue in the body so I can pin the bull head to that later.

I’m really not a good green stuff sculptor so I also smoothed out some damage with wood-glue.


I’m not convinced of your choice for making the Great Taurus … but imo it’s worth a try! :wink:

I’m very curious to see your efforts! :cheers



@ Zanko I’m more than sure it will go with the overall feel of my army, just wait and see (:

-Image offline-
I repaired the bull horn with a bit of sprue (will finish it off with greenstuff but i’m no GS wizard so I made the basis of plastic) I made the first attempt at the rider using goblin wolfriders legs and the shoes that were leftover from my centaurs. I’m quite happy how the legs came out but the top half of the rider is awful and I’ll redo that next year.

Border Reiver:

The only concern I have with your cnversion is the build of the pegasus vice a bull. Bulls have a much heavier build than horses and shorter legs, but of course this style will go with the look of your Bull Centaurs and I like the way they look. I’m torn and will have to wait to see what the painted result will be. If your previous paint jobs are any indication it will be excellent.

Kera foehunter:

what a cool way to cut cost with your army !! you doing a great job !! love your army


Thanx both. at the moment I’m without internet so no updates until that is fixed unfortunately.


Great work on everything, the army is coming alog great am looking forward to seeing how the Taurus turns out, keep it up :slight_smile:


It took some time but here are some updates (formatted my computer during the holiday, busy reinstalling all the programs to make the pictures suitable for internet)

Bull process:

I wasn’t happy with my plastic rider so I went trough my dwarf bits box and found a Dwarf king from the throne of power (I traded it years ago along with a pile of left over dwarf bits with a ex-dwarf player for an old great cannon). removing the legs was a real hell as the model was white metal. I also had to re-sculpt the knees so the body would fit the wolfrider legs in a realistic fashion. the came out pretty good so I’m really proud cos I’m not a good with greenstuff (but I said that already)

I put a shield on his back, great for covering the back bit and also so great for having all the weapon options. the dwarf king looks great, i removed his strange dragon helmet and replaced it with a normal plastic dwarf helmet (no big hats in my army). and as he carries a book of grudges I would be able to use his as a sorcerer (with a book of spells) but alas that is illegal in both RH and the Indy list.

I used some greenstuff to give the body a bit more bulk and added some woodglue to smooth everything out. I also put some pubic hair between his legs as I had loads of horse heads left from my centaurs and thougt it looked great. still have to do the tail, I tried to sculpt the end out of Greenstuff but that I couldnt. I could cut of the top of the original Pegasus tail, but I like to keep that awesome tail in one piece for later use.


Looks quite cool! :cheers

Could you post some more pics of your Taurus and especially of the rider!



Looks quite cool! :cheers
Could you post some more pics of your Taurus and especially of the rider!


this and this is the original model.

more of my rider:

really want to start painting the damn thing, but it isn't in my tournament list so I have to wait until that is finished.

(while I was typing this and uploading the pics, this site went offline (happens more often) so I saved the post in a .txt file, definitely a nerd I am)


looking very good already! maybe the body of the taurus needs a lil beefing up but it does look very promising!

Keep us posted! :3 :cheers


Great work on the conversion, it looks ace :slight_smile:

Kera foehunter:

love the use of the old dwarf king model!! the Taurus looking great to


Thanx everyone for all the comments and feedback. I’ll post more pics it I finish the model or finally finish my hobgoblins/deathrocket/blackorcs.