[Archive] My Other Distractions

Fuggit Khan:

Got home late last night and found a present from a local club member had mysteriasly? turned up.

Are you sure it wasn't an offering from the chooks, paying tribute to thier alpha rooster overlord?
Nice models by the way, a really nice surprise to be sure :hat off


Chris is a much more long term, Veteran player than me, and he has a Beard!


I’ve gotten some buildings that are almost finished.  I did have plans for ornaments and interiors but that will definitely have to wait for another time.
these are the almost finished pics so I’ll have to get later ones



I got a few non CD goodies from CanCon last weekend.
First off is a Blood Bowl Ogre but I’m not sure of his Pedigree as the base is sanded flat.

Would anyone know where he is from?

And I got myself my first new game in years.  “All quiet on the Martian Front”.
Purely because I love the Music Soundtrack and the first two movies. ( Not the abyssal Cruz one)

And amongst the second hand stuff I got, I picked out a bag purely because I could see that it had a cool looking bug in it
and it turned out that it and the figures are from the “Mars Attacks” game

And I have no idea why there is a Gorilla


And I have no idea why there is a Gorilla


"Emerging from the ruins to help them comes the biggest terrestrial non-human defender yet, as Tunga the gorilla takes to the fight along with her keeper Craig. " from http://www.manticgames.com/mantic-shop/mars-attacks/expansions/product/mars-attacks-extermination.html


Fuggit Khan:

And I got myself my first new game in years.  "All quiet on the Martian Front".
Purely because I love the Music Soundtrack and the first two movies. ( Not the abyssal Cruz one)

Cool! I've played a few games down at the local game store. Great miniatures and FREE rules can be downloadeed from their website. It's a really fun game, and I love the WWI/Steampunk/Martian theme. Rick Priestley and Alessio Cavatore did the rules, so you know it's good :cheers
And I've heard rumors that they are adding Martian allies? Venusians and the Selenites (from HG Wells other sci-fi classic, First Men in the Moon)

And yes, the Tom Cruise movie was horrible :mad


Thanks herby, I didn’t know those ones were from Mantic either.

I first saw it on facebook only a few weeks / months ago.  I now know that the original makers ‘Alien dungeon’ folded and it looks like someone called ‘Ironclad Games’ has taken up the game and models


Well I’ve finished another item from January’s clear the Hobby Table agenda.
These are my finished “Fatigue markers”. Just an orange button and a cheap plastic ‘Skull’ Bead.


About “All quiet on the western front”, didn’t that company go under a year ago or so?


AQMF was a Kickstarter for “Alien dungeon” that folded due to production problems (I think).
I found that out after I bought the game.  But the only reason I did get it was I saw a thing on facebook.
A mob called IronClad miniatures seem to have picked it up and have the additional mini’s etc
Here’s the link to the AQMF website. I haven’t bought more models for the game yet but I intend to do so


Have gotten some minor construction done on the Martian figures but not enough to show yet, but I have gotten some work done on the Great Hall for my Saga. The main beams are all lined and stained now and I have begun laying down the floor.

Fuggit Khan:

Holy Hashut! :hashut
Your ambition with such cool projects always leaves me speechless...



My Ambition? That is praise coming from the master boat builder


I’ve crawled along these past few weeks but I’ve gotten somewhere with a WiP of a AQMF Tripod.

I’m trying to keep to a ‘KISS’ principle with these ones and it’s working out like I hoped.


Really cool classic sci-fi miniature, I love these kinds of retro alien stuff :cheers


Well chosen on the color scheme.  It feels very 1950s.  My father had an old Chevy Bel Air with the interior that color (or something very close to it).  

…Sigh… I also remember he sold it in the late 70’s for about $900.  If only my very young self could have convinced him that I would happily take it off his hands in another 15 or 20 years… but I digress…

Well done!  I like that you aren’t using straight silver or steel metallic on the Martian walkers like so many do.

Also. More on the Great Hall please… that piece is coming along awesomely!


Thanks Fella’s.

For some reason I just shyed away from silver and chrome. Maybe because the first movie I saw was in black n white not technicolour.

No progress on the hall I’m sorry to say.

A bought a shedload more of the AQMF models last week. Luckily for me because this week the roof is leaking after our recent storms and we will have to replace it.

So RL has vetoed any more purchases of anything for the foreseeable future.


Here is my first efforts at camouflage on one of the AQMF Mk3 tanks.


Well I had my first game of All Quiet on the Martian front a week or so ago. I being such a good host, let my opponent be the Martians.

Chris got the hang of the rules more quickly than I did much to the dismay 9and decimation) of the humans.

We used just the base box set, plus one Martian scout tripod and added some of Chris’s 1890’s British to round it out at 800 points each.

Here’s the start of the game

My left flank, early on with the Martian Scout firing the first shot. That side was one of the few highlights for the humans as in my next turn I blew the scout up with a lucky shot.

later on we have a victorious Assault Tripod, ululating after wiping out a unit of Mk3 tanks and a machine gun.

And this is almost the end. The last 2 Mk2 tanks are routed, never to return. The remaining ground troops assaulted the tripods but did no damage before being trampled.


Here’s the Human reinforcements almost ready to join the war after the first defeat.

Its human section of the box set, this time with all the tanks made into Mk3’s.  included is another unit of Rough Riders, one of machine gunners and two of troopers.
There is also an English Kitchener Tank coming of the railway bridges I’m working on. Plus a unit of three Spectre armoured cars, a unit of field guns and a bigger anti-tripod gun.
There is also a unit of heavy armoured infantry to help out. There is a section of the Forlorn Hope but they were to shy to be photographed

The Martians have re-enforcements on the way as well which we will see at a later date.