[Archive] News from games Day Chicago - and VERY good ones!


Hats ,masks or helms who cares what headwear is in fashion for this incarnation of our stunted warriors.The Chaos Dwarfs march again!

The question is will my bighats and 3rd ed armies that are based on RH and Counts as dwarfs be transferable and how many GW can i get a game in before the release :hat off


this is good news…

i believe next year is hopelessly optimistic…

BUT i hope!!

Kera foehunter:

And for the record with my own personal feeling of hats I don't like um, by the same token if anyone wants to make their army with hats: have at it.

Bottom line is we will not tear ourselves apart with a "War" over them, not on my watch or the rest of the Staff for that matter.

How can you say we even have flame wars!!! or wars over
figures or a book !! it a rummor !! and every member has a say !!
staff included !! we as members highly view the opinions of are brother and sisters on this matter so let them speak!!

my opinion is that gw should view tjub figures as a proto type
they are in true sprite of the cds
anything else would be a dwarf
*said in a peaceful way * no war :hat off


Kera you were not on Hand of Hashut when it happened, neither was I. I watched it largely from afar.

Thommy H:

I can’t believe anyone ever cared that much.


It was weird to watch and I didn’t fully get the whole thing as it was right around the time my first kid was born so WH was on the back burner, hence the reason I didn’t join. I caught snippets of it and over the years various members of CDO filled me in on the rest.

Regardless back OT, we need a bit more confirmation as to what was actually said.

Kera foehunter:

well that hoh not here!!

but i have seen alot of cdo staffand members replying on other sites


Yes about the possibility of CDs going forward not what the models will look like (to a large degree).




I’m not sure how things are getting so blown out of proportion with regards to the Q&A session, but having sat through it yesterday I feel like I should put a few corrections out here.

First, although Chaos dwarves and the additional imperial guard regiments were mentioned, both of them were in terms of “we will work our way around to all the races in all the game systems eventually” type terms. There was NO specific mention, or hint, that either of these armies would be updated in the near future.

Also, the rumor about a new race was put to the test, and found lacking, as Jervis and Tom Walton both indicated that there were plenty of armies they would like to do, but are unable to because of a need to support the existing armies which is enough work already.

Thommy H:

That’s pretty much what I thought.

Kera foehunter:

well it a rummor !! just like the other 100 … but it still lifts one sprite

in a land of confustion and 13% unemployment

hope and freedom is all i have!!


Also, the rumor about a new race was put to the test, and found lacking, as Jervis and Tom Walton both indicated that there were plenty of armies they would like to do, but are unable to because of a need to support the existing armies which is enough work already.

Other new race, humm... and if GW to take out Fish men, what a disappointment. :~


Damnit!?!  This thread probably serves to show why we should be very careful about what we discuss, it’s so easy to get disappointed, especially if you still have a gut feeling that CD are the ‘new’ army… :~  

What you have there is the continuation of the company line  despite snippets of info clearly to the contrary (we will get round to them ‘eventually’).  One of these days we will get a proper announcement, the sooner the better, and we can start discussing properly.

If people do ever learn of things worthy of discussing as rumours, bear in mind that unless it cannot be disputed it’s not really much good even discussing it.

Retreats to bunker from discussing any rumours until we get something that cannot be disputed.


The only other news on this rumour is a repeat of the stuff on BOLS, no independent confirmation from someone else who was there.

So there is still zero on the front of one other person confirming this. This is looking even less like a real formal announcement, and more like a common “I spoke with a GW guy and he said they would be redone eventually, but not yet”

Kera foehunter:

Well join the cd under ground movement!! viva la Resistance!!!


If I to have one Time-machine, to travel toward the end of 2010, I can to confirm this new.

Only the time to say.


When you guys/gals get your panties untwisted over whatever, take some time to consider the facts:

* This is not a rumour, but a statement from GW. If it was given during a press conference/announcement at a convention, then there is truth behind it. If there isn’t, expect a retraction shortly.

* It is not an announcement for the CDs to be updated in the near future. If the releases were imminent, there’d be a date. However, it is clear that they are in the pipe - at least for the time being. Companies don’t make statements like this to be obtuse. Think about all the other things they “could do” and aren’t mentioning.

Now, all this could have developed from someone from CDO in the front row going “Redo Chaos Dwarves” and the GW reps responding “CDs will be updated, next question…” in which case, I would put it back to the rumour mill. But if its GW reps saying, unprompted and as part of a larger list of news items, then it is fact.

As for reading into the “no hats”, time frame for release, upcoming schedules, what its based on, what influences they’ll have, etc. if you’re getting this “info” from this line:

“Chaos Dwarves will be updated!”

… you have quite an imagination. Personally, I don’t even see the CD’s in the Hellcannon crew as proof of anything. In the GW retconning of Warriors of Chaos, they are CDs on loan to other forces, and probably lowly engineers/crew, rather than indicative of a “native Dawi Zharr.”

Ishkur Cinderhat:

I agree with GRNDL here, while we have serious reason to be optimistic now to have a useable army book and cool new models sometime in the near future (which a few years ago was judged by many fans as almost impossible) we certainly need to consider that producing a new line of models is a long-term project. I would almost compare this to the development of the Tau or Ogre Kingdoms, both of which took about 2 years from the first rumours to the final release of the finished product.

I for my part just hope that once we have an army book, I will be able to use most of my models and not find blunderbusses or Hobgoblin warmachines disappeared from the list.

Lastly, judging by the most recent releases I think we can all expect that the miniatures will be extremely cool and fun to assemble and paint. And the best part of it will be that most of us will have the large rank & file units already and can concentrate on the coolest things like new warmachines and the like and put them into battle most quickly. Yay! :smiley:


That is where the problem lies as far as we’re concerned, when the ‘first’ rumours start.  GW seem to be operating a bit differently now imo, so for all we know this could have already been worked on for 2 years.  In terms of historic rumours, I was pretty much told as much at least about 18 months ago, could be more.

So in terms of getting to the actual release, for Jervis to say a few more years is very odd I think.

There are a lot of people who have been instructed to stop talking about a rumoured new army, so unless this has all leaked out years before it was intended (possible), Jervis is lying.

I think we will find out one way or another in the next 6 months.  It may not be good news, but we will know either way.


If any of these claims turn out to be false at games day germany (aug 16th) or uk (sept 27th), Jervis was talking a load of rubbish about CD imo.


Kera foehunter: