[Archive] Nicodemus' Forge of Unfinished Business� [May 19 2019]

Kera foehunter:

well why not lol!! wallacer you can’t put them out in front of your house like a old cd sorceror


Got some time tonight to work on my BFSP (& other) conversions… some very minor alterations to some guys and more major alterations to others.

My daemonic blunderbuss unit, “The Mouth of Hashut”, ranked up

Arcane engineer/operator

Sorry for the blur, the pins give you the basic idea of what he’ll look like driving an arcane daemonic machine, but with straighter rods :wink:

The idea is that you’ll never see the rest of his body as he’ll be inside what ever he is driving and you’ll only see his front from about the waist up.

My Sorcerer conversion using the BFSP cannon crewman and bits from the empire wizards sprue… and a goblin’s nose

Got a start on the thane.  Not sure I want to keep the sword as long as it is.  This was a first attempt at a braided beard. Came out looking more like a tangled mass.  There’s a reason I’m not asked to braid my daughter’s hair :wink:

After looking at the BFSP crewman with the cannonball I came up with this:

“Yo she-b*tch!  Come get some!”

So these aren’t conversions… just an indication that I’m getting close to being able to start painting (some of these were painted/primed when I got them).  I don’t care for the paint job on the Warrior, although it does match the image on the plastic CD Warrior’s box that they came in originally.


Although un-related to CDs, after listening to the podcasts it sounds like I’m not alone in how I got started with the hobby.

Incidently, for those of you who are HQ fans… the Chaos Dwarfs are referenced, although not in any of the primary expansions and it’s controversial that it could be considered ‘canon’ - the Marvel Winter Special had a story about Skulmar (the guy from Return of the Witchlord who escaped at the end after the Witchlord was defeated).  Anyway, his underling was a Chaos Dwarf.  Sadly, that’s the only reference to CD in HQ, but it’s good enough for me ;)  If I ever finish my 3rd and final HQ expansion maybe I should consider some rules and an expansion for some CD ‘Heroes’ :wink:



Wouw ur blog is really cool man i’m really a fan of your chaos dwarf warmachine (deathroller anyone?) gonna follow this :smiley: can’t wait till it’s finished!


Nice warmachines dude, you are an evil genius ^^


Really nice work.  I particularly like the Sorceror conversion.


Hehe, the HQ Sorceror put a big smile on my face. Those were the days… :smiley:


I decided my HeroQuest Dwarf → Chaos Dwarf conversion lacked distinctive features… namely the magnitude of beard, bigger bottom lip and bushy eyebrows.  I’m thinking he still needs something maybe.  Perhaps some dangling chains for hooking slaves up to and/or thorny bumpy ridges on the handle of his axe to make it look a little more ‘Chaotic’?

Also fixed up the BFSP Thane conversion a little. I’m still not excited about him, but he’s passable as a regular Warrior now, but not really up to Hero standards.  Hmm, seems I need to re-visit cleaning those mould lines on the horns too.

Maybe he’d look a slight bit better with his wrist angled so that the sword is pointing more forward… and some flames curling up from the blade maybe(?).



nice models,

just for a few ideas, go onto youtube and search for ‘a gentlemans duel’ it is steampunk heaven. :smiley:

infact: link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCP2qbHDGIs

Kera foehunter:

love your converted army !! great green stuff work

Gar Shadowfame:

just undercoat casts


Before I start my Winter marathon of painting (and finishing the last few BFSP conversions) I’ve been arranging and re-arranging units to come up with what I feel is the best mix…

So I’ve got a LOT of the plastic CD Warriors. 98, I think.  In addition, I’ve got a lot of 5 full command and enough BFSP guys in the works that could represent command units, that I think I can make 8 units of 20 Warriors - provided I use a 4-unit filler in each one.  Here’s the basic setup (note that not all of them are based, primed, etc… and none are fully painted, yet!):

So the dilemma is to come up with some (hopefully) original ideas, and of course pilfer the best ideas of others :wink:

I’ve made my first attempt at some unit fillers.

Arcane Engineer on a hovering Disc of Zharr Naggrund, representing the Guild of Arcane Engineers

The Arcane Engineer still needs a lot or GS work, covering up Dwarf symbology, giving him a Dawi Zharr nose, etc.

Statue of the Visage of Hashut. No idea what the story is yet, it’s a statue… more details/story to come

mini volcano … not the most original, but I’m thinking if I blend in flowing lava with the bases on the rest of the unit it might fit. Of course having some Dawi Zharr machine bolted to the ground that’s pumping out molten rock or noxious gasses to blast at the enemy would make this a good filler for a Blunderbuss unit too. Need to think on this one a bit more.

The rest of my units have a lot further to go…

I think one of the fillers needs to be a golem, maybe using the same Minotaur model in the statue above, but almost entirely covered in metal plates and with daemonic flesh connecting the bits.  A petrified Sorcerer being carried into battle would be great, but I’ll need the units for that, making the whole “unit filler” somewhat redundant.

It’s going to be a LONG Winter here in Saskatoon.



Awesome army Nicodemus so many wonderful big hats :), your unit filler look ace mate , I cant wait to see this army painted in all is glory , how many point do you have now ?


Awesome army Nicodemus so many wonderful big hats :), your unit filler look ace mate , I cant wait to see this army painted in all is glory , how many point do you have now ?

Well, it's over 4K for sure... just not sure how much over ;)

At the moment the plan is to have 160 CD Warriors, 8 units w/ full command, as well as 1 Taurus, 2 Lammasu, 11 Bull Centaurs, 16 Blunderbusses, 9 Death Rockets, 1 Earth Shaker, 1 Hellcannon, 4 Sorcerers, 2 Astragoths, and 5 or so Heroes

It'll be more once I get a couple of Blunderbuss unit fillers done (divide 16 units into two groups of 8 + a 4-unit filler each, to make two groups of 12) and set to work on a second Taurus... not to mention any number of Black Orcs, Hobgoblins, etc. I could add. I haven't thought about Hobgoblins yet, but I've got a mass of Orcs, Black Orcs, and Goblins from my Warhammer Quest collection already painted that could just be thrown in for what ever # of points.  I'll aim for 10K, but really I think just getting my first unit of 20 Warriors, a Hero and a few unit fillers painted in a good enough start ;)


P.S. In all honesty... the majority of people can stop reading my posts about this now... with the scale of this project it's going to take a while to make any real progress so check back next year to see how it's coming! Hopefully by then I'll have some decent conversions finished.


Excellent cant wait to see it done , i love the fact they you have that many death rockets, of all of the chaos dwarf weapons they are my favourite :slight_smile:

The Brain:

I love the minitaur/taurus place holder. The army is really shapping up. It looks like you have more crew then you have death rockets. Any ideas on what your going to use them for.


I love the minitaur/taurus place holder. The army is really shapping up. It looks like you have more crew then you have death rockets. Any ideas on what your going to use them for.

The Brain
I just haven't gotten around to assembling all of the death rockets yet, but all of the parts are here ;) No ideas on what to use the extras for other than Blunderbuss unit fillers (which I need as I'd like a second unit but don't have enough blunderbuss models).

The Brain:

I just haven't gotten around to assembling all of the death rockets yet, but all of the parts are here ;)  No ideas on what to use the extras for other than Blunderbuss unit fillers (which I need as I'd like a second unit but don't have enough blunderbuss models).

Wow that makes 6 death rockets, maybe one more there is something out of frame in that shot. That is awsome. You should see if a friend will let you use all of them at once. Run for the hills the sky is falling.


Wow that makes 6 death rockets, maybe one more there is something out of frame in that shot.

The Brain
Honest... I have 9 Death Rockets.

Here's an update of my WIP unit fillers:

Arcane Engineer on a mechanical floating disc

Slaves in a cage to go into my Slavers Guild unit of Warriors

It's obviously not finished ;)   The figs will be primed and painted first, I'm not going to paint the bars I don't think... but the top and bottom of the cage will get some more treatment to hide the foam that the bars are slotted into.

... and of course I'm not finished converting the standard bearer or musician.



i do love you slave cage, i may have to say ‘yoink’ on that idea!



Wow. I love your army so far.

So many inventive unit fillers. I will have to borrow some of those myself.