[Archive] Sticklander's Blooded Horde UPDATE: Golden Hat XXI 8th Oct


Thank you for the kind words about the hobgoblins!

Unfortunately, when I said;

I’m painting them as I type, so expect at least one complete model soon!


… Though I did start painting them, I did very little after that!


Started working on my February pledge to finish off my Bloodbeard unit pretty much as soon as I finished the moss goblins, and I’m making progress on them and they should be done soon!

But, I also worked on the Earthshaker commander, as I wanted to get to grips with a metal big hat!

Here he is;



I’m quite chuffed with how he looks, especially his scales, as I went and highlighted each scale by painting on each layer, which I actually enjoyed doing! ahaha :smiley: If anyone has any feedback or suggestions, they’d be welcome!

Fuggit Khan:

Oh, that’s nice!

The white beard is a very cool touch…makes him look like an old seasoned veteran of many campaigns against the Warhammer lesser races.

Wonderful :hat off


Oh, that's nice!
The white beard is a very cool touch...makes him look like an old seasoned veteran of many campaigns against the Warhammer lesser races.
Wonderful :hat off

Fuggit Khan
Thanking y'kindly, Fuggit! :hat off

Yes, that was what I was going for! He's seen many of the lesser races inside and out, from what remained of them after his shells did their damage! ;)

I can't help but also think he looks a little bit like a rio de janeiro festival dancer, due to his bright uniform... But that adds to the character really! haha


A small update, as I’ve almost finished my February pledge, but feel like updating.

With the last two bloodbeard’s I painted, I tried a more subtle look for the blood. I used the technical paint Blood for the Blood God on top of their exotically dyed beards.

The reason they dye their beards such bright colours, is because in Zharr Naggrund their surrounded by black obsidian walls, and smoke rising from the furnaces below, so the elite (the ones with the biggest hats) dye their clothes and beards bright colours. This works as a means to show off their status, and bring a little bit more light to Zharr Naggrund.


Oh, and also not related to my army, but I painted this for my partner for Valentine’s day:

[align=center] [/align]

Much better than jewellery, ay? :wink:


A gay dwarf, haven’t seen that before. He has to be gay…a cool gift, hope she liked it;)

Great work on the other cd btw


A gay dwarf, haven't seen that before. He has to be gay......a cool gift, hope she liked it;)

Great work on the other cd btw

I hope she does too, but I know her enough to know she'd appreciate it more than boring ol' jewellery!
But hey, I'm sure there's plenty of gay dwarfs! I mean, someone has to style those beards! ;)

Thank you!


A gay dwarf, haven't seen that before. He has to be gay......a cool gift, hope she liked it;)

Great work on the other cd btw

But hey, I'm sure there's plenty of gay dwarfs! I mean, someone has to style those beards! ;)

Thank you!

Ha ha, yea :cheers


That’s one of the best valentines gifts I have ever seen. Super duper!

Fuggit Khan:

You should use the Valentines Day mini as a unit filler…I’d love to see a photo of that :cheers


I actually use that model as an unit filler for my slayers


I actually use that model as an unit filler for my slayers

Ha ha, some gay slayers......


Hooray, an update!

Full Bloodbeard unit COMPLETE!


I decided not to repaint the command, just to remind me of their origins.

Here’s the most recent ones I painted, with their exotic beards!


And now that they are (finally) done, I have moved onto the Russian Alternative Great Weapon dwarfs. These models are great, though somewhat hard to group.

Because they’re so unique, I wanted to make them stand out, and to show their class, they’ve been painted in bright colours.

Here are front and back shots of my three favourites.



And here’s the command group made from the GW group.



Standard Bearer (who I particularly like):



And the musician (who I made using the spare parts from the first command group box):

[align=center] [/align]

That’s all for now. Hopefully I should get them done before the end of the month, so I can get back on track with my pledge, which I bitterly failed last month.

Things have been a bit hectic, but out of this month I have acquired a BADC qualification in stage combat, so hooray! :cheers

Cheers, folks. :cheers


Oh, and the Valentine’s Dwarf Cupid now has an honoured place on my girlfriend’s shelf at Uni’! :smiley:


Oh, and the Valentine's Dwarf Cupid now has an honoured place on my girlfriend's shelf at Uni'! :D

Good news, hope she's happy :cheers

The command grope looks great, LF to seeing some paint on your GW ;)

Fuggit Khan:

An interesting choice of colors you have there…each guy for sure will have his own individual look to him, it emphasizes the social caste/status system within Chaos Dwarf society I think.

Do you have plans for their bases? Perhaps in the same style that you did in your cool GHXX entry?


@Yodrin: Thank you, Yodrin! I too am looking forward to seeing some paint on them! :smiley: haha

An interesting choice of colors you have there…each guy for sure will have his own individual look to him, it emphasizes the social caste/status system within Chaos Dwarf society I think.

Fuggit Khan
That’s exactly what I was going for. I’m also working on a story based on the politics of the elite of Zharr Naggrund, depicting gluttonous parties, where every vice is catered to.
Do you have plans for their bases? Perhaps in the same style that you did in your cool GHXX entry?

Fuggit Khan
Thanks! Bases are definitely an after thought for me. I would like to do a more scenic base for each unit, similar to the Golden Hat entry, but that’ll probably be something I’ll work on once a sizeable portion of the army is completed.


@Yodrin: Thank you, Yodrin! I too am looking forward to seeing some paint on them! :D haha

Ha ha.. :cheers


You certainly follow your own vision for Chaos Dwarfs. Good work on getting the unit finished. :cheers


You certainly follow your own vision for Chaos Dwarfs. Good work on getting the unit finished. :cheers

I shall take that as a compliment! :D haha
Thank you!



Journeying down the dusty road of the Army Blogs, deep in the realm of Chaos Dwarfs Online, Sticklander marched on, weary and sore. Long had he travelled, longer still had he last eaten, and now the thirst had cracked his lips and made his throat a barren waste, eager for a mere minuscule measure of moisture. Finally his blistered feet came upon the blog he was looking for, on the bottom of the third page; cobwebbed, and desolate. Intrepidly he entered into the blog, update in hand, and set ablaze to the dust and thick webs, chasing the shadows to the furthest corners of the internet.


[align=center]Update: A Light in the Shadows

Hobgoblin Test Models

It’s been far too long since I updated this blog. The Golden Hat had somewhat delayed that, but I had painted these two Hobgoblins before I started work on my entry… Well, here are my first two completed Hobgoblins for you to 'ave a look at.



Personally, I’m very pleased with them, and look forward to painting the others, but I’d love to hear what you guys have to say!