[Archive] WarplockMonkey's Gallery


Lovely skink of Doom! Whats he called catchmecatchme:hat


Thankyou for the great comments!!!

Hashut’s Blessing: Thanks for the compliment! I have never considered painting as a strong-point of mine, but i think i have done a good job on Itzi-Tepa (take note Canix), He’s the first ever brightly coloured model i’ve done,usually my models are dark with black undercoats, so it was a learning curve for me!

Grogni: THAT actually is a great idea…someone at the Ogre Stronghold sugested that i should make a Vargulf,but i’m going on ebay straight away to look for a suitable toy! :cheers


Wow, i havnt posted on here in a while!

Once again i am sorry for the lack of updates…not much sculpting time, but i will inform you that i am working on a fully sculpted Saurus Scar Veteran with the Sacred Spawning of Quetzil, to go with my unit!


Sorry for the long wait me lavleys…

Here is my Scar Veteran of Quetzil, Boq-Gar, entirely sculpted from scratch!

To stand him out as the leader, i have made him larger than a normal saurus ,i’m a firm beleiver of the orc rule 'He who iz bigga den dem ova buggers getz tah boss ‘em around’ or in the case of Chaos Dwarfs, he who has the biggest hat :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, i’ve given him more scales, to show hes the Spawning of Quetzil, and his left eye is missing, to show he’s a grizzled old veteran…

I consider this one of my best yet, and the pics REALLY dont do it justice!


Kera foehunter:

ooo that so awesum!!! no more to say


Nice look’n sauruses


That is trully amazing. I wish I could sculpt stuff from scratch(right now I can only add bitz of armour and make curly beards). Good luck on your next sculpting venture.


wow, big saurus dude crtter thing of awesomeness

I love it muchly, so when is it being painted?


awsome model, can’t wait to see it painted.


looks really cool, the only things i think could do with some work are his spines on his back. there are a few fingerprints showing in there, although its not that big of a deal as you probably wont see when its painted anyway.


torn: Always the pernickity one…:stuck_out_tongue:

Well folks, paintwork has been started, i hope to spend quite a while on this guy, so stay tuned!



Well guys, i shall start with the bad news…

The paintjob on the saurus went TERRIBLY, so i decided to soak it in some paint stripper to get all of it off…

Unfortuneatly it melted the entire model!

However, the good news is, i’ve got some more do-lallies for y’all!

Firstly my new slann, i am VERY impressed with this model, i think it’s my cleanest sculpt yet!

My next is a Nurgle herald i’m doing for a ‘customer’, its just about finished though methinks it needs something…any ideas?

And last but not least, anyone remember my thread i did a few months ago about my e-bay auction for a bunch of poorly poorly poorly converted bull centaurs?


Well, i worked the old ‘Warplock’ magic on one of them, and came up with this guy!

I’ve had this guy done for a few months now, just never got round to taking any piccy-atures

So waddya think?

Kera foehunter:

great bull centaur !!the flamming frog guy is cool too


I love the new models, but the loss of the Saurus is really tragic. Casts of that one would have made you a mint. You really should consider doing some tutorials - armatures for non humans, smooth finishes on skin, spines are a few examples of the type of thing. I’d especially love to know how you did that weapon for the herald. At this rate a website might be in order. You really are a superb talent


Dude that really sucks to hear about the Saurus hero. The other stuff looks really good though. I really like the slan. The Nurgle beastman looks fairly good, might need some more work to make him look more plague riden though. BC looks really cool as wel. Are you gonna put him on a cavalry base?


WHAT THE H*LL? Seriously HOW good are you? I suddenly have this urge to throw away my “normal” Lizzards. :~

No but seriously. WOW. (words fail me) ^^

Knight Of Awsome:

wow some really nice sculpts, but ( yes theres a but ) you need to work on getting the fingerprints off…


How much are you charging the guy for the herald?


Thanks for the many many positive comments!

AGPO: I’m not even sure if the guy is going to buy, so if anyone else is interested, don’t hesitate to ask!

Paintwork has almost finished on the slann, and i think i have done quite a good job so far (touch wood), i have based the paintjob on the slann on the front of the lizzie rule book

All things well, pics should be up tomorrow!

Hashut’s Blessing:

All looking good. Shame about that Saurus, but it means you get to remake it :smiley: Make any changes you may have wanted. The slann looks good, a little small, but it may be perspective as well as personal taste. The herald looks uber. I think what’s not right is there aren’t enough boilsd and the like and the arms are a little too plain. Ergo, put some boils on the arms :smiley: That bull looks great, but personal taste dictates a shorter bull body for the height. I like the branded symbol of Hashut, good touch. All in all, excellent work and the changes I’ve suggested are personal taste!