BATG Monthly League Table

@BATG_Warriors - here are the standings as of 11am 01/03/22! Bottom left good, top right bad!

The red dot is this month’s score. The green dot is last month’s score. If the red dot is lower, you did well. If it’s higher, you done goofed.

Please continue to update your score!

At the end of each month, post here with:

:arrow_up: Additions [whether printed or purchased]: 15
:arrow_down: Painted: 17
:arrow_right: Net score: -2

I will omit people who haven’t updated or haven’t been able to do hobby as there will be too many. If you have an “organic zero”, say, 15 minis printed 15 painted, I will include you. Don’t forget the Uzkulak Principle - buying STLs is not losing your war against the grey, printing miniatures is.

We all started these blogs in December with the best of intentions, so if you start charting at any point, I will catch you up into the graph that month!


:hat4: .
:head4: :paintbrush: .

:arrow_up: Additions: 0
:arrow_down: Painted: 40
:arrow_right: Net score: -40


:arrow_up: Additions: 3
:arrow_down: Painted: 29
:arrow_right: Net Score: -26

:arrow_up: Additions: 10
:arrow_down: Painted: 0
:arrow_right: Net score: +10

Curse you Imperium!!


:arrow_up: Additions [whether printed or purchased]: 2
:arrow_down: Painted: 28
:arrow_right: Net score: -26


:arrow_up: Additions [whether printed or purchased]: 1
:arrow_down: Painted: 6
:arrow_right: Net score: -5


:arrow_up: Additions: 15
:arrow_down: Painted: 17
:arrow_right: Tally: -2

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:arrow_up: Additions: 0
:arrow_down: Painted: 1
:arrow_right: Net score: -1

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:arrow_up: Additions: 3
:arrow_down: Painted: 0
:arrow_right: Net Score: +3

Will change after the GH! :wink:

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:arrow_up: Additions to the pile: 20
:arrow_down: Painted models: 8
:arrow_right: Total count: +12

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Graph in top post!


Additions [whether printed or purchased]: 1
:arrow_down: Painted: 3
:arrow_right: Net score: -2

1 Like

Woh woh woh, hold your horses, I still have 4 hours of January left and indeed will submit 3 painted models in the end. :eye:


This is well cool hah! I can’t tell if the podcast hosts are doing well of not @chitzkoi - gotta get you to smash out some tiny tanks and night goblins ASAP haha

Cheers for doing the graph stuff. Great motivator


What will be really satisfying is as time goes on, you’ll be able to follow your own line. By the end of the year you’ll have a hobby productivity chart. I’m forgiving myself for this month, all things considered is not too bad given it’s my birthday.

I’ll actually make three graphs at the end; one of net score, one of negative points and one of positive points. That way we can break down when the pile expanded and when we painted the most, which can be more insightful.


New Models 2022: 26
Models Painted: 60
Tally: -34


:arrow_up: Additions to the pile: 2
:arrow_down: Painted models: 3
:arrow_right: Total count: -1

Done! :sweat_smile:

Screaming in at the last second, it’s now a two-horse race between @LaketideMiniatures and @Reaver - a brutal dogfight - the American takes it in this first round, but Laketide’s speed painting is renowned…

Meanwhile, it’s level pegging in the quest for third place. Will @Oxymandias ’ magpie-like compulsions strike him low, or will the sweet sound of print after print devour @MichaelX 's skaven gains? Only time will tell.

with @KhamdrimSkyMaster firmly in fifth, he has a clear place as the last of this month’s true winners. With the power of 20mm historicals, next month beckons.

In the fat middle, there are as many stories as there are entrants. Some have had a quiet month - others paddling frantically to stay above water.

Starting the walk of shame, only @GhraskDragh knows whether the heat of Brazilian summer is keeping her on the beaches and away from the painting bench. Perhaps when the southern hemisphere autumn rolls around in March, she will have more time to finish the 80/90% done work currently drying in the Ipanema sun.

We all pray that @tjub 's addiction to blood bowl will outlast the score shock of an entire new halfling team. Can’t wait to see them when they’re ready!

@chitzkoi had a last-minute mare as birthday gifts destroyed an admittedly modest start. Badly in the red, it remains to be seen whether this mythical night goblin horde has the answer.

Lastly, @bas_2312 , whose blog this month beggars belief. This man. THIS FUCKING GUY. Has painted enough minis to put himself top. More than Reaver. And instead… he is bottom. Given the productivity, we may well see him interrupting the dogfight for first place by summertime.
It’s a hell of a read, and the minis are really beautiful.


Haha. Give me some time to get back up to zero.

I had my birthday in December, so January was the month where the gifts to myself came in. I’ll try to be better in the coming months (and it really helps to track everything I buy/print!).

My official numbers for January:
Bought and added to the pile: 95
Printed and added to the pile: 2

Painted models: 22
Painted scenery: 24

Current Score: +51