Brawniac's 3D sculpted big hats

Those puns…


bighat inspiration in Thailand


Are you the monk?

Updating Faces of CDO thread now - canon until proven otherwise


You’re down in Phuket?
Well, you’re pretty far from my home, but I hope you and family are having a good time (in arguably the most expensive Thai city).
If you should happen to make it to Pattaya, drinks are on me :beers:
And yes, Thailand has some amazing historical Big Hats, ancient Thai armies (along with their Burmese and Khmer enemies) all used Big Hats to denote military status and rank…the Big Hats also served to let soldiers follow their individual leaders in combat, since Thai commanders all fought in the front ranks in direct combat (no armchair generals).

I hope you’re having a wonderful holiday!


Thank you man! And such magnificent hats! Thailand is truly the land of inspiration.

Unfortunately am getting no work done here. Mostly due to the dreaded Thailand Tummy. Or in my case, the Bankok Bum…


My son is determined to get his elephant REALLY clean:


Holyf*ckshitcrap! We are so screwed! I told ChatGPT to “write a short story of 250 words about warhammer fantasy chaos dwarfs fighting high elves in the style of Bill King”

And it did! It even made the chaos dwarfs win, proving that ChatGPT is realistic and morally sound in addition to being fast.
Creativity, the final bastion of the human soul is just no longer there!
Read it and weep.

The Chaos Dwarfs and High Elves met on the battlefield, each determined to emerge victorious. The Chaos Dwarfs, with their twisted magic and formidable artillery, seemed a formidable force. But the High Elves, with their superior speed and martial prowess, were not easily intimidated.

As the two armies clashed, the ground shook with the force of their impact. The Chaos Dwarfs’ cannons boomed, sending waves of destruction through the ranks of the High Elves. But the elves fought back with determination, their arrows finding their mark with deadly accuracy.

For hours, the two sides battled on, neither gaining the upper hand. The Chaos Dwarfs’ heavy armor and powerful spells were a match for the High Elves’ agility and sorcery. But as the sun began to set, the High Elves made a daring charge, their swords and spears flashing in the light.

The Chaos Dwarfs, caught off guard, fell back under the onslaught. It seemed as though the High Elves might finally emerge victorious. But just as they closed in for the kill, the Chaos Dwarfs unleashed a final, devastating barrage from their cannons.

The High Elves’ ranks were decimated, and their morale broke. They turned and fled from the battlefield, leaving the Chaos Dwarfs victorious. But the cost of victory had been high, and the Chaos Dwarfs knew that they would have to pay for their victory in the wars to come.


On most high-ranking ‘blogs’ on Google I now assume by default that they are written by a bot. I think it’s only a matter of time until someone trains a GAN to be able to create hundreds of individual 3D miniatures akin to these art generator web sites.


OK, I am now a bit relieved. Apparently, this is what midjourney thinks a chaos dwarf with blunderbuss looks like. The lower left one is… ehm… I think the recoil explains his expression.


How’s this project going on?


Hello everyone! I was kicked off the hobby due to adulting! Curse you, time!

Now that I am back and have my own 3D printer I have found lots of dumb errors in the mod ls. I had to redo all the scales, for one thing…

But things are moving swiftly now! Here’s a bonus blunderbuss dude too:

Murzak the Myopic

Chaos dwarfs are a proud race, and do not easily confess to frailties or weaknesses. Even so, Murzak, when pressed, will grudgingly admit to being “a little near-sighted” (in reality, he’s as blind as a bat with cataracts).
Rather than hang up his beloved blunderbuss or in any other way admit to his handicap, Murzak has trained a hat-snotling to direct him on the battlefield with squeels and pinches. The little creature, called Skizz by his master, is quite happy with its new and lavish lifestyle (by snotling standards). Not to mention the magnificent vantage point! Skizz is quite loyal, but sometimes falls prey to the temptation of manipulating his optically challenged superior into settling some diminutive score or other. Usually with a mighty blast from his blunderbuss.


A hat-snotling <3 Love it!

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Here are some of my standard answers for when my big hat army will be complete:

-Sometime between The Last Battle and the Day of Doom
-In time for the Winds of Winter
-Before the heat-death of the universe


Good to hear from you again mate and see you pop up on discord. A recent surge of miscreants are assembling a cornucopia of bighat sculpts through-the-ages (Traditional, Zonk, Fab, Fuggit…) and the universal comment is that it won’t be complete without a dose of brawniac the elf mutilator.

The double ball hat blunderbuss reloader, the double recorder musician, and the blunderbutt remain my favorites.


Calling all 3D printerers! I need someone to support me by testing my supports!
I have dm’ed those I know. Feedback or new applicants are much wanted!

This method generates a ludicrous amount of supports and still does not catch all islands (depends on slicing and layer height) but is still better than most I’ve downloaded myself.


One more:


Great sculpts I’d be more than willing to test out your supports for you. I mean I get a great model out of it if it works so yeah


Well done! It’s time myopic dreadlocks bearded big hats get the representation they deserve!

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Hello and really good job, your style it’s really on point, I offer myself to test print too!! I’m on discord too!! Keep up the good work

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