CDO meetup 2022

Looks like the kind of thing we’re looking for! Arrival on Friday and departure on Monday seems to be a reasonable arrangement.



And everyone interested in the future.

With my buddy included we are with 9 potential gamers. That would mean we’d need the 12 person house.

I suggest we pay an advance by the end of this month. This would be the deadline for you to be sure if you want to come or not. I’ll try to find out of we can change the amount of people staying there up until we pay the final bit 6 weeks before the meetup. Fairly sure we can do that.

I’d also suggest paying for the cancelation insurance… just in case. It’s like 60 euros…

I suggest paying through me with PayPal and then I can pay the total sum by then.

EDIT: oh and I also strongly suggest using splitwise for the costs. For those of you that don’t know it, it allows you to create a group of people and you can enter all costs payed by who for who. Meaning if 8 of us pay 1/8 of the advance and I pay 50 euros for food, and then 2 more join us and we pay the rest of the total with the 10 of us splitwise can calculate exactly who ows how much to who. It’s It’s easiest way to keep track of costs made.



Never used splitwise but from your description the other day it seems to make sense!

End of month would be doable for me, allows me to get paid first haha.

Out of interest, If all 9 are coming and paying insurance, what would the deposit be?

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Total 338.19, so that’s about 38 euros, or £32

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And then another 788 by the end of February, being another 87 euros by then, or £66 isch

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Food wise I suggest bbq? I can order a BBQ meat package for like 50 euros that has 5x 10 pieces of meat in it, and then get some vegetarian alternatives on the side for you.

Some bread and stuff for breakfast, snacks and drinks…

Should be too expensive…

I can take a bbq if needed

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That all sounds very good, deposit by the end of the month, cancelation insurance, PayPal split, BBQ, yes to all of that.

Thanks for all your work, mate, much appreciated!

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I’m out, I’m afraid, I’ll be in South Africa celebrating my Wife’s Grandad’s 90th.


I think BBQ is a good idea.

I have a few allergies that count me out from the bread/milk products etc.

I’m happy to pay whatever up front, cancellation insurance is ALWAYS a good idea, and once we’re confirmed the most economic thing for most travellers will be to start looking at what’s possible in transportation.

An issue to be aware of with paypal is they will take a 10% fee from you unless we have the “family and friends” option. It’s been unclear to me why some foreign transactions have F&F and others don’t, so best to test it out first. Happy to help with that if you want to send me a quick cash request to

Also make sure people only pay you in euros so that they pay the cost of conversion, unless you have non-Euro purchases you want to make of course.

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That’s a good reason to miss it though!

Asked for 0.1 euro :slight_smile:

I think the order would be

  • accommodation
  • transport
  • food (taking preferences and allergies into account)
  • hobby necessities
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i think, ignoring the text, it allowed me to do this. but, tell me if you received all 10 cents?

I got 10 cents. So all good I suppose.

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When doing the reservation I need everyone’s first name, last name and age anyway. If we add the PayPal email to that I can send everyone a PayPal request

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Jacques Francis Bottjer - biological age: 31 (mental age 9 and a 1/2)


This is sounding better and better!

Vincent Boosey, I’m 39, relevant email addy is

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You’re forgetting the physical “feels like” age of 56 @Oxymandias

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Hi guys, looks like this is going to happen, very cool! I will definately drop can’t stay for the whole ride (small kids at home), but am happy to come do a sculpting workshop or something and bring around my collection of chaos dwarfs.


Kendall Atcliffe, I’m 32 years old, my email address is, I like playing football with my friends and going to the swimming pool.