Golden Hat XLI: Legendary Lords

Primed my character yesterday. Excited to see everyone’s creations!


I’m starting to work on the base
But might need to postpone it all as I will have to paint some dragon for a friend wedding and it will take long time! Dang!!

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I know a few dragons getting married later this year as well.

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Ran across this beauty in the 7th ed BRB today explicitly calling out for this sort of thing :smile:

Who indeed!


No one ever talks about legendary No Bodies. Guess I’ll have to change that.


I don’t have a brilliant idea yet, maybe a hero / mage on a monster? Or on a palanquin? The main problem is that I already have all these variations and I don’t have the creativity for something completely new at the moment. Let’s see … I might have to borrow “Igor”! :thinking:


My lords WE are being called upon. This time Hashut wants great generals. Great Lords like ourselves are needed. Surely some truly magnificent martial undertaking is planned. When I explained this to Igor he was filled with an enthusiasm I have never seen before. I was rapidly submerged in a deluge of plans and schematics for arms, armour, palanquins, mounts… Great creatures of the Flesh Forges to serve as my steed, Terrifying war machines to carry me into battle. I was deeply touched by his devotion to myself.

Oh, how I would love to follow that call. To stand in the front lines of our new Holy War. To bear the slings and arrows of our enemies. To put my body on the line. To sacrifice my life and soul for our Dark Father. Sadly, sadly I cannot. My duties here are too onerous. My burdens are too numerous and too grievous for me to cast aside. Too many of our people rely on me. I must put their needs before my selfish desires. I must eschew this wonderful chance of martyrdom for Hashut. This decision cuts me to my heart. The melancholy engendered by this decision will, I fear, never leave me. The regret will mark the rest of my poor existence. Oh the trials of power and position! Lucky the lowly soldier who just has to obey!

When I explained this to Igor, I could see how affected he was. My sadness was clearly infectious. He looked utterly crestfallen and crushed. The thought that he would not get to equip me for war, would not get to stand and wave me off to martyrdom was clearly too much for him. I had to try and console him with the thought that we could continue to work together for many years. Sadly, I fear this just seemed to drive his depression deeper. Clearly he feels my loss as keenly as I. No matter. I can use his designs to drive my imagination to create a masterpiece for one of my generals to wear or ride in my stead.

Yours in eternal regret



@Uther.the.unhinged what’s his day rate?


My Dear Lords Zanko and Oxymandias, you do yourselves an injustice. Igor is a mere functionary, an engineer. We are the geniuses that take their paltry ideas and make them sublime. Left to his own devices Igor would merely tinker with existing designs, turn warmachines into monsters of flesh, monsters of flesh into warmachines, twist monsters of flesh into fleshy warmachines and warmachines into machiny monsters of flesh…… where was I? Ah yes. He’s is but a functionary serving our brilliance. Admittedly he could suspend half a Rhinox in formaldehyde, but only we would have the vision (and enjoyment) to cut it in half in the first place!

Trust in yourselves my lords!

Day rates can be negotiated on an individual basis, any damage to the goods is the sole responsibility of the hirer and remuneration is expected at the standard rate for engineers, Uther the Unhinged ltd bears no responsibility for any costs, damages, injuries, mental breakdowns, deaths or daemonic incursions resulting from the hired staff, their actions, inactions, plans, schematics or suggestions. Uther the Unhinged ltd cannot be held responsible for any and all adverse effects upon the structure of reality intended or unintended.Third party insurance is strongly recommended to all clients and can be provided a request.

Please contact our office for further details



I share your dejection and can only understand Igor’s depression! I sincerely hope that you can send a worthy hero to fulfil Hashut’s will. I also wish to fight side by side with you in the distant future to enhance Hashut’s honour and crush our enemies! :smiley:


Adverse, unhinged effects are precisely what a good engineer should be hired for.


This must be a problem in just about every contest in the 20,000 points of chaos dwarfs world of Zanko. We need to add some badge above blackshard as a testament to your continued creative approaches that keep you cranking out models.


@Reaver - Many thanks for the kudos! :hatoff:

I have now recruited 2 possible heroes. Let’s see which of the two it will be in the end … :thinking:


I hope someone makes a Brian Miniature out of this contest


What do you mean by “Brian Miniature”? Is this a specific miniature or a manufacturer / sculptor?

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Its based on an internet person saying " no, ill pass"

:no_entry_sign:No, I’ll Pass :no_entry_sign:

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btw i’m kinda done with the base of the entry, gotta wait for it to dry then ill move up painting
this is gonna be something different and new which i never done before!

i hope i wont fuck it up (as usual behind the scenes) lol


I was going to. But I passed


@Loidrial - what about a blank base with “Brian” written on the rim?

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