Halgar Hellgaze's Doomseekers [2022-08-09] GH XXXIX

Super impressive - and such a massive model! What base-size would that be? What rules are you using for this terrific beast of a war machine?

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I suppose the same base as my hellcannons, 100x150 mm. I’d also proxy it as a hellcannon. I did not need a hellcannon proxy… I have 3… but I liked this model so much!


A really cool model (which I also still want to have) and super painted. So now I have another goal for 2022.

Seems to be the year of the war machines for me anyway.


Terrific model and a great paintjob! :metal: Love it! :smiley:


That is gorgeous. There is just so much talent in this community


is the anzu hollow? like can you paint the inside of the throat?

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The model is hollowed out for printing, but the throat is like this


thats some serious attention to detail


Im really happy you posted this model just before the announcement of the new golden hat ahhahaha


Haha why? As if that’s never happened before (looking at you siege giant comp)


Because this was atleast 2nd place, and i want the 2nd place prize hahahaha

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You don’t know what I’ll be entering…

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The BATG does some weird things with my brain…


Today marks a GREAT day as ive finally painted every chaos dearf i currently own!

42 LKM chaos dwarf warriors done!

More wil undoubtedly be added as i fully intend to joint the ranks of the great among us and get that 10k army blackshard badge!


Thats a grand unit to he proud of. Your chaos dwarves look great en masse , Well done!


The WIP pictures of my GH XXXVIII entry!

This was a beast to print and paint! Look at the size of the rhino’s head compared to a hellcannon crew model!

There were so many parts to print, and many parts means many gaps to fill!

When the mount was complete i primed and painted it while printing the rest. LOOK AT THOSE GAPS!

Proceeding with the print

A look from below i couldn’t capture in the Comp shots.

And the first platform drybrushed.

The main gun and scope.

The murals were done in a similar manner to the ones of the Anzu cannon. I had to resculpt the entire mural where the two halved met because of those gaps.

The crew!

Then finally everything was printed and i could finally see the bigger picture for the first time.

And finally the money shots!


What an absolute unit! Look at that behemoth. I loved it from the moment I saw it. Tremendous work, it screams “Golden Hat”. Love it.

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By the gods, so much work there. Great job on the gap filling, the effort paid off. Rhino belly very underrated view. Nice tones there. Total result is just dam impressive for quality and detail at such a massive scale.

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What an absolute beast! As big as a toddler!
Well done Mike! Your wife must be mad for the amount of Euros to pay on the electricity bill after all this printing!!


Glorious model and awesome centerpiece! Love the model! Great work dude! :beer:

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