So, I started to redesign the Magma Dwarfs aka Chaos Dwarfs
to avoid IP-Problems.
If I can hold the timeline I will start a patreon in march.
I would be glad if you support this project.
For all people who want to print their first Magma Dwarf i make this STL available for free:
If you paint this Miniature I would be glad if you could post a photo here.
This is beautiful @LordKrell - great work!!!
Wow… you guys are making it hard to keep my army somewhat consistent with all these beautiful models… Time for a warband i suppose…
Great model @LordKrell
He is both a big hat and a helm guy. Nice one.
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@LordKrell I like the model so much i am printing it right now… and probably painting it tonight or tomorrow. Not that i’ll do it justice as my paint style is not really suited to oldschool models. But still, ill do my best to motivate you 
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I am really excited to see the result.
Yes, I decided to use a combination of helm and hat at this model to spice thing a little bit up. There will also variants without a helm in the future. 
Due to me not checking the scale because I was in a hurry I printed the cutest little dwarf…
Normal dwarf for scale…
Now printing again, with some of @Fabelzel models to fill the build plate.
@MichaelX so jealous of your ability to print man. When my hobby room is done I’ll have to catch you up somehow haha.
Still first print looks great. Did this and fabelzels need much supporting?
To be honest. … I was extremely lazy and just autosupported the lot 
They don’t seem too complex so don’t think so 
I’ll post pics tomorrow (and if succesful i can share the photon/chitu files…)
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Bring Your Beardling to Battle Day

So I printed this lot overnight and there are some issues. The supports bases had split which I never experienced before, but I suspect its because the temperature in my attic print room dropped to 5 degree celcius last night… this caused some small failures the models. I might add some extra supports there…
See the missing goblin foot and the flat part on the dwarfs arm.
No issues with @LordKrell s model, but he’s pretty compact so that helps.
@LordKrell the model looks amazing in the flesh!!!
@MichaelX ive had this before. Where the base kind of flakes apart and splits. Really odd failure isn’t it.
Yes it is, i THINK it has to do with temperature. Because the resin becomes a lot less viscous when cold and this causes different behaviour. A simple way to test this would be to move my printer downstairs and print the same file again.
Anyway, when they are dry ill do a primer and zenital and post another picture here.
nice prints. I made mine support free to make printing easy. Glad to hear that he even print at low temperature. 
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I think support free is a good choice @LordKrell especially for smaller scale models.
I am finally ready to deliver the first unit of Magma Dwarfs to you. I will sell the stls on Gumroad and I start with the Magma Dwarf Warrior Unit. This includes 6 stripes of Magma Dwarfs (unsupported + pre-supported). Additionally this includes all Magma Dwarfs as single models (19 models, 17 support free and two of them in a pre-supported and an unsupport variant.
I would be very happy if you support this project.

Bought and downloaded! I hope I can print these when the temperature aroudn my printer gets above freezing again ;p